Outfit deets:
* Thrifted denim jacket (old) that you've seen with cropped light denim (wow that's an old outfit post!).
* Part Two top (c/o Renee Levesque) that I picked up during my 'modelling' gig almost two months ago (I was eyeballing it the entire time I was there working).
* Garage tank underneath.
* Sirens leggings.
* Aldo wedge (canvas) hidden wedge boots that you've seen with red pants & with a LBD and moto-style jacket.
* H&M zipper snood that I picked up during my trip to MTL this time last year, which you've seen with skinny pants (a favourite outfit post, actually).
* Accessories:  MK watch & Aldo bangles.

What's up friends!?

I took last night to really focus on me and kick it solo.  Things have been busy lately (as I've mentioned) and while I love it, sometimes you need to get shiz done, or simply do things you've put on the back-burner or things no one else has interest in (ha).  

I went to the gym, put in a good run on the treadmill and then made my way home after picking up a baby shower gift.  I made myself a salad, worked on my blog, and just did me.  

This week is going to be nutty busy so I think taking a night to re-group and re-energize will only put me in a better place to fully absorb and take on the week (which I'm very much looking forward to). Happy Tuesday!

 Hanging out with one huge toothbrush (which was actually for my friend's costume) on Friday afternoon.

Beautiful fall trees in the neighbourhood.

Friday night sushi date.

 Saturday morning surprise:  my favourite tea.

Late breakfast pit stop before running some errands on Saturday afternoon.

My Halloween costume this year:  Baroness.

 Sunday morning breakfast:  my first fritatta, cinnamon buns & grapes.

Sunday night dinner:  Extreme Pita.

 My new hat from Le Chateau (c/o Place d'Orleans)

My (second) fave:  peanut butter M&M's.
Blogging is a job.  And a half.  That I love.  But man, it's time consuming.

Every morning for the past two weeks or more, I've told myself, 'Tonight I will blog and put something good together'.  And by good I mean an outfit post and some good ol' fashioned writing.

You see, I have a few outfits lined up in my queue, but the editing and uploading and writing and posting is keeping me from sharing them with you.  I've been so busy in the evenings (by choice) that, dare I say it, blogging has fallen slightly to the wayside (eep!). 

I hate admitting that; I've worked so hard on my blog, dedicated hours upon hours, and really put my heart into it.  I'm not stopping anytime soon, but I have to be honest when I say my content lately isn't exactly my favourite (except weekend recaps, I love those).

So, in an effort to provide you something today (ha!) I give you a few good ol' selfie shots of outfits I wore this week and last and will try to be better next week.  xo

Left to right, outfit deets:
1.  Dynamite lace top (new!), Smart Set cami, H&M pants (old), Anne Michelle heels, Suzy necklace & Coach wallet.
2.  Dynamite top (new!) & skirt (old), Suzy necklace, Auslini bangle & Payless heels.
3.  Alfred Sung dress, Aldo wedge boots (here in taupe), unknown tights & Ardene necklace.

On the weekend I spent my Sunday reorganizing my apartment.  I moved things from room to room, switched my bedroom around and unpacked items that were 'waiting' to be used.  One of these items was a beautiful frame I was given after my sister's wedding (to put a picture of us in, likely in my office) that was still sitting in it's box (the larger frame at the back).  Since we haven't gotten the digital prints from her wedding yet, I don't have a picture to use, but in the mean time, I decided to spruce up my night-table with some scarf framed art.

This project will take you no time at all, and if you have a piece of fabric you love, or a scarf and some frames that aren't being used, you're in business.

Simply fold up your silk scarf/fabric to fit the frame, seal shut and enjoy.  Easy as pie!

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