On Friday night I went to a Girls Christmas Party at a friend's house where we were instructed to wear our Christmas jammies.  Turns out I didn't have any Christmas pajamas... until now.

I popped into Ardene and tried on a bunch of Christmas-themed comfy clothes and this thin, fleece onesie stole my heart.  I grabbed these cutie slippers as well, in white.

If you've been around for a while, you know I've been waiting for a condo to be built that I purchased over three years ago.  Well ladies, the time is finally here and I'm closing next week!

The other day, I had my pre-delivery inspection to ensure everything looks good, but more importantly, see the unit for the first time.  Since I purchased this from a floorplan, walking into the condo was a little surreal and I'd love to share some photos with you...

Hi ladies!  How many of you are heading to a holiday party, want special hair but don't know what to do?

I find this time of year is especially the time of year for undoes and pulling out all the stops.  That said, today I'm sharing a video on a half-up half-down do that is perfect for a festive party, but also not so complex that you can't do it.

The key to the look is adding extensions to give volume and length, but you could do this without them if it's not in your budget or you aren't comfortable with them.  That said, I do quickly show how I clip in my extensions at the beginning of the video so hopefully that helps.

Click below to watch the video...

I recently picked up this three-in-one choker meets dainty necklace.  I grew up in the 90's, so I've done the choker thing and didn't think it was for me again but turns out, I'm loving it!  After just one wear, I know this necklace is going to get a lot of play this winter.

Happy December ladies!  Who is getting excited for the holidays?  I have started my shopping but have a ways to go.  We have a bunch of holiday get togethers with friends and family in the coming month which will be fun (with tons of food treats--one of the best parts of the holidays, right?).
Like last year, I'm doing Vlogmas again this December, which is essentially vlogging everyday for the month.  I'll be sharing daily activities along with the parties we attend and various things leading up to Christmas.  I am debating whether I should share the videos here everyday, as well as regular posts.
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