Thursday, August 12, 2010

One of Those Days

Simons top, Bongo pants (last seen here), GAP wedges (last seen here), Le Chateau belt & bangle,
vintage necklace, Suzy cuff, gifted bracelet & Aldo ring

Do you ever have days where you just don't want to get all dolled up? Just days where you think, 'I just wanna dress comfy today?' - I have those days, and they often resort in me wearing flats.  This was one of those days, however, I have to be presentable for work, and this is what I came up with. That's not to say I can't wear flats at work; I can, and I certainly do, but just not this day.  I was really itching to wear this new top I bought in MTL during my Bachelorette Weekend - it's a crisp cotton, double layered, and oh-so a-line. Perfect for those bloaty-lazy-I-don't-wanna-dress-up-but-have-to kind of days.

* Want to be a guest blogger on A.Co est. 1984?


  1. Oooooooo I love that top on you. And love how you cinched it with a belt. Looks like you had so much fun on your Bachelorette weekend. :) Your special day is just around the corner. Yaaaaayyyy!!

    It's 1:30a here in Hawaii and I can't get to bed. I envy my Pirate, he falls asleep so easily. ha ha ha ha ha.

    xx Love & Aloha

    p.s. Word Verification "sesesses".. awww s + e's for me and my Pirate Eli. :) Oh goodness I must be delirious. Night night!!

  2. I definitely have those days - I think we all do! You look fab though! And I love the animal print shoes with the neutrals of the rest of the outfit.
    Love, P

  3. Yes, I have those days...and when I do I always always always end up in jeans.

    LOVE this top. I love the beaded detail on the back!

  4. i love the flowey top paired with skinny jeans..perfect!

  5. I love the top!

  6. I love the subtle detail on the top - looks like beading?

  7. It looks really great! I love the top. :)

    Kitten heels or wedges are my go-to when I'm feeling like I wanna be comfy but gotta dress up.

  8. you look freekin amazing.
    i lvoe that top,
    and the whole outfit in general.<3

  9. I have misssed so many posts on your blog, stupid having a job getting in the way! lol

    Love the recent outfits - stunning!!

    And your bachelorette party looked like so much fun!!

    I am excited for you!! It's coming up soon!!

    Also, I have been looking high and low for the DIY things, I can't find them. However I'm trying to come up with somehting A Co worthy! xx

  10. I think this is a great put-together look ... comfy chic :)

  11. Love this look! So put together you always are :)

    Also, if you're still looking for guest posters, I'm happy to do a post! Just let me know what you're looking for, details, etc.

    My email is

    Happy weekend!

  12. Well done! Cute and comfy at the same time. I often have these days and they don't turn out as well as this.


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