I wanted to start off by saying thank you so much for all your amazing feedback and comments on the Reader Survey. There was a ton of love, and I so appreciate and love you guys so much. I was expecting a lot of of constructive criticism, to be honest, but it was a lot of helpful suggestions and great insight.
A huge thing that was mentioned by the majority was the desire for more personal posts. I love sharing parts of life here, but like I've mentioned before, it can sometimes be hard to open up on the Internet. However, I want to connect with you girls on a deeper level than just clothes and shoes, and so I will be sharing way more this year from beefing up the Weekend Snaps, to random daily happenings to vlogging everyday life and more.
Your feedback has sparked excitement in me and I feel really motivated to create some fun posts moving forward, and I'm so grateful for the time you took to fill out the survey; it means a lot, and I appreciate every word you wrote.
With that, I wanted to answer some specific comments that came up frequently and share a little more of what 2017 has in store for us.
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Happy weekend!
One of my favourite things about the weekend is sleeping in. If I could sleep in everyday, I would. Not till a ridiculous hour, just till 9am or 10am... okay, maybe 11am every now and again. I love to slowly get up, make a coffee and tuck into my favourite YouTube channels or read my favourite blogs. Just savour that quiet morning, in my house coat and relax. Then I'll usually dive into some work and create content for the blog before heading out for the day.
That said, lately I've been feeling a little blah, and after digging a little deeper, I'm feel like I don't really know what you girls want to see here. I love sharing snaps of my life, outfits and fun stuff like that, but sometimes it's hard to know exactly what you're looking for without asking.
This month marks A.Co est. 1984's seventh year and there have been a lot of changes. When I started blogging, it was about fashion, then it moved towards a more personal aspect of my life, keeping the fashion but adding more lifestyle. I had always wanted to bring back the fashion side, and do feel like I've accomplished that since last April by bringing on a photographer. I know you guys love the outfits too, but also love the personal insights into everyday real life. Admittedly, I had started to shy away from getting too personal as this space has grown because... well, sometimes people aren't the kindest and it can be hard to know where to draw the line.
We all know Instagram is a huge highlight reel of everyone's life, and I feel way more connected to you on here and Snapchat, simply because I can put words to the photos or get real with you when I'm cleaning my embarrassingly messy closet, or just hanging out without make-up on (but seriously, thank gawd for those filters).
Ultimately, I wanted to ask you what you want to see on the blog. You're the ones that keep me going and blogging wouldn't be half the fun if I didn't have you, my online friends, to connect and chat with. I'm hoping hearing your comments, suggestions and opinions will help spark the excitement back into me. I want this to be a space you love to come check out each morning with your coffee, or scroll through when you get a quick afternoon break.
If that's something that interests you, I'd love for you to fill out the survey below (linked here) and I look forward to reading your feedback and creating some brand new, awesome content for 2017!
A few weeks ago I had a really bad day.
Like, really bad.
One that ensued multiple sessions of tears and I just felt emotionally drained. I briefly touched on it in a blog post and someone scoffed commenting something along the lines of, 'Yeah, like your life is so stressful'.
I wanted to talk about this today because like anyone else, I have heartache, emotional ups and downs and while things might look just rosy here, it's not like that all day, err day.
So yes, I had a horrible day, and I cried and it sucked. I vented to my friends, to Marco and had to ride the wave until I decided to push it out of my mind for the next couple days and try to enjoy that weekend.
I'm sharing this because while I try to keep it pretty positive here, there are definitely days where I wake up and kind of just want to stay in bed. I'm not going to post misery and negative rants on here because that's not what you come here for, and that's not really me. I want to share enjoyable experiences, a cool shopping find I'm loving or mini success moments in hopes it inspires someone. I love hearing that you enjoy coming here and hanging out--I know for me, reading blogs is a big happiness part of my day, every day.
All that aside, I want you to know that you are important, and good, and special and we all experience pain and sorrow in our lives, and you are not alone. I have been so low before it felt I would never feel happy again. I have had a hard time picking myself up, getting dressed, and just leaving my apartment. A hard time talking to someone, anyone, without crying. Being so low I could barely crack a smile.
The best part? It was temporary, all pain is. So, if you're having bad day, a bad week, a bad month, or maybe it feels like this just isn't your year, I'm sending you a BIG HUG through the Internet. A big, freaking bear hug. You don't have to smile today, maybe not tomorrow, but know that your smile will soon return, naturally and this too, shall pass.
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What are you up to this weekend? Marco got home last night from a business trip so I'm excited to hear about it and spend some time together. Today is also my good friend's 30th birthday and we're going to celebrate tomorrow by spending the afternoon together; we are torn between berry picking, a petting zoo or shopping--a very vast selection--so we'll see what happens.
On top of that, great feedback on the Let's Chat topic this week--that was fun and I enjoyed reading your comments, so thank you! I'd like to keep the posts going every Wednesday so please feel free to suggest any topics or ideas you have.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Change into your workout clothes as soon as you get home.
I heard this from a coworker and I thought I would share. I've been trying it myself, it's uber simple, and it really works!
I usually want to throw on comfy clothes upon walking in the door from work, so why not make it workout clothes? From there, you set the tone that you are going to the gym. Maybe not for a couple hours, but you're sub-conciously telling yourself it will happen today.
Try it today and then come back and tell me if it worked for you too.
Hello! I just wanted to quickly pop in and say thanks for all the kind birthday wishes on the weekend--I had a wonderful day on Saturday and will share more, including weekend snaps later today.
I spent all afternoon on Sunday filming my next Place d'Orleans video, and then six hours editing it all together until almost midnight. The picture above is a screen shot from the video! Needless to say, I'm a little pooped today and didn't get a chance to compile my recap for this morning. Rest assured, it's coming.
As far as a quick condo update, I'm still not fully unpacked, which feels a little bit chaotic, but I want to enjoy my down time at the same time. So a little chaotic, a little lazy, it will get done within the coming days. Other than that, the place is wonderful and waking up here is so lovely--minus the non existent curtains, ugh. I've been using an eye mask to block out the early morning light. I've done more loads of laundry than I can count because I don't have to go down to the sketchy basement anymore. I've also happily filled and emptied the dishwasher #simplepleasures #lifeisgood.
Hope you all had a great weekend, and can someone please send some warm weather this way? We are sitting at -32C today which makes me wince--please Spring, hurry up!
Oh, and Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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Today I am 30. A new decade! A milestone--from what everyone is telling me. I'm not sure I'm ready but I guess we are here now. I love my birthday--and birthdays in general--so here are a few thoughts on turning the big 3-0.
First off, social media love; Facebook, tweets, texts and more. That feels pretty freaking awesome and my grandparents called and sang to me over the phone. This is a once-a-year occasion and I'm going to revel in it.
Does 30 mean old? Remember when we were young, and 30 was like, geezer status? But, the older you get, the younger the 'older' ages seem. Thus, from my calculations, 30 does not equal old.
Life is good. I am living in an awesome place, I have a job, a car, more shoes than anyone should have (um), loving friends and family, and a wonderful man (who is currently making me brunch)--it's taken a while to get here but it's nice to reflect and realize, yeah! Things are pretty nice.
I've noticed as I've celebrated birthdays over the years, my priorities have shifted, slowly. Birthday used to be about presents, and now birthday wishes, hugs or friends spending time with me feels like present enough. I'm not going to say I don't enjoy receiving gifts, who doesn't, but those material things don't seem as important anymore. Having people want to come to my birthday party, or writing a poem, or even a simple card--those mean so much more.
I hear when you turn 30 you care less about what people think, and have more of a 'no bullsh*t' attitude. I will always be polite, kind and friendly, but sometimes, especially as women, we take too many things to heart. It's important to be kind to yourself, not let others bring you down and focus on the people who matter most in your life, right? Right. Okay, so, anytime now 30.
From what I hear, 40 is the new 20, so does that mean 30 is the new 10? Bring on adolescence!
I also hear that your thirties are way better than your twenties--of course, coming from my expert friends who are already in that age bracket, so I'll take their word for it.
I can legally drink! Oh wait...
Lastly though, in all seriousness, and not to get all cheese on you, I grateful to be here, writing this post--hey, I made it to 30! Although I don't wake up everyday and count my blessings like I should, because 'real life' gets in the way, I am excited to celebrate this day & so happy you are here on this adventure with me. To the next decade!
Photos taken last month during my early family birthday dinner.
I'm living in a bit of a chaotic mess, currently, but that's kind of expected with move day only four days away, right?
Four days you guys!
I'm so freaking excited, but did have a big of an ugly-cry-meltdown in front of Marco on Monday night. I like to keep it real here so I think with all the happiness and excitement, the stress of moving and such a big change was suppressed and it just bubbled up quickly and had to come out. That said, I feel so much better and understood and just, ready.
So we've had a few hiccups this week, with regards to the move but I'm trying to stay positive. Basically we were all set to move in this coming Sunday and have been advised that we are not allowed to move on the weekend, according to the condo Property Manager. Additionally, we have to pay a fee to move in--does this sound ridiculous to you? It sounds a little ridiculous to me. However, chins are up because ultimately this is exciting and by this time next week I'll be moved in with a glass of wine in hand (likely while continuing to unpack, ha).
I have been doing some slow packing this week, and am taking a load to the consignment shop tonight, which will get rid of some of the clutter. I have five garbage bags sitting in my front foyer to be donated and a kitchen that hasn't been touched, as far as packing goes.
However, I've packed up more than half my clothes, most of my decor and trinkets, and shoes. I feel like when you start packing though, you realize how much more you have than you thought. So, in a sense I feel like I'm doing good with the packing, but know I have a ways to go. With that, the next few days are open and dedicated to packing. C'mon Monday, I'm excited for you!
Hey guys, sorry for the radio silence these past couple days; I'm at home sick and really not feeling like doing much but laying in bed watching Netflix--not that I should be doing much, as rest is needed to get better.
Moving around is unpleasant so I mainly go between my bedroom and the kitchen to grab food, which I cannot taste, I might add. I have a terrible sinus cold and this is such bad timing because I'm moving in less than two weeks and have so much packing to do. I know I mentioned last Friday I was running on empty and as it turns out, my body has had enough. It's physically now telling me to slow the f down and rest.
And so, I'm resting, which is boring but needed. I did finish the first season of Orange is the New Black (holy finale!) and going to start the next season as soon as I finish the movie, Kids with Friends. Netflix is my saviour!
I've got Buckley's, an Internet connection and lots of tea & snacks. Thanks for being patient while I'm being a patient and stay tuned for those weekend snaps I promised you.
I'm running on a close-to-empty tank. I've been go go go for a couple weeks now, barely stopping to take a breath. While I love being busy, and almost wanted this, I'm having a hard time getting a breath in edge wise.
Between my two jobs at work, Styling clients in the evening and weekend, maintaining my blog and YouTube channel, the closet sale, shooting for upcoming posts and another feature with Clearly Contacts, and trying to purge and pack for an impending move that is happening in just over two weeks--omg--it's difficult to squeeze much else in, like cooking, hitting the gym and seeing friends. 1am bedtimes and 7am wake-up calls don't help much #getsomesleepamanda
I know I didn't put a post up yesterday, but after spending the evening furniture shopping and packing, I didn't have it in me to edit photos and write.
The good news is, most of the things going on are positive, exciting things--I get to pack up this place and move to an even better place. I get to help people get dressed and shop and get paid for it. I get to make a little extra money selling off some clothes I'm not feeling anymore. It's all good, it's just time consuming and consuming all of me at the moment.
My weekend plans include packing, bringing some things over to the new place, a birthday celebration for a friend, more packing and hopefully a couple gym sessions to blow off some steam, if even for an hour. Oh, and I gave myself a spray tan & washed my hair--reluctantly--last night; small indulgences to lift spirits for the weekend. Whatever it takes, right?
Hope you all have a great weekend.
I'm so excited to share with you all that I'm moving! No, my condo is not ready yet--more on that later--but I'm moving to a bigger, and better space and am so excited. I have been in my small, one-bedroom apartment for two and a half years now, and while I never planned to stay that long and have been frequently frustrated over the lack of dishwasher and in-unit laundry, I have really loved living here. I'm not so much as sad to leave, but it will be a transition for sure.
That said, things have happened a lot quicker than expected, but a wise friend said that when things fall into place as they are, with no hiccups, it's meant to be, and this case is no exception.
The search for a new place to live started several weeks ago, and I saw many places. When I saw this place, I couldn't stop thinking about it for days and almost two weeks later, it was a done deal! The move in date is on March 15th (my birthday!) but the keys have already been handed over, and the place is vacant so it will be a gradual move over the next few weeks and then one big moving day for the larger items.
I have been busy adding more items to my closet sale and will begin purging other items from my apartment. I'm going to be selling several pieces of my furniture as there just won't be space for them, and I'm looking forward to a fresh start.
I plan to take photos and a video tour of the place empty this weekend, and then of course vlog and share the moving and decorating process, and ultimately the final outcome, so stay tuned!
And the most exciting part of all, my new roommate...

Why does this picture look sepia? It's black and white, I swear... you guys saw it on my Instagram. Hey! What's the big idea?
Hello Wedn... waitaminute...
This week is getting away from me--make it stop. Things have been go go go for several days now and there is no sign of slowing with Christmas quickly approaching (two weeks?! What?!). Speaking of Christmas, who is on top of their shopping? I'm behind the game but after running a few errands tonight, I will be battling the crowds at the mall to put a bigger dent in it. I'm aiming to super organize myself this year--yeah right--and have all my wrapping done by December 22.
Completely do-able, right?
Hope your day is good, just wanted to check in and say hello!
I'm back from Tremblant and have so much to share, in the form of weekend snaps & a video--which needs to be edited together--but between unwinding, getting Chinese take-out, editing my next PDO video and setting up my new iPhone (life so hard, I know), I'm pooped. Mainly from editing for five hours straight, but I'm not complaining, just explaining.
All that to say, just a quick hello and I'll be back tomorrow with a full recap from my weekend!
As always, thank you for reading & coming to check out my little corner of the Internet. Your visits, comments, likes, tweets & more make my day. Keep up with me on Twitter (@acoest1984) for instant updates--and random, useless thoughts--on the go.
Outfit deets: Joe Fresh turtleneck (new!), Walmart long sleeved tunic, Sirens leggings, Ardène socks & Spring headband (new!).
When I started this blog it was a fashion blog and over the years--almost four, to be exact--it has turned into more of a lifestyle blog. I like sharing things on here like my weekend recaps and the like, and have recently gotten really into YouTube--not that it wasn't obvious--which is a great extension of my blog. All that said, despite the changes in direction, the one that has always remained the same is my goal to be relatable.
Am I?
When I write and post pictures, it's in an effort to share with you the daily, or weekly happenings in my life. Some weekends are more exciting than others, but most weekends seem more exciting than they actually are. Don't get me wrong, I have great things in my life, like everyone, if you... what is it they say, count your blessings? I just think reading through the pages of someone else's life/blog can sometimes come off as so exciting when really, it's just bacon & eggs at a bar & grill.
I can absolutely say that yes, there are some things that have happened to me in the past year or so that have been extra awesome; Vegas, becoming the Place d'Orleans Fashion Vlogger, modelling for PDO's Christmas campaign--which, btw, was my first time modelling for realz--and again in the Spring for a Pinterest contest, going to Mexico for my birthday and so on. That said though, these are things that still kind of blow my mind and make me blink twice thinking, 'Uh, did this just happen?'
Then of course, there are the things that are so normal, the every day stuff that most of you don't see, or know about. I go to work, Monday through Friday and yeah, it's okay. I live in a very small apartment and use a shop vac as my vacuum--I'm serious. If you've been reading for a while, you know I've been through a difficult hardship--and if you don't, you can check my About Me section, it's easy to figure it out. I drive a nice car now, but drove a crappy car for 10 years--and am also paying out the ass for this very nice car. Don't get me started on filling up my gas tank #alwaysonempty.
I have insecurities, bad hair days and still don't fully know how to match my foundation and set my concealer. I never really want to go to the gym, don't like cooking that much and never make my bed. All very, very ordinary things. Shall I go on?
I just really want, for when anyone comes here, to my space, my blog, to feel comfortable, happy and enjoy the 'experience'. I love reading blogs, but I hate getting those envious feelings about others. Ugh. Makes me angry with myself because we don't know what goes on behind the scenes, we only see the highlight reel. So let me know, in the comments section below, what would make my site more relatable? What would make me more relatable? Is there anything you'd like to see--how about me without make-up? #yikes--that I haven't already shared? Post it down below and let's chat about it.
PS - That couch I'm sitting on up there is eight years old and the MacBook put a dent in my savings.
Just wanted to pop in and say hi since I haven't posted today and I hate that. To be honest, I feel like I'm in a bit of a blogging rut. I don't have anything to talk about and my ideas have run dry. It's not true but I haven't taken as many photos as I normally do and those are important to me, content-wise. So, I'm sharing two photos from this week, the top one I posted on Instagram last night of what I was wearing and this bottom one--whoa! That's a close-up!-which I never posted but took earlier this week and was too shy to share.
So this week has been a great week, thus far and the weekend is quickly approaching, which is always a great thing...unless you're going through a difficult time, then I know how daunting weekends can be. I've been there, through really difficult times where I could barely get out of bed let alone force a smile. I dreaded the weekends and was so relieved when Monday morning came around and I could be back in my routine, despite feeling like I was barely holding it together. If you're in a similar situation, I understand, I have been there, and I promise it will get better. It's hard to say how long it will take, but I liked to try and remember that, 'One day longer, one day stronger' and I'm sending you a BIG HUG, where ever you are.
And, in other news, tonight is the night I go pick up my boots I'm having altered at the shoe repair! I vlogged about it last week, and he said they would be ready today. I took a bunch of (nice/good quality pictures, ie. not with my iPhone) photos of the boots before I dropped them off so will be able to show you the before and after! I'm a little nervous, chopping off two inches of a wedge heel is kind of a big deal, but I'm optimisitc they will look great--and I will be able to wear them without coming in at 6'5.
Additionally, I'm going to do some shopping tonight with a girl friend in search of a dress for her to wear to an upcoming wedding, so that will be fun and am definitely looking forward to that. Tomorrow will be birthday celebrations with a group of girls for a friend's birthday and I'm uber excited for Saturday as I'm taking a photography class to learn how to work the DSLR camera I'm using! Bring on the weekend, I'm ready for ya.
Hope you're having a good day, and to those who aren't, do something that makes you happy tonight, if you can. Last night I painted my nails and while this is something I do on the regular, I don't enjoy it, however, I'm really enjoying the results of it today; a small thing putting a smile on my face.
What a week! It's been a busy one and it's only Wednesday but I wanted to check in to let you know I'm still around and kicking. Sorry for the lack of posts but I thought today, instead of doing a Let's Chat--especially since there hasn't been much chatting in the comments section lately--I could just chat and catch up with all of you instead.
So this week I'm acting in a different position at work, while doing my current job and it's kind of wearing me out. I get home and I'm a bit of a zombie and have been hitting the sack early (kind of bonus, actually, because I for one need my sleep).
I've been vlogging a bit this week--are you guys enjoying the vlogs?--and last night I did some major closet tidying, which will be including in the upcoming video.
As far as my evenings have gone, I've taken advantage of having two me-nights in a row to recharge my batteries, be home solo and get stuff done. I did all my dishes--I tend to let those pile up, and don't have a dishwasher!--got four loads of laundry done, cleaned my closet, caught up with my favourite YouTubers and tidied my apartment. I keep wanting to do an apartment tour or a closet tour, it's been requested a few times, but since I'm in such a small space, it tends to get messy frequently. That said, since I got a good chunk of my closet tidied (the messier part, that is) last night, I might be ambitious and film it next week.
Otherwise, I'm counting down until the weekend. We are having a BBQ for my sister's birthday on Saturday and my out-of-town grandparents are coming, which I'm ridiculously excited about! Add that to sleeping in, hopefully beautiful weather and a new-to-me romper I plan on wearing and the weekend is looking good.
Happy hump day!
(Photo from my Instagram page, I'm acoest1984).
Hey guys, just thought I was pop in and do a life update chat-type post where I just ramble a little.
It's amazing how sometimes I have so much blog content swirling around in my head and in the background and other times I let a day or two pass before I post. I hate not posting on Monday through Friday, but sometimes I just can't come up with anything relevant or worth sharing.
So I just found out that the condo I purchased a year ago--see this video for how excited I was, and still am--has been pushed back, unfortunately. I guess they have not sold enough units yet so instead of being ready in November 2014, it is now June 2015. Ugh. That is two more years that I really didn't anticipate staying living where I'm living now.
While I love my apartment and the location, it is lacking a few things, namely a dishwasher and in-unit laundry. I can deal with having shoes scattered in all areas and that fact that half of my dining room is actually part closet, but I'm getting really sick of doing dishes by hand and lugging laundry down to the basement. I know, I know, #firstworldproblems.
When I was condo hunting last Spring/Summer, I almost bought a condo without a dishwasher. What a mistake that would have been. I really hate doing dishes and since I've been doing them by hand for almost two years now, my patience is wearing thin. I know this may seem trivial to some, and you may wonder how many dishes can one person make? A lot. That's how many, a lot. I cook at home all the time, and in turn produce tons of dishes, add that to lunch travel dishes and shaker cups and Magic Bullet canisters and lids... it's a lot you guys. It's annoying.
So I'm in a transition period in my mind. Do I pull out of the condo and look for something else? I'm not even sure I can, I have to read my terms and conditions to be certain. If I can, do I look for a condo that's ready? When I purchased my car five months ago, I was kind of on a two-year plan to pay it off before I moved to be more financial secure (which means I'm literally paying out the ass for it every month, but, I love it and it was a sacrafice I was willing to make). That would change things if I moved and I would like to own something as I've been renting for almost two years and while it's fine, am I going to continue to do so when I could be building equity instead with the means I have? And on that note, perhaps I should just leave my deposit in the condo and sell it when it's finally ready and hopefully make some money... but on the flip side, am unable to purchase anything else as my money is tied up.
All thoughts just swirling in my head right now and while I'm not quite ready to make a decision, or a move--literally--I'm thinking about it, the future and various other factors and things.
That's pretty much it for now; as always, thanks for reading <3>
I'm terrible at taking outfit photos, especially since it's been winter here for the past, oh, I don't know, six months. Outfit photos inside kind of suck--bad lighting, boring scenery--but it's too cold to take them outside (except these ones turned out pretty good in my apartment). I wish I had the balls (ie. warmth) to take outdoor winter outfit photos, but I don't, so until it warms up, well, you know the deal (did I mention it's snowing as I type this?).
On the other hand, I do try and take a pic of my outfit daily and post it to Instagram (I'm @acoest1984). I post all of these under #acolookdowns if you're interested.
So what is everyone up to this weekend!?
Tonight there might be a party and tomorrow I'm doing a photo shoot for Place d'Orleans (via my Vlogger gig) for an upcoming contest. Very excited about this and will of course share photos with you on Instagram and all the details afterwards here on my blog. Sunday is up in the air, but something always comes up!
Have a great weekend!
Related posts:
* See me on a transit shelter HERE.
* See me on the mall doors with my parents & by myself.
Outfit deets:
* Alfred Sung top (from Zellers). I wore this outfit for the Superbowl party I went to where everyone was rooting for the SF 49'ers (I couldn't care less, actually). Sadly, even my outfit couldn't help them win.
* Joe Fresh pants which I purchased almost a year ago and am wearing them for the first time ever (and can I just say I will never wear these pants again! They are so freakin' tight I can't even get the button done up and they have zero stretch. Wah wah).
* Ardène flats (which I DIY'ed a cap-top using THIS method) that you saw in my Wardrobe Classics vlog.
* Accessories: Expressions necklace.
I started writing this post two years ago, but didn't get very far. Something triggered my memory and I went to search for that draft post and it was dated February 14, 2011 (almost two years to the day!) and thought it would be interesting to Define Myself.
So let's get a little superficial; I mean, what life doesn't involve those sorts of things to a certain extent? I'm not talking the deep stuff that matters, I'm talking the silly, little, small things that make us who we are (just put aside the deep stuff for a minute, kay?). As I think back over the years, things have definitely changed but some things remain the same. Here's what defines me today:
Shoes (lots of 'em); usually heels.
A two-door car (with a manual transmission).
Travelling (more than ever).
Home-made lunches.
Skinny pants.
Doing things on my own (like buying a condo, paying bills and being independent for kind of the first time ever).
Sleeping in on weekends.
Flowy tops.
Workin' 9 - 5 (ish).
Birth control.
Bangles & big necklaces.
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