May has come and gone and it was the first month we finally felt settled in our new place.  After two months of living in boxes and trying to figure out how to amalgamate two places into one, it's finally feeling organized.

Marco's parent's came down at the beginning of the month and we spent the day in Chinatown.  I filmed a video for Clearly Contacts about why I became a #StyleAmbassador and how to pick the perfect frames.  We finished my closet - office room (I'm sharing photos this week of how it looks now!) and I grew my  nails out again (which have since all been bitten off--wah wah).  

I shared a sneak peek of our bedroom (which has a ways to go before it's done) but we did get some new pillows that fit the new bed, so that's pretty nice.  I wore a new palm printed coat, got flowers from a friend and created a new way to store and display my shoes.  

I played a tennis a bunch of times--and have improved a little but might need actual lessons--was sent some really nice flowers and shared my Spring Trends video.  We went to Taco Fest in Ottawa, I shared my new favourite jeans, I purchased some really cool new wedges & kicked my workouts into high gear by going almost daily for the last two weeks of the month.

As always, thanks for being here and reading along.  I love connecting with you, so with that, tell me your favourite May memory in the comments below.

Outfit deets:
* Dynamite jacket which you've seen with a sweater dress & booties, with waxed denim (an older favourite outfit post), and with leggings and a tight top years ago.
* American Eagle top (remember this in my, 'What to Wear on a Date' post?) with Urban Planet cami underneath which I wore on my birthday (here in black).
* Parasuco denim which you've seen with a purple flawy top.
* Accessories: Swarovski & Old Navy bangles, H&M rings with gifted chain bracelet.

I'm not sure what has been going on with me lately, but I have been facing a serious creative block.  I've been unmotivated to blog, film or edit videos and just be in this space.  This is something I genuinely enjoy--if I didn't, why bother continuing--but lately I feel so... blah.

A fellow creative-type friend and I were chatting about the slump and offered some wise words:

"You will find slumps in creativity extremely dreadful.  You want to create and when you don't, it makes you feel terrible.  It's a cycle, but the slump will pass.  In the meantime, do what you are currently doing and that is to push through.  It sucks for now, and you might feel antsy, but then all of a sudden, BOOM!  The damn breaks and your back in the swing of things."

Here's hoping my upcoming vacation is just what I need to break the damn, so to speak.  Happy Thursday.

Photos by Serena Rivard.

I finally pulled together all the footage from my trip to Punta Cana last month off both our phones, my iPad and the GoPro and there is a lot of footage.  I started sorting through it all, but put together a 15 second trailer for the interim.

I hope to get the full video up by next week, which is always posted on my YouTube channel first, so subscribe there if you'd like, and see you tomorrow!

Saturday morning at the gym (I went on Friday night too with a friend, but no photos of that).

The fog was so thick on Saturday morning we could barely see the street below.  And in other news, we are still waiting on our new couch to arrive (three months down...).

Outfit deets:  Ardene tee, Garage skirt, Converse shoes, MK watch & Le Chateau cuff.
Went out and ran some errands during the afternoon--since the weather is finally beautiful, I grabbed a skirt, my Partier tee and Chucks for a casual but still chic look (that was comfortable for running around in).

More pics after the jump...
Outfit deets:
* Forever 21 tank.
* Almost Famous denim shorts.
* Call It Spring sandals (super old, my total favourites & worn to death).
* Ardene fedora & heart-shaped sunnies.

One last outfit from our vacation to Punta Cana last month--I almost forgot I had these photos.  I would have shared more however my bathing suit made an awkward wet mark mid-chest and kind of ruined the photoshoot #vacationproblems.

What are your plans for the weekend?  I have a busy one lined up: tonight I'm hitting the gym with a friend, then some shopping.  Saturday will be spent likely practicing some tennis--I managed to get a 3-hit rally going last night for the first time ever!--and then celebrating my Mom's birthday.  On Sunday I will be spending the day celebrating my good friend's upcoming nuptials at her bridal shower.  Hope you have a great one and happy Memorial Day long weekend to my US readers and friends.

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