On Thursday night, Sarah and I got together at her place for dinner and an early Christmas gift exchange.  She made pasta, I brought poorly wrapped gifts, and we had a merry time.

Sarah had (ahem) bragged that she got me 'the perfect gift', which stressed me out to the max trying to return the favour, so to speak.  She ended up getting me a beautiful (over-six-feet-tall) wooden and metallic giraffe (to replace this guy) and it really was the perfect gift.  I got her a couple pairs of shoes (Guess & Dolce Vita), a few pieces of costume jewelery, long gloves and a nutcracker she was coveting (which turned my gift, as well, into 'the perfect gift'; or so she said).

I'd love to share some photos with you...

For my fifth vlog as the Place d'Orleans Fashion Vlogger, I've gone with a New Years Eve theme.  What to wear for NYE?  I'm showing you seven (seven!) different looks you can rock till long after the clock strikes 2013.

Stay tuned for more videos (specifically on the Place d'Orleans FB page).  Next year (in January) I will be talking getting comfy and cozy after the holidays are over and keeping our resolutions!

Other videos:
* Fall Fashion (video #1)
* Wardrobe Classics (video #2)
* Bundling Up for Winter (video #3)

More videos on my YouTube Channel.

1.  Elle MacPherson
2.  Lena from Quality Rivets
3.  Alicia from Cheetah is the New Black
4.  unknown
5.  Christine Centenera
6.  unknown
7.  unknown
8.  unknown

(Please let me know if you are the owner of a photo so I can credit you properly)
Outfit deets:
* Joe Fresh jacket.
* Winners top.
* Ardène pashmina & shoes.
* H&M pants.
* Accessories:  gifted belt, MK bracelet & Swarovski bangle.

Funny how the last time I wore these pants it was in a eerily similar outfit. 

So last night I was supposed to get together with Sarah for our Christmas gift exchange but she turned up with the flu and the evening was cancelled.  We are going to try again for tonight, which is pretty exciting.  Dinner, drinks, my bff and presents?  Hello.

Happy Thursday!

I love love love navy blue.  It's classic, unexpected and not a lot of people wear it (yet?).  I have a few watches in my collection but wouldn't mind adding a navy-blue faced one to it.  These are nice, but I'm still waiting for something to really dazzle me.

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