As many of you know, I have been working out during my lunch hour with my bff for almost a year.  We really like this as we can head home immediately after work instead of hoofin' it to the gym.  It also seems to energize me and it's a nice way to break up the day.

Is it rushed?  A little bit.  Do you get sweaty?  Of course, but that's what showers are for.  Most of all though, it's worth it

We tend to do "short" (read: under 30 minutes) but high intensity workouts.  This maximizes our time, but at the same time, since we are on a tight schedule and need to get there, change, workout, shower, change and get back to our offices within an hour.  Additionally, the gym is at our work is about a five to six minute walk to get there; all something to take into account as an hour goes by quickly.

Lately, we've been making up some really difficult workouts and challenging ourselves (as I type this my butt is so sore from all the walking lunges, squats and stairs we did two days ago; you know what they say, the second day is the worst!).  I thought I would share with you some of our recent workouts:

Related posts:
* Fitness update (more workouts like above).
* Workout update (more workouts like above).

Since we shared our biggest body hang-up last week (which can get a little depressing if you think about it too much), I thought this week we could lift ourselves up and share our favourite physical feature!  There has to be at least one thing you really love about your body, and ain't nothing wrong with that.

For me, isn't it obvious? 

Took my new baby for a car wash for the first time since getting her--it's been so mucky here--and couldn't resist snapping some shots... and then sharing them on here.  

I'm so proud and lucky to have this car, and while the payment is a bit of a snitch, it's worth it because I love this car so, so, so much!

I bought this pretty pink ombré fabric many, many months ago with the intent of making this top (again like the spotted one I recently made, and my earlier mint version from last summer) and then my sewing machine went into hibernation for the last five months or so and so it never was. 

Until the other night.

It turned out well, but took me longer than expected as the fabric was giving me some issues.  Additionally, when you're sewing something for someone else--which I never do--it's hard to know exactly what 'size' to make it.  So, I just kind of made it the same size as my own top. 

Also, you might note there is no seam down the back on this one, they are on the sides and that is simply because the way the fabric draped, I wanted the ombré at the bottom (not the side) and didn't want to cut and sew a seam just for the fun of it.

Just a few things that I've had either bookmarked or on my mental wish-list recently (or a while) in a fun little collage.

1.  (I love) Ontario necklace.
10. Hot tools curling iron (not on the grid).

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