I have been on the hunt for the perfect striped blazer (after seeing Tiffany's, many moons ago), and this  one seems to fit the bill.  Splurge worthy? 

* A super old sweater (we're talking like seven years here people) that although is far too short in the body to rock with jeans nowadays, tucking into a high-waisted pencil skirt works just fine

* Bellini
* BBQ'ed kabobs
* Apple + Cheese (an often daily snack)
* Caesar salad

* Borrowed this book from a friend and it's surprisingly awesome and interesting.  Different things about 'male mysteries', 'Say this, not that' sections, polls about real guys and neatly outlined chapters with point-form recap at each closing.  I laughed and learned.  Purchase it for yourself (or a friend) or read a great review on it.
* You asked: typical after-workout-outfit.  

* Supermarket sushi:  I said I would never.  I did.  (And it wasn't so bad.)
* Summertime fruit.
* Newest thing:  Apple crisp with plain yoghurt (deee-lish).
* No words required.

 H&M blazer (last seen here), Stitches top (last seen here), H&M tank, Forever 21 pants (last seen here), Aldo wedges, Le Chateau necklace, Bijoux Terner bangle, Swatch watch, Swarovski bangle, Ardene leather bracelet & Charlotte Russe ring

In March I started to make monthly resolutions, figuring tackling a few small goals per month would be easier to handle than the entire years worth (mind you, my New Years resolutions weren't that hard to abide by...).  And while I've been working on my resolutions each month, maybe one of my resolutions should have been to ensure I give a recap on here... in a timely fashion.  I wouldn't say July is very timely for a March Resolutions Recap but we're going to pretend it is because that's what we do.  Oh, that's not what you do?  Well... read on anyways.

1.  I haven't been wearing as many dangly earrings as I resolved I would, but, am rocking them at least once every two weeks (progress, people, progress).

2.  I'm a regular flosser*.  Woot. 

3.  I celebrated my 27th birthday (surprise, surprise).

4.  Operation long nails hasn't exactly been very successful, but that goes in stages.

   * My Dentist loved this resolution.

 Mexx cardigan (last seen here), La Senza tank (last seen here), H&M pants (last seen here), Aldo wedges (last seen here), Joe Fresh necklaces, Auslini bangle, Hot Diamonds ring & Stitches connector ring

I just love these in motion photos.

I'm starting yoga and need to get a pair of these (because I cannot borrow my friend's pair forever).

This one is making me want to rush to the movie theatre.  Stat.

I'm craving these heels but am trying to decide if I'm too tall for them...

I use an iPhone.  What about you*?

Listening to...

* Did I actually just link to that song?  It's so bad.  Likely why I love it; it makes me laugh.  
Those swaggberry users... they're hardcore.

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