Have you seen this Yigal Azrouel New York 'Washed Leather Jacket' before?  I thought I had died and went to heaven until I saw the hefty $875 price tag... to which I realized I was in quite the opposite of heaven.  A truly covet-able piece.
 Urban Behaviour cardigan, H&M dress (worn as a top & last seen here), 
Zara pants, Guess shoes (last seen here) Suzy necklace & Stitches ring

 I have this thing I do when getting dressed in the mornings.  First, if I can't find anything to wear, I rip apart my three closets throwing clothes all over the floor or any piece of furniture that has a flat surface.  I then consider I should just wear all black, but before admitting defeat, I pull more clothes out, try them on before discarding them to the floor (aka the black hole) and becoming more frantic.  Finally, when I'm about 20 minutes late for work, I go back to the idea of pulling strictly black pieces from the closets, quickly steam them and run out the door.  Then again, there are always the days when I just want to wear all black and make it to work early.  Wait.  Make it to work early?  Who am I kidding, that doesn't happen.

Have you used Groupon before?  There are many different companies teaming up and offering great deals at their restaurants, stores and spas (and more).  A few months ago I got my daily email notification letting me know what the day's Groupon was and it was a $50 American Apparel gift card for $25!  I quickly forwarded the email to my sister (we both love AA) and snatched one up for myself.  Of course I sat on it for months and with just one week till it expires, I finally got my butt in gear and made some purchases.  I picked up the double-u dress in white (which I have in green) and the shiny ruched front tube bra in silver (I have to be honest though and say I was interested in this but they didn't have any).  Both of which are with me in Florida as we speak.

We went out to breakfast on the weekend to one of our regular spots (Cora's) and had a delicious breakfast (and by breakfast I pretty much mean breakfast food at lunch because we like to sleep in and didn't get there till after noon). Sometimes I don't like going to Cora's because the service can be so-so and the food isn't always hot, however, the selection of food is excellent (when it's hot) and this time in particular we had the sweetest woman as our server which made the experience that much better.  I had the two egg breakfast (with bacon, hash-browns and toast) and then treated myself to a chocolate-banana crepe afterwards (so yummy).  Sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't, but it's always very nostalgic when I do because husband ordered one for us when we first started dating after we were done eating our breakfast.  I thought it was kind of strange getting 'dessert' after breakfast but soon learned it was far from strange and strictly awesomeness.

 Random fact:  I don't really drink coffee but love the coffee here.  So much so that I had three cups.  Three.

I'm off to Florida today and I couldn't be more excited.  Well, I guess I could if hubs was coming with me, that's sad and I'm pretty sure when we say goodbye I might be a complete mess.  Better break out the water proof mascara.  

I spent hours (yes, hours) planning and packing.  It's kind of annoying, but, at least my outfits are styled and I didn't just throw a million things into my suitcase and call it a vacation.  The last trip I took was to Toronto and it was for an extended weekend but I planned everything out and it worked out really well.  I was determined to do that again however, planning for a full week (with temperamental weather) is a bit trickier (hence why it took so long).  I put together 12 looks and added a few random pieces in just in case.  I think I'm finally ready and just need to throw my carry-on bag together, pack my toiletries and I'll be on my way.  By this evening I'll be stepping off the plane into complete weather bliss.  Goodbye snow, hello beach!

The suits

I wasn't planning on packing six pairs of shoes but I think this works.  I styled all the outfits with shoes which was helfpul.  The three pairs of heels are all wedges, and personal faves.

Accessories - was planning on sticking to strictly silver and ended up with a lot more gold.

The things you didn't see:  
* workout clothes 
(um, yeah, who am I again?  I'm actually planning on working out while on vacation? Weirdo, but, I think the absence of hubs will give me time to go running on the beach... we'll see how ambitious this actually is.)
* black leather jacket, denim jacket & tan leather jacket 
(this was hard to narrow it down to just three and I need the black one in order to go on my Dad's motorcycle should I choose to accompany him and my mom to Daytona Bike Week)
* sweatpants, leggings x2, sweat skirt, terry shorts & a denim skirt

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