On Friday night, a group of friends and I went to Ottawa's first Booby Ball.  We had bought tickets months ago and the night was finally here.  It was a large event in support of breast cancer and it sold out.  It was held in the Horticulture building at Lansdowne Park and it was a huge party from the minute you walked in.

They had a photographer at the front taking everyone's photos as they arrived, a DJ spinning, a manicure station, passed appetizers, a photo booth, people dressed in Star Wars costumes, an open bar & more.  People were full of spirit and we saw tons of sequins, glitter, face paint and even some fun costumes.  We danced the night away and had a great time.

More photos after the jump...

Happy Friday & welcome to the weekend!

This week has been pretty outstanding, mainly because I was in the delivery room as my best friend gave birth to her second child.  Her husband and I were there, along with nurses and the Doctor, and it was one of the coolest experiences of my life, naturally.  

We had planned for me to be there, so I had been anxiously awaiting the call and it came Tuesday evening.  By the early hours of Wednesday, there was a new babe hanging out with us--what a sweetheart!  Definitely an incredible night and so special she let me share it with her.  You can see a photo of us here.

For the weekend, tonight I'm heading to the Booby Ball with some friends, which I'm totally stoked for.  If you're going, I'd love to meet you so please come and say hi!  On Saturday I will be checking out the new Forever 21 Red at Place d'Orleans (hello jeans for $9?!) and gearing up for a video with all my purchases so stay tuned.

Have a great weekend!

"I had a miscarriage."  Three women share their stories.

My newest haul video: cold weather layers.

This is me before a party.  #thetruthisfunny

20% off at All Saints (code: NOVEMBER); swooning over this jacket & this coat.

A funny take on Adele's Hello.



Hi ladies!  A few of you ask me what I like to do at the gym and I'm a big fan of lifting heavy weights.  I've been lifting for over two years and even more seriously since May.  I'm finally starting to see some muscle build and definition--but still a long way to go.

I know lifting weights can be intimidating, it was for me because I was such a cardio fanatic for many years.  That said, now I really enjoy lifting weights and for the first time in my life, my body is slowly starting to change.   I wanted to share with you what I do, as it's pretty simple, in a video below...

About a month ago, we took a little day trip to Gatineau Park and took a small hike around Pink Lake.  If you've never been, it's this beautiful aqua-teal coloured lake in Quebec that is just stunning in person. I'm not the biggest outdoor-sy person, but this is something worth seeing, if anything for the photos.

We took Marco's Mom with us, since she was in town, and walked around the park a bit, enjoyed the views before heading back to Ottawa to hit the mall.  Classic women!  I'd love to share some photos with you if you'd like to see...

Hope you ladies had a great weekend.  I'm keeping this recap somewhat short as I guess I just didn't capture a ton.

We went back to Kingston for the internment of Marco's father.  Afterwards, we went back to the house for a huge Filipino feast and some time to relax.

The next day...

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