Hi ladies!  Today I'm sharing my tips for packing for an all-inclusive vacation.  I've taken several trips down south, and I like to think it gets easier each time, but alas there is always some last minute packing going on over here.  

I also wanted to note that I pulled almost all of these items from my closet, versus going out and buying a whole new vacation wardrobe.  While the the pull to go on a shopping spree was real, we are saving hardcore for a house, so, I had to get creative with mostly what I had.  This isn't so much about the exact items in my luggage, but ideas on how to pack efficiently and stylishly.  Apologies I don't have all the same items to link but I am linking to super similar items and pieces I have on my wishlist!

So all that to say, I'm hoping to help you become more strategic in how you prepare for a week away, and I've rounded up all the items you need to bring to your next resort vacation + I've created an easy, printable, packing checklist to remove the guesswork.  So with that, hopefully this takes some stress out of the packing, let's jump in!

Gooooood morning!  How is your week going?  

Last night I hit the gym and wandered around the mall in search of a couple new pieces for our trip this weekend, but didn't have much luck.  We are escaping the snow and heading off to Mexico--something that's been planned much longer than the last trip (which was a little more unexpected).  I'm trying to get creative with items in my closet that I already own, but so want to buy all the new things (must. be. strong. for. house. fund).

We are so excited to get away for a week, and this time my two best girlfriends are coming with us!  We keep joking about, 'Marco and his harem of women' -- ha!  I'll be sharing the trip on Instastories so follow along there if you'd like.

I'm just going to address the elephant in the room that is the massive amount of snow we still have--but like I promised last week, after this week, we are fully moving into the spring outfits!  I've already shot a few looks with Lisa when we had an uber mild day not long ago and if the crazy fog we had tonight is any indication, warm weather is around the corner!

Onto the look--I'm back with the camo pants again...

Happy Monday ladies!  I'm so excited about the new blog layout, it's got me all amped for the week to begin--which is rare, I'm definitely a lover of the weekends!

In case you missed, but are seeing it now, there's a full post about the new blog re-design, how to navigate it and the cool features.  I hope you love it as much as I do and find it easier to read and find things, but also beautiful to look at.  I'm still tweaking a few things, and open to suggestions.

With that, how was your weekend?  On Friday night, I hit the gym after work and then went home to relax for the evening.  We ordered food and watched a movie, I can't even remember which one, and passed out early.


Welcome to the new A.Co est. 1984!  I'm super excited to give this space a facelift and had been thinking about it for a while.  I decided to go with a template, and then played around a bit on the back end to customize it a little more myself.  I'm still tinkering with it, but am so pleased with the overall look and new feel of the site.

So, what's changed?

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