Get to know me a little better with a tag that's currently all the rage on YouTube; the Too Much Information tag.  I chat about turn ons, piercings, and the book you must read (ooh, scandalous).

The questions are...

Change into your workout clothes as soon as you get home.

I heard this from a coworker and I thought I would share.  I've been trying it myself, it's uber simple,  and it really works!

I usually want to throw on comfy clothes upon walking in the door from work, so why not make it workout clothes?  From there, you set the tone that you are going to the gym.  Maybe not for a couple hours, but you're sub-conciously telling yourself it will happen today.

Try it today and then come back and tell me if it worked for you too.

I think my weekend snaps are getting longer and longer, so if there is a bit of a photo-overload, I'm going to start putting the majority after the jump--hope this is okay with you?

This weekend was busy and I still haven't finished unpacking--ugh, I'm such a procrastinator.  I got home from work on Friday night and cracked a beer stat; not my normal routine but I just wanted to get into weekend mode and relax.  I made a snack and surfed the web while waiting for Marco to come home.

We decided to go to the gym super late on Friday night, like 10pm guys, which seems a little crazy but I had convinced Marco to hang curtains, a mirror and artwork up in the condo on the condition that we would work out (tee hee, compromise).

The gym was pretty busy, surprisingly, but it was kind of nice going together and kicking off the weekend on a healthy note (post beer, of course).  I'm often moaning and groaning about going to the gym but I try to think of it as something we do together (a type of date, if you will), and being active, healthy and fit is something I like making a priority.  

Looking at the picture above is a little surreal--my shoulders and arms?!  I am actually seeing muscle definition (when flexing) for the first time in my life, which is crazy... now if only my abs would catch up!

We went for a late night dinner at a Pho spot, it was almost midnight by the time we ate.  I ordered a beef-rice-egg-salad plate (my first time not ordering Pho) and it totally hit the spot.

Finally!  Curtains in our bedroom.  I didn't want to do a two-tone, and really wanted the silvery grey curtains to work but the window is too big for two panels, and those ones let the light in (more decorative, than anything). 

I was looking for curtains to block the light so we used these two black panels I had from my apartment (and the grey ones fill the gap in the middle).  It was glorious sleeping in on Saturday without bright sunlight waking me up!

Saturday morning--a selfie in the newly hung mirror (yipee!).
Outfit deets:  H&M tee, 'Serena' by Mavi denim, Kate Spade necklace (birthday gift) & MK watch (old Christmas gift).

More after the jump...

When we were looking for a place to move, two bedrooms was imperative and Marco has graciously agreed to help me turn the second bedroom into a full closet-office room.  He has full reign of the master walk-in-closet, but it's still pretty excited that this room belongs to me.

The room houses a sizeable and well laid out closet, as you can see above, and has a huge floor-to-ceiling window on the opposite side.  The plan is to make this room functional and nice to look at, since you see it straight ahead when you walk into the condo (photo below).

The idea for the space is to use the current closet, and build an exposed closet on the right-hand wall. Since the door opens on the left side, I want to get a desk to put facing the door, but touching the left wall.  Hopefully this will 'hide' the mess of the exposed closet on the opposite wall until you step into the room.

Now here are a few photos of the room filled with boxes, rolling racks (which I will eventually get rid of once we build the exposed closet), and more.

Finally, finally, finally here is the vlog from our move day on Monday, March 10th.  It got off to a dramatic start when our movers bailed on us and the day just went from there.  Check out the video for how the day played out and a peek at our new space too.  Thanks for watching!  xo

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