My mom made the sweetest suggestion to my sister and I that we have a girls dinner before the wedding.  Sort of a, 'Last girls dinner before Amanda gets married' - isn't that so sweet?  At the last minute, she asked if my Dad should come, but we decided to keep it just the girls.  It worked out nicely too as she planned it for the night M was out of town for his (second) bachelor party.  We went to Milestones (one of my fave restaurants) and had a delicious dinner.  Afterwards, we headed back to my sister's place for some wine and chatter.  It was a fabulous night - thank you, Mom!

{ our server surprised me with a sparkling congratulatory dessert }

I remembered seeing these Jeffrey Campbell wedges months ago when I spied these look-alikes from Aldo that they just recently released.  If you can't swallow the price point, you can get an even less expensive version from Urban Original.

La Senza top (last seen here), Smart Set cami, United Kingdom jeans (last seen here), Aldo wedges,
Le Chateau pashmina, Bijoux Terner necklace, fiance's watch & Tiffancy bracelet

I went out to a movie the other night and took advantage of throwing something casual on.  While I love dressing up for work, it's always nice to dress down and really take advantage of that section of my wardrobe.

{ practicing using foundation & lashes in preps for the wedding }

I really love it when Tiffany shows us snippets of her life through her iPhone photos, and I have personally been meaning to do this for a while, but haven't. Here are some photos I've taken this week while on the go.

PS - One week today, till I get married!

PPS - As of 4pm today, I'm on holidays for 3 weeks! (Ahem, a total of 24 days - yipee!)

{ a newly tidy cupboard in our kitchen }

{ sweet masked biker }

{ planned outfit for dinner with mom & sis }

{ our 'wedding room' at home, aka the office }

{ dalmation Creative Rec's }

{ summer-time food }

{ preperatory instruments }

{ road trip }

{ so glad we aren't looking at this right now ... but will be in about 3 months -ugh- }

* I'm still looking for guest bloggers for A.Co est. 1984.  Interested?
Simons top, Bongo pants (last seen here), GAP wedges (last seen here), Le Chateau belt & bangle,
vintage necklace, Suzy cuff, gifted bracelet & Aldo ring

Do you ever have days where you just don't want to get all dolled up? Just days where you think, 'I just wanna dress comfy today?' - I have those days, and they often resort in me wearing flats.  This was one of those days, however, I have to be presentable for work, and this is what I came up with. That's not to say I can't wear flats at work; I can, and I certainly do, but just not this day.  I was really itching to wear this new top I bought in MTL during my Bachelorette Weekend - it's a crisp cotton, double layered, and oh-so a-line. Perfect for those bloaty-lazy-I-don't-wanna-dress-up-but-have-to kind of days.

* Want to be a guest blogger on A.Co est. 1984?
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