I started this blog over a year ago and it's become a crazy passion of mine.  Crazy as in I'll spend hours working on posts, perusing other blogs, thinking up ideas and taking photos and editing them to share with you all.  Blogging gives me a creative outlet and let's me express myself however I want all while keeping it in one handy little spot, and if other people enjoy it, bonus (and I obviously won't lie when I say your comments really bring a smile to my face).

That said, I'm not blogging expert and sometimes I do get discouraged, run out of time or get what I like to call, 'Bloggers Block' (kind of like writers block but when you don't know what to blog about).  I thought it would be helpful to put together a post about things I look for when coming across a new blog and what appeals to me (Tiffany wrote a great post about this and I read it when I first started blogging and it really helped me).  Everyone is different, hence why there are so many blog styles, but these are what really catches my eye and I strive to do:

1.  Write often.  

I love having blogs I can 'count on', and when I say that I mean I know that when I'm going through my daily blog route, those blogs will be updated daily and I can look forward to it.  I know we are all busy and blogging takes a lot of time and work, but posting frequently will up your readership because your readers can count on you.

2.  Use your own photos.  

Sure, every now and again I'll use a random photo I found on the web (like here), but that's not very often.  Readers come to your blog to read about you, what's going on in your life, what you're loving lately, etc. and that is easily demonstrated through your own photos.  If you are loving a new piece of make-up you just purchased, take a photo of it and use it instead of google-image-searching a photo of the product.  Even better: take a photo of you with the product.  People eat that shiz up.

3.  Install a stat tracker.  

Tiffany mentioned this in her post but I have to reiterate because it's extremely important.  It's very easy to get caught up in how many comments you are or are not getting, however, it really doesn't exemplify your readership or page hits.  Only a stat tracker can tell you this and you will be amazed to see where people come from, how your readership grows and the posts you write that get the most hits.  I would have never known how many people actually visit my blog per day, versus how many official follow (the numbers are surprisingly not comparable).  I use StatCounter and Google Analytics.

4.   Be honest. 

I love when bloggers are super honest and real, ...loveMaegan is an excellent example of this.. It turns a blogger into a real person and gives you a real taste of their personality and traits.  This certainly isn't always easy putting the true, real, raw version of yourself out there, but it makes you relatable, and really, how great is it when you come across someone who has similar problems or hurdles to overcome as you?  Super great.

5.  Link.  Link.  Link.  (and make it easy)

I always link to the items I'm wearing to when I last wore them, and if they are available for purchase online, I'll use that link as well.  As a reader, you want things to be easily accessible, and as a blogger, I should know that.  Personally, if I have to put in work to find something, it's not going to happen, I'll mostly just let it go.  Additionally, if your post pertains to another post you wrote, link to that.  There is a good chance a good chunk of people never saw that post, so make it easy for them.

6.  Make your own rules.  

This is your blog, your rules.  You can post about whatever you want.  If people don't like it, they don't have to read it.  Just be true to yourself and your readers will see that.
Thrifted Gap dress (last seen here), Qupid sandals, Old Navy (kids) belt, Joe Fresh necklaces, 
Charles Jourdan bag, Gucci shades, H&M and F21 bangles

Writers block.  Or as I like to call it, Bloggers Block.  What do you do when you suffer from it?  I'll either ramble or write about something completely irrelevant, or just not say anything at all.  With that said, let's choose the latter and discuss hair colour.  I am a (mousy) brunette, but clearly you did not know this from my photos as I hide it quite well (yeah right).  Recently, my girl friend suggested I do some sort of major overhaul with my hair (yelp) and I must confess; the thought scares (the shit out of) me.  First off, I love being blonde.  Secondly, after chopping off five inches off my hair almost three years ago (into an asymmetrical bob), I've been trying to grow my hair out (and am very reluctant to cut any of it).  Finally, it's summer, and summer is not the time I want to really switch it up.  However, I might consider something drastic for the fall.  Would you?

At first glance, this jacket looked like leather to me (and yes, there is clearly a slight leather-jacket-obsession going on over here) but turns out its denim.  I love the waterfall front to it, but to be honest, it'd be better in leather.

Blogging with a treat
 3 Fighter Jets

Modified 'Warrior Bowl' with quinoa

This week and weekend has flown by.  I killed it at the gym four days in a row now (yes, there is a first time for everything), the weather has finally started to be nice (go sunshine, go heat), and the weekend turned out great (a little girls dinner, a couple movies, and great food and company).  On top of that, I celebrated a good friend's birthday with lunch out, had my first Frappuccino of the season and 'met' with my BBFF (best blogger friend forever, oh yeah, we're those kind of friends) on Skype for the first time ever (and she's awesome).  How was your week?

Here are some fun links from around the web:

* Natalie featured me and my How-To-Tie-A-Scarf tutorial (fun!).

* I had a few gift cards and I used them to purchase one of these designer handbags.
(can you guess which one? + I'm doing a little squeal on the inside)

* Are Chinese mothers superior?  Either way, I still love the article.

* My latest read (so me, ugh).

* Did you watch the Oprah finale?  She had some incredibly inspiring quotes.

* I need these flats (but not at that price).

 Dynamite blazer (last seen here) & dress, Guess slingbacks (last seen here), Suzy belt, necklace & ring

My grandparents invited me to a special soiree a couple weekends ago.  I took advantage and dressed up in a new dress and heels.  Funny story: a middle aged woman comes up to me in the washroom and compliments me, she then tells me that when I walked past her table earlier, her sixteen-year-old son's jaw dropped, which was followed by his 18 year old girlfriend smacking his arm.  Nice to know I'm attractive to a teenager and I'm not 'old' (because I totally thought being a decade older than him would be, you know, 'old').  I had a good laugh and proceeded to receive a few evil eyes from said girlfriend.  Isn't love grand?

My mom & I were taking a shot and my Grammy jumped in at the last second (so cute)
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