Outfit deets:
* Joe Fresh trench jacket, seen before with a dress and tights.
* Le Chateau sweater (new!).
* Alfred Sung skirt (old).
* Aldo wedges.
* Accessories:  H&M bangle, Swarovski bangle, Suzy Shier necklace & Urban Expressions purse.

Outfit deets:
* Forever 21 jacket (which is more of a burgundy colour than the reddish tone it's showing up in these photos) that I picked up the day before my trip to Dominican and it's finally warm enough to wear it now.
* American Eagle sweater cardigan which you've seen with white skinnies (kind of love this post) & a black/white combo outfit.
* Joe Fresh chiffon top which you've seen with different denim last summer.
* Foxy jeans (see when I purchased them years back) that you've seen with a cognac leather jacket and with my fave snood.  These are cool jeans because they are super long and slightly boot cut at the bottom so they always cover half my foot.
* Aldo wedges.
* Accessories:  Ardène clutch, Gucci sunglasses, H&M bar necklace, The Bay turquoise necklace, F21 horn necklace & various bangles/bracelets.

Happy Tuesday!

Last night I spent hours upon hours re-filming my next Place d'Orleans vlog.  I set aside the entire day Sunday to prep, film and edit and used all my hours only to start editing the footage--which took over an hour to import--and realize the lighting was terrible and I was out of focus the entire time.  Ugh.  So frustrating when you think you're being productive for, oh, seven hours or so, and you're not. 


I rushed home yesterday after work to re-film while there was still some daylight left, spent hours working into the night editing and sent it off this morning.  I'm really pleased with how it turned out, and even though I had to re-film, the final results were worth it because I was really unhappy with my first cut.  I'll share the video here (as always), once it goes live.

Here's a funny/awkward story: while taking these pictures--alone--this young guy and his girlfriend pulled up, rolled down the window and asked if I was okay.  I told them I was fine, and they proceeded to stay parked exactly where they were about four parking spots away from me and watch me.  I'm serious.  They didn't leave, so finally after a good 10 minutes, I hoped in my car and drove away.  Gawd!  Can't a girl take a freakin' photo (or 20) of herself without being creeped on?
Outfit deets:
* American Eagle men's button down (on sale!) which I showed in my PDO Hottest Spring Trends vlog (I'm wearing a size small).
* Stitches neon skirt which I wore a ton last summer and will again this summer.
* Aldo wedges (new!) which you've seen with distressed denim and also in a different PDO Spring Trends vlog.
* Accessories:  Gucci shades, F21 bangle, Aldo leather cuff, BCBG 'Picses' beaded bracelet, Suzy Shier leather strap & F21 bangle.

Happy Thursday!

I'm so excited to share with you guys that I finally welcomed myself to 2013 by getting an Inernet connection for home. 

I know.

Since moving to my apartment in October 2011, I've pirated a connection and when that ran out, I started tethering my iPhone to my laptop for about a year.  Unfortunately, this stopped working many months ago (not sure why).  I've found ways around it, but it's certainly not ideal and I had researched getting Internet at home a while back, but the set up and modem and whatever else you need was pricey and I didn't want to bite the bullet (what?! Weirdo.).  Anyways, it's done and I'm hooked up and I'm just so, so excited.  Seems weird for someone who is as in love with social media as I, but there you have it.

On top of that, this was one of the rare days I did not have a commute shoe (or boot, for winter).  I normally wear flats into work and then change into my heels, but on this day, I wore my heels everywhere (to and from work and for a stop in at the grocery store.  Booyah).  Granted, these are a wedge and wedges that are comfortable to walk in and my foot stays put.  I used to wear heels everywhere, even for shopping, but now I cannot be bothered (which makes me feel a little sad and like I'm 'letting myself go', but then I remember that I can't be bothered).  It is a rare day if I'm out running errands in heels; I just love being comfortable, especially in my footwear. 

This is as close as I'm getting to the chambray trend because I. Don't. Like. It.  Okay fine, it's growing on me.  Truth is, I purchased a chambray button down almost four years ago when the trend trickled into stores, wore it once, tried dying it darker, it didn't work out and I donated it.  Since then, I've been off the bandwagon and the trend has only been growing.  I know, I know, 'You can pair it with everything!' but it's not for me.

Watch me bite my tongue in a month.

Outfit deets:
* Old Navy blouse (purchased in November; available in maternity HERE) with Smart Set cami underneath.
* H&M skinny denim which you've seen with OTK boots (when I first purchased them two years ago), with a dolphin top (a favourite post!) and also with .  On a side note, these are one of my fanciest denim, and I love 'em but they barely have any stretch which makes them pretty uncomfortable.
* Aldo suede wedges which you've seen with
*Accessories: J.Crew bubble necklace.

Today is the day, you guys! Today is the day I'm (supposed) to be buying my car (eep!).  I'm so excited and provided everything pans out, I will be driving her tomorrow; so so soo excited!  I'll keep you posted!

Outfit deets:
* H&M cheetah top (seen back in 2010 in an outfit I still love) with lace Ardene bandeau underneath.
* H&M waxed pants which you've seen with hi-top wedge sneakers, also with a cardigan and cap-top heels (a fave) and a printed top and nude wedges.
* Aldo wedges that are a fave (and old) seen last with a skirt and hunt green chiffon top.
* Accessories:  MK watch, Aldo belt (super old) & three Suzy snake necklaces looped together & held with a hoop earring at the back to create a shorter, chunky necklace.

Hey everyone!  Just popping in to share my New Years Resolution (yes, I'm a little late to the party, but I wasn't planning on creating any resolutions so here here!).

Since I'm a natural 'saver', as we've discussed before, I thought my NY Resolution should be to post more spontaneously.  So often I have ideas for posts or pictures to use, and I don't.  I save the idea, I save the pictures, thinking I will use them at a later date, or for when I experience bloggers-block etc. and often the idea gets lost, the pictures are then out-dated (at least to me) and I'm wishing I had just used them in the first place.

Additionally, sometimes I'm afraid to put too much out there, for you guys to be like, 'Ugh, it's enough, too many social media outlets!' but then again, when I think of the bloggers I like to follow, the more pictures, posts and sharing of their life, the better!

So, officially, post with more abandonnment.  Here goes nothing!

This is a shot from when I got home; waxed pants + slipper booties, epic combo.

Have you checked out Vine yet?  It's a new social media app, similar to Instagram (on steroids), but it plays looping videos of about five seconds long.  It's quickly blowing up and of course, being a social media lovah, I jumped on (and was happy to see many of my favourite bloggers using it too). 

I have only managed to post one video thus far but I think this weekend will prove to hold some fun videos.  You can find me under ACoest1984 (like everything else).
Outfit deets:
* Old Navy jacket (old) last seen with black skinnies (in a favourite outfit post) & again with a dress (and the same colour scheme as the skinnies post).
* Mexx top (new!).
* Target pants from my trip to Florida (haul video).
* Spring boots which you've seen in my Bundling Up video.
* Aldo purse which you've seen in my Fall Fashion video.
* Accessories:  H&M scarf & Aldo fingerless gloves.

Ready for winter?  Well not quite, but is anyone ever really ready?

Holy crap you guys, Christmas is a week away and I'm on a major time crunch to finish my shopping.  I am definitely getting there but still need a few more things.  Also the wrapping.

Ugh, the wrapping.
Does anyone out there actually enjoy wrapping 46 gifts in a row?  I mean, one or two, or seven even... but multiples of tens?  No thanks.  It's a miniature nightmare to me. But alas, it must be done and so while I could start my wrapping now, I'll likely leave it to the last minute and then kick myself for doing so. 

Does anyone else feel like Christmas is coming too quick?  I certainly do.  I almost wish December was two-months long (ha, that doesn't really make sense, but you get me... right?  I hope?... Crickets?  Anyone?) so I could really prepare and get in the holiday spirit for longer, pre-Christmas.  I love this time of year, the hustle and bustle, the music, the parties, the shopping and more.  I always get so sad when Christmas is over... the big build up and boom, it's done.  Wah wah.  

I'm blabbering and I should be wrapping, so with that, have a wonderful December day! xo
Outfit deets:
* Urban Behaviour jacket (old).
* A.Co Designs top which you have seen with white skinnies, a leopard skirt/circle vest combo & a circle scarf I made, worn as a skirt (a fave outfit post).  I made this top myself and love it, definitely in the top 10 from my closet.
* Seduction jeans (old) seen with a belted white top & in a another fave outfit post with over-the-knee boots.
* Accessories:  Ardene pashmina, F21 Bangle, A.Co Designs bracelet, Good Works leather wrap bracelet & Gucci sunnies.

I'll admit, I took these photos about a month ago and never got to posting them; hence the beautiful fall leaves and colours.  We certainly don't have any leaves left on trees anymore and while I was hoping to capture more of the fall colours in outfit posts, it seems by the time I would leave work, it was dark out and I'd missed the opportunity (these were taken on my lunch break one day). 

And so, here we are in December, with Christmas quickly approaching and as I look outside it's slowly started to snow, large fluffy flakes that are coming down sparse, but slowly speeding up.  Winter is here, despite the mild temperatures we've experienced the past few days.  Some people wish for snow, but not me.  I'm not a fan of the cold and while I love snow on Christmas, if it melted shortly thereafter and I'd be fine with it.

Speaking of the holidays, does anyone have any Christmas parties to go to?  I have my work Christmas luncheon this Friday and a party next Saturday night (which I'm so excited for because it has been years since I've been to a real, night-time Christmas party! Eep!).  What is everyone wearing?  Dress? Skirt/Top combo? Pants?

Outfit deets:
* Dynamite top (from my first vlog) which you've also seen in bright azule (and something I picked up for my 'Wardrobe Classics', vlog).
* H&M waxed pants (from my trip to Vegas) which you have seen with a thick grey cardigan.
* Aldo wedges (old) that are a staple for me.  Seen also with a pretty printed dress (that no longer fits me; wah!), pink denim pants (a favourite outfit post) and a neon green-yellow sundress.
* Accessories:  MK watch, Aldo necklace & Suzy bracelet.

Happy Friday!

I'm so excited for the weekend.  I have a date tonight which I am stoked for.  Tomorrow is a sleep-in day and relaxing and then my BFF's sister's stag in the evening.  Sunday is open for now, but that likely won't last (and there is always Dexter, of course, on Sunday nights).

Have a super weekend!

Outfit deets:
* Winners top.
* Vigoss jeans (via Alloy) that I love because they come in a 37" inseam & last seen almost three years ago with a classic trench.
* Aldo wedges.
* Accessories:  Club Monaco scarf & Aldo clutch.
(This outfit is actually from early spring last year and I never used it, I'd totally rock this look for fall though).

I love living in the city.  It's been just over a year since I moved out of the suburbs and into an urban area and it's been great.  I love being close to work, downtown, shops and stores and how easy it is to get together with my other city-living friends. 

So while taking a walk on my lunch break the other day, around the neighbouring neighbourhoods, I was shocked when I felt a little sad about no longer living in suburbia.  Surely I couldn't be pining for a lawn and garden to keep up with, not to mention all that extra space a house holds that needs to be kept clean?  But yet I was and I envisioned back to what life was like with a yard, and space, and multiple rooms (a far cry from the one-bedroom apartment I now call home). 

Then a moment of anxiety set in: will I grow tired of city living before my new condo is ready?  Will I wish I was moving back to the quiet subdivisions I always knew and loved?


And the moment was dashed because I know one day, when I'm ready, I will eventually move back to the outskirts of the city, where there is still bustle, but is is less congested and where I will have more space, and a lawn, and a garden and separate living rooms... and besides, I really hate gardening anyways.
Outfit deets:
* Zara sweater (with La Senza bandeau underneath) which you've seen in a cream colour with a black skirt and also with my chartreuse lace ruffle shorts.
* H&M pants, worn in the same spot two years ago with white and wedges again (and one of my favourite outfit posts).
* Aldo wedges (love these) which you've seen with a hunter green chiffon top & skirt recently and with denim and an unbuttoned button-down.
* Accessories:  H&M belt, MK watch, A.Co Designs bracelet, Suzy necklace, Gucci shades & random bangle.

Do you ever feel like you're running on half a tank?  That's pretty much how I've been feeling for the last three weeks or so.  It's been busy, to say the least with my trip to Vegas and then my sister's wedding.  Additionally work has been crazy and I stayed two hours late Monday through Wednesday last week.  Throw a personal life into the mix and half a tank feels more like a quarter tank.

Tonight is exciting though; I'm heading to the mall where I am the new Fashion Vlogger and we are going to be filming a b-roll for my upcoming videos.  This will be the little 'intro' that goes at the beginning of each haul video I produce, which is pretty cool.  My first haul video will be up soon and it will include all the items I purchased during the shop-off challenge that I competed in and that ultimately won me the contest!  I can't wait to share with you all.

In other news, I've joined a volleyball league with some friends that plays on Thursdays and I'll be starting tomorrow.  I'm kind of nervous.  It's been three years since I played organized volleyball so not sure how my skills are going to hold up!

Hope you're all having a great week!

Outfit deets:
* Urban Planet top (new & purchased during the shop off for the Vlogger contest).
* Smart set cami.
* Dynamite ruched tube top worn as a skirt.
* Aldo wedges (last year but still available!) which you have seen with denim skinnies.
* Accessories: Aldo rose gold leaf necklace, Gucci shades & MK Watch.

Life is cray cray (crazy) right now & I feel like I'm going a mile a minute!  

Sorry for the lack in blog posts this week thus far, I haven't even done my Weekend Recap yet despite having an amazing and busy weekend because I wanted to post about winning the Vlogging Contest first and farmost and I seriously am running from one thing to the next!

Work has been nuts, my personal life has been hectic and I still haven't packed my bags for Sin City yet (and um, we fly out at 6am tomorrow... less than 24 hours!).

I will be bringing my laptop with me to Vegas in hopes to stay in touch and promise to have some fun stuff lined up for next week (and my sister is getting married next weekend too!  Eep!).

Outfit deets:
* Zara sweater (new!) which I posted on Instagram and seen in my Zara haul video.
* Dynamite tube top worn as a skirt.
* La Senza bandeau (old).
* Aldo wedges which have been loved, and loved, and loved.  They are two years old and I've worn them with a grey pencil skirt & thin knit teal sweater, also with a top and skirt I made myself (a favourite post, actually) when these shoes were brand new, with a navy blue dress and lastly with a gauzy, draped vest I made.
* Accessories: Mexx necklace, F21 bangle, Gucci shades & A.Co Designs bracelet with charms.

I want to talk about confidence and being secure in yourself.  I think many people think these things come from having a perfect body, nice clothes and lots of money.  While these things help, they don't create confidence.

Confidence, self-assurance and being secure in yourself come from within.  It doesn't matter how big your muscles are (boys), or how thin your thighs are (girls).  In fact, sometimes these things are a pure facade for insecurities.  It's important to keep in mind what is important; kindness, honesty, and being true to yourself.  

The best confidence builder?  I think it's personal achievements and accomplishments.  Whether it's getting a good mark in school, praise from your boss for doing a good job, learning something new (and rocking it!) or simply doing something that pushes you outside your comfort zone.

Doing it on your own is key.

Being handed things is nice, and easy, but does it give you confidence?  Does it assure you, internally, that you could have achieved it on your own?

The answer is often no.

Proving to yourself, first of all, and then others, that you are capable is what will boost your confidence.  Don't do it for anyone else but yourself, others will notice when you are least expecting them to, and that, that makes it all the more gratifying.

Have you pushed yourself outside your comfort zone lately to build confidence?  If not, do it before the week is over.  Set one or two goals and go for it!  What is the worst that could happen?

Here are my goals for this week:
* Go on the scariest slide at the water park (that I really don't want to do!).  COMPLETE.
* Meet someone new.
* Make my new boss feel confident he can count on me just after a short six days of working together.
* Play in a baseball tournament and actually make an effort to catch the (scarily fast) ball (that is coming towards me.  Eep!).

Outfit deets:
* H&M dress (worn as a top) which I purchased in Toronto almost two years ago.
* H&M pants that you've seen with wedge boots and a sweater and when I dressed up as an Elf at Christmas.
* Kelsi Dagger wedges that I wore with a skirt and new specs.
* Accessories:  Aldo belt, Walmart necklace & Joe Fresh bangle.

I feel like I have some serious writer's block right now.  What to talk about... what to talk about...

 Outfit deets:
* Dynamite skirt (old).
* Aldo wedges which I've had for years and these are my second pair.  I DIY studded the first pair I owned.
* Accessories: A.Co Designs necklace & bracelet, Old Navy bangle & Gucci shades.

Outfit deets:
* Costa Blanca top that I've had for at least three years but only ripped off the tags when I went to put it on for this evening (I told you I'm a saver).
* A.Co Designs / DIY maxi skirt (wearing for the first time!) that I made myself and is long enough to wear with heels (do you know how hard it is to find a long enough maxi skirt, let alone one that works for me in heels?  Next to impossible.)
* Liliana wedges (old) which you have seen with a smoke pencil skirt and light pink, and a similar combo of grey denim and light pink, and also with black skinnies & a white leather jacket
* Accessories: Auslini bangles & Suzy earrings and ring.

This has been such a busy week, and I love it.  I'm still fighting a terrible cold that I came down with last week, but no matter, hopefully with some good rest this long weekend, I will be better for Tuesday.

I'm so looking forward to the long weekend.  Tonight my bestie and I are getting pedicures after work and then her super sweet and generous hubby is taking us out for dinner to continue her birthday celebrations (we were in kahoots and threw her a big surprise party on Wednesday night, this is the outfit I wore).  

Tomorrow I'm meeting up with my high-school friend who is in town for the weekend, for brunch.  Tomorrow night will be another evening out with my favourite girls to carry on birthday celebrations.  

The rest of the weekend is pretty open, except for a family dinner one evening, which is great because something always tends to come up and if it doesn't, more time to sew, blog, clean, do laundry or simply sit around and relax.

Have a great weekend!

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