F21 top, Mexx skirt (last seen here), Lilliana pumps (last seen here) / Aldo booties (last seen here), unknown belt, Givenchy fishnets, Suzy necklace & various bangles

I used to plan outfits around my shoes, but in the past year that has changed.  Now I tend to pick the shoes last (unless I have a new pair that I want to rock purposely) and sometimes I an indecisive; case in point, the outfit above.  

I couldn't decide on the girly ruffle pumps or the edgier wedge booties.  I ended up going with my plain black pumps (the ol' tried 'n' true) as I wanted something feminine and while I love those Lilliana pumps above, they don't stay on my feet very well when I'm walking around (which I do a fair amount of at work).

Which look do you prefer?

I went to Dollarama last night for one thing: a paint brush.  

I left with five things: a paint brush and these four wicked rings.  

Yes, these rings are from the Dollarama and they were $2 bucks each.  What!  Run, don't walk, to your nearest and dearest Dollarama to score some (they had other colours too!).

My weekend was really good, it was filled with food (tons of it), a movie (Moneyball), sleeping in times two, late nights, more food, organizing, and spending time with favourite people.  Oh, and I got some laundry done; four of seven loads, which means there is still more.

1.  My sister's puppy is getting bigger.
2.  Late night snack sesh.
3.  &  4.  My grandparents gave me this gold mirror, I (spray) painted it silver.
5.  &  6.  Food at my sister's place for wedding DIY Saturday (her fiance made the caramel-covered-pretzels. What! I know.)
7.  Twinsies!  (total fluke)
8.  Putting my new lacquered boxes into action.

A cute tag is going around the blogosphere and while I haven't done one in a while, Danielle tagged me, so why not?

1. How did your parents come up with your name?  They had friends who had named their daughter that a few years earlier, never heard it before, and loved it.
2.Do you typically get your nails done or do them yourself?  I do them myself to save money but I love getting them done.
3. Do you leave the house without makeup on?  No.  Always some mascara, at the very least.
4. Silver or Gold?  Both but I tend toward silver more.
5. Where would you like to go on your next vacation?  Carribean, Europe or Thailand.
6. Name one thing on your bucket list.  Travel to Europe.
7. What is your favorite feature (eyes, smile, etc)?  Hmmm... teeth?
9. Do you use sarcasm a lot?  I frequently wish there was a sarcasm font.  Does that answer the question?
10. What is the first thing that you notice about someone?  Hair + shoes.
11. What is your favorite food and/or dessert?  Baked pasta, steak, buffalo chicken fingers and pie (hands down).

Anyone else want to join the fun?  Answer the same q's and link back in the comments so I can read your answers.

If you have other questions, my Formspring account is all ears.
There's a ghost in my office... 

Today I'm heading to my sister's place.  She is getting married in September and I am the Maid of Honour (MOH).  

Today we will be working on the centre pieces.  Not sure if I'm allowed to divulge any information on here but they are a definite DIY and very time consuming.  

The other bridesmaids will be there and the bride-to-be has promised us copious amounts of wine and snacks to get through the night.  

Have a great Saturday!

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