Outfit deets:
* Ardene 'Partier' top (new!); how cute is this?  When I saw it I had to think for a minute but then realized the nod was for Cartier--cute!  It was super cheap and totally on trend.
* Dynamite waterfall blazer.
* Zara jeans (old) which you've seen a few years back in a parking garage with all black errthang.
* Aldo Periera booties (Christmas gift) which I had my eye on for months, but never purchased and then funny story, my mom purchased for herself, they came in, didn't really suit her and I saw them in her pile of 'returns' and snatched them up.  I told her I pay for them but she said I could have them as a Christmas gift--it was Christmas day when this happened, too!
* Accessories:  Expressions by The Bay necklace (old but they still have it), Ardene 'Love' bracelet, F21 wrap bracelet & Aldo bangle.

Okay, it's that time.  New Years resolution time.

I said I would share and I've been thinking long and hard--and you know I'm a fan of attainable resolutions--so here goes:

* Minimum one video per week on my YouTube channel.

* Don't take on everyone's problems--listen, empathize, let go.

* Pay off my credit card every month.  #keepinitreal

I think that's good.  Those are attainable, but also challenging for me.  

Making videos is a time consuming ordeal, and while it's a labour of love, there is a lot of behind the scenes work from preparation of myself (hair, camera make-up), the camera itself (setting up, focusing, etc.) and then the editing which is easily three to six hours per video.

I'm a naturally empathetic and compassionate person, who takes others problems and make them my own; it's my (astrological sign's) way of helping others.  In reality, it causes stress and worry, and most of the time it's the other person who has to fix it on their own.  That isn't to say I'm going to turn cold hearted, I just need to learn to accept I can only help someone else so much.

Finally, my credit card.  A balance on my credit card looms over me and while it might not be a terribly high amount, it still looms.  I want to pay it off, and keep it at zero come the end of every month.  Definitely do-able, but will have to keep my spending in check.

What are your resolutions?  I'd love to hear!  Share them in the comments below.

Outfit deets: 
* Forever 21 jacket (last year) which you've seen with pastel skinnies & also with a different pastel and neon all at once (which I ended up really liking as a combo).
* Dynamite top (last year).

How is everyone's week going?  We're halfway to the weekend so that's always pleasant and today, after a car appointment, I will be heading to the mall to start my shopping for my next video.  I'll be showcasing some holiday looks, so I'm hoping to have some luck tonight.  

I love shopping for holiday parties and am hoping to get the chance to wear the special dress I purchased last year--the same one I wore for the PDO Christmas Campaign photoshoot--and never got to rock.  Sequins, black & gold scream festive if anything but.  At this point, I have no Christmas party to attend, but I suppose that could change.  What about yourself?  And, have you chosen what to wear yet?

See you tomorrow!

Outfit deets:
* Seduction jeans (old) which you've seen with a black oxford and wedges.
* Spring boots (from last year) which I've worn to death and refuse to give up because (1) they are so comfy, (2) totally my style, and (3) hidden wedge with an option to wear the boot shaft up or rolled down like seen here.  Love love love them--they were my go-to last winter every weekend.  Get a better look at them this time last year not folded down with magenta skinnies.
* Accessories:  Garage fingerless gloves (new!), Spring headband (new!) & Aeropostale circle scarf (new!).

It's almost Friday, it's almost the weekend!  Picture me singing that because I'm so excited to sleep in and do whatever I want for a couple days in a row.  

I stopped by H&M tonight and was seriously disappointed the Isabel Marant for H&M collection is apparently not coming to Ottawa.  What?  Dislike.  That said, I meandered around and tried on six things and walked away with something I was actually looking for: a snug, black dress with sleeves.  I pinned a picture recently of an inspiring photo and found an almost identical dress--for $15  (hello)  so naturally I bought it.  

Normally I don't go for tight, tight, tight, but this was an exception and inexpensive so less guilt.  I can't find the actual dress on the H&M website but it also comes in navy (they didn't have my size or she would have come home with me too) and orange. 

And in other news, these photos were taken during filming of my most recent video, Bundling Up (for winter).  Some of the pictures came out so I thought I'd share them on here as an outfit post--why not.  

Outfit deets:
* Jacob cardigan (old).
* H&M strappy tank (old) which you've seen with a pencil skirt & circle vest.
* Smart Set cami underneath.
* Guess denim pants (last summer) which you've seen one summer night last year.
* Asos 'Hong Kong' heels which I'm obsessed with & showed in my last haul video.  They aren't as comfy/soft as my Zara ones, but they aren't too bad. 
* Accessories:  Michael Kors watch, Le Chateau cuff, F21 necklace & Gucci shades.

Happy Tuesday everyone!  How is your week going?

Last night I was super productive and got my laundry done and some dishes, I photographed this outfit, edited the photos, filmed a video and edited it and relaxed.  Definitely a needed me-night to get some stuff done after a busy and fun weekend.

I'm already counting the days to this coming weekend--do you guys do that too?--as there is a big party on Saturday night happening which should be a great time.  I'm debating if I should try to make ice cream with my ice cream maker... but then again, would that really be a good party food?

I also wanted to ask you guys if we should continue with the Let's Chat posts?  I didn't put one up last week and no one asked, and we've done so many I'm having a hard time coming up with some.  If you have any suggestions I would love to hear 'em!

Hope you have a great day.

 Everyone asks me about this iPhone 5 case, touches it and tells me, 'That thing is like a weapon!'.  I bought mine on eBay and you can get your own HERE (cheaper than I paid, too!).  I also showed this case--and three others--in my iPhone 5 Case Haul video.

Outfit deets:
* H&M jeans (old).
* H by Halston cap-toe heels from Bakers (picked up in Vegas) which you've seen with maroon waxed pants, with a sequin skirt & when I went to Toronto in March 2013 for Fashion Week.
* Accessories: A.Co Designs key necklace & MK watch.

These photos are actually from months ago and I just realized I never posted them!  Nothing too special, a simple metallic sweater I picked up during my trip to Vegas and some skinnies for a casual Friday during the winter.  Definitely not wearing this sort of thing right now with the heat, thankfully.

How is everyone's week going?  Mine is pretty awesome (even at times when it's not so awesome, let's be honest, we can all be a little more grateful for what we do have, than what we don't) and I'm counting down till the weekend.  Love that it's a short week!

Happy 4th to all my American readers!  Thanks for your continued support, comments, likes on FB and Instagram and tweets.  And not just the Americans, but all my readers.  You guys really make blogging more worthwhile and more enjoyable so thank YOU.

Outfit deets:
* Forever 21 jacket (which is more of a burgundy colour than the reddish tone it's showing up in these photos) that I picked up the day before my trip to Dominican and it's finally warm enough to wear it now.
* American Eagle sweater cardigan which you've seen with white skinnies (kind of love this post) & a black/white combo outfit.
* Joe Fresh chiffon top which you've seen with different denim last summer.
* Foxy jeans (see when I purchased them years back) that you've seen with a cognac leather jacket and with my fave snood.  These are cool jeans because they are super long and slightly boot cut at the bottom so they always cover half my foot.
* Aldo wedges.
* Accessories:  Ardène clutch, Gucci sunglasses, H&M bar necklace, The Bay turquoise necklace, F21 horn necklace & various bangles/bracelets.

Happy Tuesday!

Last night I spent hours upon hours re-filming my next Place d'Orleans vlog.  I set aside the entire day Sunday to prep, film and edit and used all my hours only to start editing the footage--which took over an hour to import--and realize the lighting was terrible and I was out of focus the entire time.  Ugh.  So frustrating when you think you're being productive for, oh, seven hours or so, and you're not. 


I rushed home yesterday after work to re-film while there was still some daylight left, spent hours working into the night editing and sent it off this morning.  I'm really pleased with how it turned out, and even though I had to re-film, the final results were worth it because I was really unhappy with my first cut.  I'll share the video here (as always), once it goes live.

Here's a funny/awkward story: while taking these pictures--alone--this young guy and his girlfriend pulled up, rolled down the window and asked if I was okay.  I told them I was fine, and they proceeded to stay parked exactly where they were about four parking spots away from me and watch me.  I'm serious.  They didn't leave, so finally after a good 10 minutes, I hoped in my car and drove away.  Gawd!  Can't a girl take a freakin' photo (or 20) of herself without being creeped on?
Outfit deets:
* DIY kiss print denim jacket (plain jacket is from Aeropostale (on sale now); love the big cuffs on this!).
* Thrifted vintage tank.
* H&M denim.

Happy Friday everyone!  It's been a pretty busy week with being back at work after 12 days off--what luxury!--and keeping up with my evening extra curriculars.  I've been having Internet issues and was unable to upload my birthday vlog so am hoping to get that done this weekend along with editing my Toronto trip (Day 1 & Day 2) vlog and my Mexico trip vlog (I foresee a lot of editing in my future, yikes).

Last night I played volleyball, but at a different spot than we regularily do on Thursdays and it was alot of fun. I ran into some people I used to play with several years ago which was nice.  Afterwards, a few of us went out for some drinks and that cold beer tasted so good.  Of course, the night ran long and I was dragging my butt this morning!

Tonight I'm going to a wine show, which I'm really looking forward to and have never been.  The rest of the weekend is kind of up in the air, but I do need to film my next vlog for my PDO gig and edit that. 
Have a great weekend!

And one more from Instagram (I'm @acoest1984)...
Outfit deets:
* Old Navy blouse (purchased in November; available in maternity HERE) with Smart Set cami underneath.
* H&M skinny denim which you've seen with OTK boots (when I first purchased them two years ago), with a dolphin top (a favourite post!) and also with .  On a side note, these are one of my fanciest denim, and I love 'em but they barely have any stretch which makes them pretty uncomfortable.
* Aldo suede wedges which you've seen with
*Accessories: J.Crew bubble necklace.

Today is the day, you guys! Today is the day I'm (supposed) to be buying my car (eep!).  I'm so excited and provided everything pans out, I will be driving her tomorrow; so so soo excited!  I'll keep you posted!

Outfit deets:
* Urban Behaviour jacket (old).
* A.Co Designs top which you have seen with white skinnies, a leopard skirt/circle vest combo & a circle scarf I made, worn as a skirt (a fave outfit post).  I made this top myself and love it, definitely in the top 10 from my closet.
* Seduction jeans (old) seen with a belted white top & in a another fave outfit post with over-the-knee boots.
* Accessories:  Ardene pashmina, F21 Bangle, A.Co Designs bracelet, Good Works leather wrap bracelet & Gucci sunnies.

I'll admit, I took these photos about a month ago and never got to posting them; hence the beautiful fall leaves and colours.  We certainly don't have any leaves left on trees anymore and while I was hoping to capture more of the fall colours in outfit posts, it seems by the time I would leave work, it was dark out and I'd missed the opportunity (these were taken on my lunch break one day). 

And so, here we are in December, with Christmas quickly approaching and as I look outside it's slowly started to snow, large fluffy flakes that are coming down sparse, but slowly speeding up.  Winter is here, despite the mild temperatures we've experienced the past few days.  Some people wish for snow, but not me.  I'm not a fan of the cold and while I love snow on Christmas, if it melted shortly thereafter and I'd be fine with it.

Speaking of the holidays, does anyone have any Christmas parties to go to?  I have my work Christmas luncheon this Friday and a party next Saturday night (which I'm so excited for because it has been years since I've been to a real, night-time Christmas party! Eep!).  What is everyone wearing?  Dress? Skirt/Top combo? Pants?

Outfit deets:
* Joe Fresh top (new!).
* Parasuco jeans (via Marshalls) which I've worn considerably, but not yet on the blog.
* Payless heels which are new-ish and have been worn with a purple dress (what is it with these shoes and purple!?).
* Accessories: vintage necklace, A.Co Designs charm bracelet & Old Navy bangle.

Do you make lists for when you shop?  Or perhaps, make a note of certain things you're looking for?

I don't.  I just go where the retail therapy takes me, however lately, while clothes shopping, I have been on specific hunts for certain items.  Lately I've noticed some gaps in my closet (is that possible?) and have been narrowing my search down.  

Things I have been shopping for lately:
* More purple (specifically: lavender skinnies)
* Tops with sleeves (like the one I'm wearing)
* Skirts for the office that are longer

It's interesting as I can certainly see why I ended up with so many sleeveless shirts (and so few with sleeves), as I tend to grab for those first.  I find though, with a list (in my head, at least), I am more apt to focus on what I'm looking for, versus simply buying because it's beautiful.


Outfit deets:
* Old Navy button down that I've had for years.  The last time I wore it was with dark denim (flared this time), no cami underneath and the same belt!  Sub-concious inspiration?  Also seen with a leopard skirt and the white/grey striped version.
* Smart set cami.
* Sirens jeans which I don't think I've blogged before but do wear them frequently.
* Aldo wedges which I picked up last fall and am so glad I did because they are chic, comfy and easy to walk in.  Plus I love pairing them with jeans.
* Accessories: H&M belt & thick bangle, Old Navy bangle, Pandora bracelet & Suzy rings.

I am a bad reactor.  

If someone does something I don't like, namely someone close to me, I might react badly.

I like to be in control.  You can't always be in control.  Someone who likes to be in control but isn't can sometimes have a bad reaction.  


I have discussed negative qualities on my blog before; we all have them, it's inevitable, but it's how we handle those traits.

I had an interesting discussion with my parents last weekend about reactions.  Without going into too much detail, my Dad (who I consider one of the most laid-back people I know) offered up some advice on this topic.  Now, before I spill the words of wisdom, you must know that this is a very simple piece of advice, but very difficult to execute:

Don't react.

That's it!  That's it?  Yes, that's it.  Simple and effective, but certainly not easy.  

A counselor once told me when you are put into a situation where you emotions are getting the best of you, your brain immediately turns to 'fight or flight'.  If you take the simple step of taking a deep breath in through the nose and a big exhale through the mouth, the two options (fight or flight) will dissapate and you will be able to more calmly react.

So with those two words of advice, I have been putting this to the test since Monday, and you know what?  It kind of works.  That's not to say I didn't want to errupt at times or fly off the handle (or actually did for that matter), but it did put a thought into me that I've never had before: don't react.

Try it for yourself and see if it works!

And one from Instagram (follow me):

 Max Studio top (last seen here), H&M jeans (last seen here), Aldo wedges (last seen here), Suzy earrings, Costa Blanca bangles, Charlotte Russe & Sirens rings

This weekend I'm heading out of a town for a birthday celebration, but not before checking out a movie tonight and spending some good time relaxing.  It's been semi-good to get back to work this week (mind you, I do miss sleeping in) as far as the routine goes, but I'm still happy the weekend is here!  Have a wonderful weekend!

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