Friday, August 13, 2010

This Week in iPhone Photos

{ practicing using foundation & lashes in preps for the wedding }

I really love it when Tiffany shows us snippets of her life through her iPhone photos, and I have personally been meaning to do this for a while, but haven't. Here are some photos I've taken this week while on the go.

PS - One week today, till I get married!

PPS - As of 4pm today, I'm on holidays for 3 weeks! (Ahem, a total of 24 days - yipee!)

{ a newly tidy cupboard in our kitchen }

{ sweet masked biker }

{ planned outfit for dinner with mom & sis }

{ our 'wedding room' at home, aka the office }

{ dalmation Creative Rec's }

{ summer-time food }

{ preperatory instruments }

{ road trip }

{ so glad we aren't looking at this right now ... but will be in about 3 months -ugh- }

* I'm still looking for guest bloggers for A.Co est. 1984.  Interested?


  1. I love these posts too! Great pics :)

  2. Great pictures! good your practicing the falsies! Those are so tricky!

  3. i hate the last pic. LOL seeing that makes me thankful ill only have to deal with winter when i visit home at xmas..LOL

  4. Your lashes look PERFECT. I really want now.

    I'm so excited for your wedding - can't wait to see pics!

    xx anna jane

  5. This is a great way to show your week! Are you doing your own makeup for the wedding or are you just practicing wearing foundation and lashes so that you're used to it?

  6. Cute idea! You should do this more often!

    natasha @ twenty-something blog

  7. Your makeup looks SO pretty! I can't believe it's a week away!! AHHHH!!! I am SO excited for you!!!!
    How do you feel? Stressed, nervous, excited?


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