Max Studio top, Sirens shorts, unknown tights, Suzy necklace & ring & Bay ring

I hope you all had an excellent Christmas, I sure did!   My sister and I compromised and decided on a 9am start time for Christmas morning.  I got up, showered, and proceeded to put on my comfy clothes (why did I shower?  I packed an outfit to wear for unwrapping presents and ultimately decided I wanted to wear sweatpants and a hoodie.  Still works).  

I headed downstairs where my parents and sister were waiting to me.  We went into the living room to see what Santa brought us and he was good to me, that's for sure!  We then took a break, at cinnamon buns and croissants and drank coffee (which later turned into mimosas).  Then we got busy unwrapping our gifts and I have to say I have been spoiled and am very, very blessed (I'm going to do a post on the gifts I was fortunate to receive).

We lazed around that afternoon, reading our magazines, trying on new clothes, playing with new gadgets, etc.

After hours in sweatpants I changed into the above outfit (and did my hair) for Christmas dinner.  My grandparents came over and we stuffed ourselves.  More conversation and good times after dinner (which included more baked treats, thanks to my mom) late into the night.  I then proceeded to do some pre-Boxing Day online shopping late into the night and finished watching, 'What's Your Number' online (cute movie, the book is better, obviously).

I have to say it seems kind of funny posting an outfit without shoes, however, I wasn't leaving the house and we aren't wear-your-shoes-in-the-house kind of people (yuck.  I'm a bit of a germaphobe so the idea of wearing shoes in the house grosses me out.  Think of where you and your shoes have been... gym locker room, in your car, restaurants... public restrooms... 'nuff said), hence the no shoes.  If I was going out, I'd likely wear black pumps or ankle booties.

I have always used Microsoft Powerpoint to edit my photos so I was shocked to see the mad changes (and improvements) that have come along with the new version (10) I have been given.  There is a super cool function under the (Picture Tools) Format tab.  In there, they have something new called, 'Artistic Effects' where you can modify your photo 22 different ways. 

I, of course, took advantage of this and played around with various photos.  So fun!  Maybe I'm behind on this (I've been using my old version forever, and we all know how pricey Microsoft Office is) but it's new to me and pretty exciting.

Mouse over the photos to see which effect I used on each one (they are all different and there are still so many more to choose from; my fave are the last two).  It'd be kind of cool to use one of these effects to print your own thank-you or greeting cards.

Merry Christmas!  Joyeux Noel!  Feliz Navidad!

Today is my favourite day of the year and are there traditions in my family, you ask?  Oh are there traditions.  

My sister and I always sleep over at my parent's place on Christmas Eve (also my Dad's birthday).  We share a bed and she complains I always try to cuddle her and I complain that she won't let me.  She wakes us all up uber early, like criminally early for a day off (we discuss this the evening before hand and the negotiating begins, 'We're getting up at 7am!'  I retort with, 'How about 11am?'  We eventually meet somewhere in the middle) and we all head into the living room to see what Santa brought us and open our stockings.  Then we eat breakfast (croissants, cinnamon buns, fruit and mimosas) which we basically plow through in order to get back to the living room for the good stuff: presents!  Then we spend the next few hours opening presents, listening to reggae Christmas music, taking pictures and laughing at my Dad's wrapping attempts (sorry Dad).

Later on, my grandparents will come for dinner and we'll have a huge (turkey) feast, which is my favourite meal of the year.  We will all eat so much, lots of moaning and groaning will occur within five minutes of the meal ending, but ultimately, we will all be very happy.

Do you have simple Christmas traditions you repeat year after year?  Share in the comments below!  

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas, and if you don't celebrate Christmas, a happy holiday season.

 Mexx top, Smart Set cami, H&M pants (last seen here), Aldo wedges (last seen here), Emily Elizabeth necklace, Aldo & Charlotte Russe rings

I'm so excited; today is my last day of work for (get this) 10 days!  I had to take three days worth of holidays and in return I get 10 days off.  So.  Pumped.

Today I'm playing Elf to Santa at work as employees are encouraged to bring their kids in.  We always have a huge potluck and the kids get to see Santa.  It's organized well, too; the parents buy a $2-$3 gift for their child, wrap it and write their name on it.  Then they give it to our Admin who coordinates the whole thing.  She ensures Santa gets the gifts so when the children sit on Santa's lap, they get a little gift.  It's super sweet.  I will be Santa's helper.  A friend and co-worker will be taking photos so I'll try and get one of me and Santa to share with you all.  Fun!

I have Christmas stress.  

Okay, it's not terrible, as my shopping is all done, but the wrapping. 

Oh the wrapping.  

It's haunting me.  Taunting me.  And it's getting later and later with each minute.  I have to do all my wrapping tonight.  I slacked off last night (but did finish my shopping) on the wrapping as I promised I'd do it tonight.  

And now, here I am, totally procrastinating.  

On top of that I need to make a quiche for tomorrow's work potluck and some peppermint bark to give as gifts.  I figured taking several minutes to post about this, instead of getting busy, would be the smart thing to do.   Wish me luck.


I'm all done my wrapping.  The quiche is made.  There is no peppermint bark (oh well, it was the lowest priority).  I'm exhausted.  It's only taken four hours.  Phew.

Style at Home does a cool comparison between rooms that are decorated almost identically, but the price tags differ vastly.  Can you tell which room is high versus low?

* The rooms on the left are the ones with the low price tag.

I packed up a ton of my jewelery away in a box my sister gave me for my birthday about six months ago.  I finally opened it up as I was getting tired of wearing the same ol' shiz.  

It was like Christmas came early as I rediscovered a bunch of accessories I almost forgot I had.  It's like a refreshing breath of fresh air into my accessories wardrobe and almost felt as if I was going through someone else's stuff.  

So a word to the wise, hide random things you love from yourself so when you come upon then months later, you don't have to go shopping, but still get that rush.  Think of the money you'll save.  Ha.

Urban Behaviour sweater, Material Girl skirt, unknown tights, Le Chateau boots (last seen here), Mexx necklace & Auslini bangle

Just finished making and eating this.  It was a total improv of a meal and it turned out quite good.  I was looking for something healthy, filling and tasty after my sweat session at the gym tonight and this did the trick.  Here's how it goes:

You need:
* Turkey breast (sliced into strips)
* Broccoli, red pepper & onion (or whatever veggies you like)
* Curry paste 
* Plain Yoghurt
* Quinoa

Saute your onions in a little olive oil, while cooking your turkey in a separate pan.  Add the other veggies to your onions.  Once turkey is cooked, add that to the mix.  Prepare the quinoa.  Mix up two big spoonfuls of curry paste with three big spoonfuls (or more) of the yoghurt.  Poor over turkey/veg mix.  Simmer.  Poor over quinoa & enjoy.

I've teamed up with NailPolish Canada to offer my Canadian readers a special give away.  It's a cool Konad Nail Art (which has already sold out once on their website).  Basically how the Konad works is you paint the plate with nail polish then use the stamp to pick up the polish design and stamp it onto your nail.

To enter, simply leave a comment below (you do not need to have a blog to leave a comment) with your email address (but it'd be even sweeter if you followed).

The winner will be announced on Wednesday.


Winner update: 

Congratulations to Maria!

I'm rushing around today in preparation for tonight's girls Christmas party at a friend's house.  We are having a potluck and a Chinese Gift Exchange and I'm suppose to be there around 6pm.  So far I've done six loads of laundry and drank the shake above and still no idea what I'm bringing for food, nor what I'm wearing. Ack.

Since coming across the shake recipe last week, I've made it at least three times.  This time I substituted Nutella (since I'm clearly obsessed) instead of honey, turning this into a peanut butter Nutella oatmeal milkshake (what a mouthful).  Whaaat.  Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Have a great Saturday night!

Week 3 of the no-nail-biting 'project'  |  I wear my hair like this far too often

Christmas is around the corner, and every year, my Mom asks me to put together a wish list of items I'd like to receive.  This doesn't mean I will get them all, but it's helpful for the shopper and exciting for the receiver to potentially get something they really, really want.

I've listed a few of the things I've included on my list, and a few that weren't (pssssst, the Etsy ones!) but are beautiful none the less.  What you won't find on this list are expensive, unrealistic wishes (except the watch, it's pricey), simply affordable items from accessible stores.

Merry Christmas!

* A watch I've been covetting for almost two years. 
* Pretty unique bangle (in gold).
* This is a black handbag I actually like (not an easy feat).
Wedges I already own in another colour.
* A sweet dress in one of my favourite colour combinations.
* This cute but cheeky topper.
* Something polka dotted.
* Metallic.  Silver.  Pants.  'Nuff said.
Blush I'm too cheap to buy.
Feathered pillow.
* A mannequin bust form.  Anyone have a great link for one of these?

And, my favourite Etsy finds:

A beautiful long dress that is made to order so it could be long enough for me.
I love a good blazer (and this is custom).

Striped clutch.
An affordable rough diamond ring and another one that is channel set.

Chunky knit cowl scarf (and that's the exact wording I used to search it)...
...and a softer version from the same seller.

I read this book in 20 hours.  That is a record.  And no I am not some crazy speed reader.  I started it at 9pm on Friday and while away in cottage country, finished it by 5pm Saturday.  It`s hard to put down, and a super easy read.  My friend lent it to me, and it was laugh out loud funny.  Literally, I was laughing out loud multiple times (surrounding people thought I was crazy... or reading a really funny book.  I'm not sure). 

The book is full of ridiculous stories, thoughts and advice.  It`s 241 pages and includes everything from short chapters (140 characters) to long winded useless ramblings that while may be useless, made me laugh, so I guess they aren't so useless.

Verdict:  Buy this book (or borrow it and save yourself $27 bucks) and laugh.  Relax.  Transport yourself to another realm.  Enjoy.

Gap cardigan, Smart Set top (last seen here), Joe Fresh skirt, Aldo wedges (last seen here), H&M bangle & Suzy necklace

Cottage country,  'nuff said.

Oh, and that's a banana nutella crepe up there from a few weekends ago, but it was too good not to include.  Oh, and btw, I had never made crepes before that one, and they turned out so good (and they're easy!).

And one more thing: I'm so glad we don't have that much snow in the city... yet.


Could you live in 500 square feet... with your spouse?  That`s not much space, but Erin & Danny do it really well.  It`s quite impressive.  I don`t know E & D, but their place is amazing and can you believe they`ve hosted a dinner party with 20 people?  What!  In 500 square feet?  How is that even possible?  I`m amazed so I had to share.


I have seen these 3D paper snowflakes around (mainly the office) and had no idea how they were made until my girl friend shared the recipe, er, simple how-to.  I think these would be so pretty in various colours of paper and sizes.  

I made the one above and hung it in my office (from the blinds).  Next I plan to make several different sizes (likely all in white) and hang them from the ceiling in my front foyer to add some holiday cheer.


Those are soda crackers.

With Nutella.


Desperate times* call for desperate measures.

* Desperate times sure taste delicious.  And I might have to be desperate more often as I think I've found a new favourite (slightly ghetto) snack.

 Gap jacket (last seen here), Grace Elements top, Urban Behaviour sweater (cut in half to be a cardigan, last seen here), Forever 21 skirt, Guess heels (last seen here), Givenchy tights, Suzy belt & necklace, Club Monaco scarf, Dollarama sunnies & Auslini bangle

Monday is back again.  The weekend was good though, so let's hold onto those memories.  My weekend involved take-out times two, moving relatives, an attempted movie, an open house & time spent with my favourite people.  Oh, and and I washed my bedding.  Mmmm clean bed sheets, don't you just love that?

A high light of my weekend goes something like this:  I thought, for a few weeks now, that I had lost my (only) pair of designer sunglasses I've ever owned.  I've had them for less than a year, and wear them every. single. day.  Love them.  I'm not really one who owns much designer stuff either, so this is kind of a huge deal, you guys (after I discovered them missing, I bought the Dollarama sunglasses on my face you see above.  See?  Not owning a lot of designer stuff over here).  


I have been pretty upset since that fateful day I opened their beautiful case to find them not there.  I was so diligent too, always using the case, always keeping track of them, how could I let this happen?!  I searched high and low, but kept it on the DL because I'm ashamed.  How could I lose something so small yet so expensive?  

So Friday night I'm at my parent's place in their garage, and only by fluke was I on the phone and didn't go inside just yet, when I looked up to see my Gucci shades sitting on the a shelf!  What!?  All this time!?  It was like the angels came down from the heavens and sang to me.  Okay.  Not quite, but I was pretty damn excited.  And relieved.  And I can tell you all this now because they have been found.  When I went inside my parent's were all nonchalant like, 'Oh ya, we forgot to tell you they were left here a while back...' but then again, my mom has no idea what Gucci is.

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