The other night, my bestie and I were at the gym, like old times, and we decided to do something a little bit crazy for March...

Today I'm sharing a really simple and easy way to curl your hair: with tinfoil!

I know this sounds a little odd, and it is, believe me, but it works!  If you're not a pro with a curling iron or only have 15 minutes to whip up some curls, this tutorial is for you.

Click below to watch the video...

What would it be?

It has taken be some time to develop my style but I think I have almost down, so it would have to be...
I woke up on Saturday to a full on snowstorm!  

tank (similar) // leggings (similar) // headphones

I got ready and headed to the gym for a chest workout.

 More photos after the jump...
It's been a while since I've done one of these posts and I've been trying to snap photos of meals over the past three months or so to give you a rounded idea of what I eat.  I love seeing these types of posts from others, so here we go...

I'm not one to eat in the food court at the mall but Marco somehow twisted my arm a couple months ago and I have to say this General Tao chicken and noodles were delicious (and a bit of a guilty pleasure).

I hadn't made a tortilla soup in years so I tried this recipe which turned out great (I cheated and used a BBQ chicken from he grocery store).  I happened to have tortilla shells on hand that needed to be used up, so I cut them into strips and fried them for a more authentic taste and treat.

More food after the jump...
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