Curled hair & pink lips for the work day earlier this week.
Outfit deets: H&M dress, Swarovski earrings & Maybelline Coloursensational in Fuchsia Flash.

A pic that wasn't included in the full outfit post.

I shared this photo on Instagram with my new shoes--having a major ankle strap moment--and asked you guys to weigh in.  While I love both, I'm digging the yellow more.
Coral  |  Yellow

Off the shoulder for a night out with my man and his friends.

We ate at Izakya, which we have been really excited to try, unfortunately it was a major bust.  We were so disappointed with the food.  On that note, if you're looking to try it out, Wednesday night is 50% off night on the entire menu.

Apres dinner.
Outfit deets: F21 coat, Joe Fresh gloves, Parasuco denim, Aldo boots & clutch.

When I can't share an outfit on my blog, I often post it to Instagram under #acolookdowns

I made pulled pork sandwiches--with a paprika rub, some maple syrup, a can of Guinness and the crock pot--on Thursday evening and home-made 'slaw.

I'm the newest Style Ambassador for Clearly Contacts--more to come on that--and the glasses I picked out arrived yesterday!  So excited about these Dolce & Gabbana specs.

Happy Friday!  Yipee!

I saw this tag and thought I would bing-bang-BOOM and filmed it asap.  What do you guys think of the new backdrop?  Like?  Dislike?  I'm trying new things and switching it up.  

As always, thanks for watching! xo

* What is the oldest item in your wardrobe / closet?
* What is the newest item?
* What is the most expensive item?
* What is the cheapest / most affordable item (that you wear a lot)?
* What was the biggest bargain?
* What was the biggest waste of money?
* BONUS Q | What are your current top 3 items?







Outfit deets:
* Thrifted jacket (old) which you've seen on the weekend a few times.
* Ardene t-shirt (new!).
* Sirens pants (which are the same cut as my camo pants).
* Aldo boots (no longer available) which you saw in my Fall Fashion video, with olive green faux leather pants and with similar pants and polka dots in the Fall.  Also with an eerily similar outfit a few months back.
* Accessories: Club Monaco scarf (old), Garage beanie, Suzy Shier ring, Swarovski & F21 bangles & gifted bracelet.

Happy Wednesday ladies (and gents?)!

I love this outfit and truly like myself it in--it's a little edgy and a little girly and pretty casual.  My style has definitely evolved over the past few years from tight fitting errthang and belts around the waist to flowy tops, skinny pants and edgy jackets and footwear.  

The weekend is my favourite thing to dress for because I get to live in leggings, long tops, boots and bomber style jackets.  I love dark, muted colours and grey is definitely a favourite.  I feel I can really express my true style on the weekends as I feel best in casual, edgy clothes.  While I love skirts, and live in them during the summer, the hassle of pulling on tights in the winter is such a pain.  I'll do it, but would much rather grab a pair of pants and heels.

What do you gravitate towards?  How has your style evolved over the past few years?

Photos by Lindsay Cameron.

Outfit deets:
* Vero Moda blazer (new!) that I picked up on Boxing Day.
* Serrani Italy dress from The Bay which you've seen in my What to Wear to a Wedding video last Spring.

We are having a serious warm snap--is that even a term?--right now so taking these photos outdoors wasn't completely unbearable, hooray for that.  The wind on the other hand?  It had a mind of its own.

I don't have too much planned for this week, I'm trying to leave it open in case there are last minute things to tend to for the baby shower I've planned for this weekend.  I want to share with you all so badly what I have up my sleeve but it will have to wait until afterwards as my bestie reads my blog and we're not in the business of spoilin' surprises up in here.

Happy Tuesday!

Photos by Lindsay Cameron.

On Friday night I stopped by my sister's place to visit my nephew--ahhh, those cheeks.

Then it was over to my parents house for (home-made) pizza night.  We used to have these every Friday when I was in high-school but bonus, I didn't have to grate the cheese this time.

Peanut having a rest in my Dad's arms

My shoes came in from Asos, a Christmas gift from my parents (I really love the silver ones, too).

After the gym on Saturday morning, I spent the afternoon prepping for the baby shower I'm throwing for Sarah next weekend.  I had a friend come over and later she did my hair--even though I ended up staying in; who doesn't like having their hair played with, right?

Gloomy, rainy January.  I'll take this over the -40C temps we had earlier this week.

After seeing a picture of potato wedges on Pinterest on Saturday night around 10pm, I decided to try my hand at them--because I needed to be eating that so late.  I used this recipe but swapped in sweet potatoes out of preference.  They turned out so good and I'm slightly ashamed to say I ate the entire batch.

Sunday morning post-gym sesh.
Outfit deets:  Old Navy tank & Ardene shorts.

Sunday afternoon outfit.
Outfit deets:  Dynamite leather jacket, La Senza tee, Sirens pants & Aldo boots (read about how I had the wedges on these shortened HERE).

Home cooking on Sunday night and multiple episodes of Breaking Bad--I'm hooked!

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