As promised, here is the official video from the day I spent at Place d'Orleans mall giving out gift cards and candy.


I'm running on a close-to-empty tank.  I've been go go go for a couple weeks now, barely stopping to take a breath.  While I love being busy, and almost wanted this, I'm having a hard time getting a breath in edge wise.

Between my two jobs at work, Styling clients in the evening and weekend, maintaining my blog and YouTube channel, the closet sale, shooting for upcoming posts and another feature with Clearly Contacts, and trying to purge and pack for an impending move that is happening in just over two weeks--omg--it's difficult to squeeze much else in, like cooking, hitting the gym and seeing friends.  1am bedtimes and 7am wake-up calls don't help much #getsomesleepamanda

I know I didn't put a post up yesterday, but after spending the evening furniture shopping and packing, I didn't have it in me to edit photos and write.

The good news is, most of the things going on are positive, exciting things--I get to pack up this place and move to an even better place.  I get to help people get dressed and shop and get paid for it.   I get to make a little extra money selling off some clothes I'm not feeling anymore.  It's all good, it's just time consuming and consuming all of me at the moment.

My weekend plans include packing, bringing some things over to the new place, a birthday celebration for a friend, more packing and hopefully a couple gym sessions to blow off some steam, if even for an hour.  Oh, and I gave myself a spray tan & washed my hair--reluctantly--last night; small indulgences to lift spirits for the weekend.  Whatever it takes, right?

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Follow me on Twitter & Instagram (I'm @acoest1984 on both)

I started writing this a couple months ago, but hadn't posted it.... until now:

I've been thinking quite a bit lately about how sad I am going to be when Sarah, my best friend, leaves work for her maternity leave.  As we work together, on days when she's not in the office, I'm quickly reminded of how much brighter she makes my days.

That said, it has led me to think about what qualities I truly value in her, as my best friend.  To keep this short and sweet, I've narrowed it down to my top three qualities I look for in a best friend:

1.  Connection  | Without this, there is no effortless friendship.  We hit the same wave length and are very similar, despite some of our differences.  There is a friendship chemistry at play that is never forced nor created, it's just there.

2.  Support  |  We touched on this in our BFF tag video a few months ago.  I know when the world is against me, and I have no where to turn, my best friend will lift me up and support me.  Even if the idea to her is crazy, in the moment she will not lecture nor disagree with me for she knows I need to spit it out and get it off my chest.  I need to share it and feel validated, and she always does that.

3.  Genuine laughter  |  Sarah is, without a doubt, the funniest gal I know--perfect timing for jokes?  Check.  Hilarious recounts of stories (even if embellished a little)?  She's your girl.  Cracking up a room full of people or just one lone person?  That's her!  She brings real, full bellied laughs to my life everytime we're together.  I've tried to pick up some tips from her, in observation, but the truth is, she can bring a smile to my face and laughter to my life like no other, and that is something you just can't force.

What are the top 3 things you look for in a best friend?

Outfit deets: 
* Vero Moda top (new!).
* Zara pants (old) which you saw a year ago at my birthday dinner.
* Aldo heels--my favourite pumps right now that I wear at least twice a week.  They are still available too in many sizes.
* Accessories: Le Chateau cuff, F21 necklace and Aldo & Spring midi rings.

I'm so excited to share these photos because I'm standing in my future kitchen.  I've been dreaming of all the things I want to cook and how clean I will keep the refrigerator.  Don't worry though, I'm sure that novelty will wear off real quick and we will be ordering take-out faster than you can say butter chicken.

As March quickly approaches, I'm starting to feel overwhelmed with all the stuff I have to do.  I'm becoming super ruthless with items in my closet and the sell/consign/donate pile has grown (check out my closet sale here).  That said, my apartment is suffering big time as it feels like I'm drowning in clothes--not a terrible problem, but still.  I keep telling myself it's temporary because as of March 1st, I'm going to take any items that don't sell to my favourite consignment store.

We have decided to officially move in the weekend of March 8th and are in the process of doing some furniture shopping.  We've decided on a beautiful platform bed and are on the cusp of sealing the deal on a sectional.  I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself but mister man wants me to hold off on sharing photos until we are in and settled--but not to worry, I've got befores and afters coming your way soon!

As always, thanks for stopping by and sharing this piece of my life, the comments on my move post were so sweet and supportive.  I feel I have real friends in you all, and I read every comment--now, who's coming to the housewarming!?

Photos by Serena Rivard.

As I mentioned, my weekend kicked off on Friday as I spent the day at Place d'Orleans mall with a small crew handing out candy and gift cards--basically spreading the love--to shoppers to thank them.  It was a long day for the feet but so much fun.  The entire thing was filmed which I will share as soon as it's finished.

These were the treats we gave out to shoppers in the mall. 

Since I had a few minutes to spare after we finished, I popped in to Target to discover they still had a few Peter Pilotto pieces left, including this bikini top (I didn't like the bottoms).  What luck!  I didn't even try it on as I was feeling lazy, but it fits fairly well (size medium).

A sweet treat from a coworker--handmade to boot.

Friday night Valentines' dinner with my boo.

Marco took me to Luxe and I had the pork belly on lentils.  It was okay but the sweet-potato coconut soup was amazing (two of my favourite things).

I wore the same denim and blazer from the day but swapped in a low-cut silk blouse & my Asos feather clutch.
Outfit deets:  Vero Moda blazer, F21 top, H&M denim, Le Chateau boots & Asos clutch.

I splurged and had dessert; a deconstructed tart that was tangy and crumbly.

Saturday  morning breakfast--what I eat every morning at work, but rarely on the weekends; oatmeal with flax, chia seeds, thawed berries & a ton of cinnamon (no sugar) + a peppermint tea.

I hit the gym solo on Saturday morning.

On Saturday night, my parents surprised me with a birthday dinner one month in advance--just like last year!  They made my favourite meal: a full turkey dinner.  My sister, brother-in-law, nephew, grandparents and best friends and her husband all came to celebrate with me.  It was so nice.

It's been a long time since I've gotten balloons and despite that being a pretty special number on them, it felt so nice to get them!

Peanut is our family dog who lives with my parents.  She is fourteen (!) and I love her so much.  She's lost her hearing and we were recently informed she had a stroke a while ago so walking is a big troublesome, but it's a neurological issue, not a pain issue, fortunately.

Sunday morning gym sesh with my main squeeze.

Splurge!  Breakfast out at our favourite spot and I got over-easy eggs instead of my usual scrambled #thingsthatneverhappen

I spent Sunday afternoon at the new condo, taking photos, and I filmed a tour of the place empty which I will eventually share.  Later on, I met up with Marco and we decided to go back to the condo together after 10pm and bring a few things--I brought the snack.

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