Blogging with a treat
 3 Fighter Jets

Modified 'Warrior Bowl' with quinoa

This week and weekend has flown by.  I killed it at the gym four days in a row now (yes, there is a first time for everything), the weather has finally started to be nice (go sunshine, go heat), and the weekend turned out great (a little girls dinner, a couple movies, and great food and company).  On top of that, I celebrated a good friend's birthday with lunch out, had my first Frappuccino of the season and 'met' with my BBFF (best blogger friend forever, oh yeah, we're those kind of friends) on Skype for the first time ever (and she's awesome).  How was your week?

Here are some fun links from around the web:

* Natalie featured me and my How-To-Tie-A-Scarf tutorial (fun!).

* I had a few gift cards and I used them to purchase one of these designer handbags.
(can you guess which one? + I'm doing a little squeal on the inside)

* Are Chinese mothers superior?  Either way, I still love the article.

* My latest read (so me, ugh).

* Did you watch the Oprah finale?  She had some incredibly inspiring quotes.

* I need these flats (but not at that price).

 Dynamite blazer (last seen here) & dress, Guess slingbacks (last seen here), Suzy belt, necklace & ring

My grandparents invited me to a special soiree a couple weekends ago.  I took advantage and dressed up in a new dress and heels.  Funny story: a middle aged woman comes up to me in the washroom and compliments me, she then tells me that when I walked past her table earlier, her sixteen-year-old son's jaw dropped, which was followed by his 18 year old girlfriend smacking his arm.  Nice to know I'm attractive to a teenager and I'm not 'old' (because I totally thought being a decade older than him would be, you know, 'old').  I had a good laugh and proceeded to receive a few evil eyes from said girlfriend.  Isn't love grand?

My mom & I were taking a shot and my Grammy jumped in at the last second (so cute)
 American Apparel dress/top, Joe Fresh skirt (last seen here), Aldo wedges (last seen here),
Dynamite belt, Sirens necklace, gifted Auslini bangle & Bay ring

I'm alive!  I'm alive!  It's been a while, and I'm not just talking about my shoes.  Life has been busy lately and blogging took a short-term back seat.  This weekend I'm playing Nurse to my girlfriend who had surgery on Thursday.  We are lying in bed, getting in plenty of movies and started watching Audrina (have you seen it?  I hadn't and am now addicted... sadly there are only seven episodes and we are on the fourth already).  It's pretty gloomy out and the weather is calling for thunderstorms (um, perfect movie watching weather, right?) all weekend.


So I must admit I've been kind of crushing on neon colours lately... more specifically neon & grey.  The combo is so fantastic and perfect for summer.  The only problem?  The only neon I own are nail polishes and while those are fun, they aren't exactly the neon-noticability (did I just make up a word?) I'm looking for.  This is mainly the reason I resolved in April to make a skirt... a neon green skirt (okay, it's more like light lime with a hint of neon, but baby steps... baby steps)... which still isn't completed.  Le sigh.

China Glaze 'Orange Knockout' Zoya 'Lola'
Old Navy top, Mossimo skirt, BCBG heels, Suzy necklace, Auslini bangle & F21 ring

I stopped by my parent's place the other evening and convinced my mom to take my outfit shots for me (she did a good job, 'eh? Yes, I just said 'eh' because that's what we do in Canada).  Despite it looking beautiful out, it was chilly and I had to bribe her with dinner and one free voucher to vacuum her house.  Okay, that's not true.  I didn't have to bribe her but I did have to vacuum. ... Okay, that's not true either, she did it out of the goodness of her own heart.  Aw.  Aren't moms great?

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