Thursday, March 20, 2014

Place d'Orleans Fashion Vlogger | Pre-Spring HAUL Try-On

I have renewed my contract with Place d'Orleans (PDO) for this year and finally have my first video for the new year up!  This year, I won't be sharing a video every month, instead will be focussing on a video per season, plus back-to-school and holiday.  In between, I'll be working on smaller projects with them throughout the year, like the Like is the New Love day.

In this video I get my dance on and show you some fun in-between season finds.  I'm itching for Spring to, well, spring and while it's still snowy and cold here, I'm looking forward to putting these clothes and shoes to use!  As always, thanks for watching! xo

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  1. LOVED this video, especially the dancing! Kinda made me want to bust out some moves behind my desk here.
    Those blue pants and Aldo shoes looked ahhh-mazing together. I always want to shop after watching these videos! :)

  2. great video!! glad you renewed! :)

  3. Such a fun video!! Now I want to go and buy everything you showed! Ha congrats on renewing your contract

  4. YOU ARE SO FUN!! This is the B E S T video yet. Not kidding! xx



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