Smart Set tee, Seduction skirt, Mossimo flats, Gucci shades, gifted Auslini bangle, Bay ring & F21 necklace

Do you ever will something to happen?  For instance, willing someone to text you and then it's like, 'Speak of the devil, you ol' devil you!' when they text you?  No?  Just me?  Do you believe in willing something to happen?  I believe in positive thinking and optimism.  Willing something to happen?  Sometimes... Coincidences?  Always. Apparently there are no coincidences.  Apparently coincidences are a product of willing.  And to be honest?  I believe in that.

Veronika has featured me on her weekly 'Motivational Monday' post.  Find out about what I eat, my workout routines and why I don't believe in cheat days.

 Smart Set top, H&M jeans (last seen here), Anne Michelle heels (last seen here), Gucci shades, Aldo necklace, Michael Kors bracelet, gifted Swarovski bangle & Charlotte Russe ring

So I'm siting down writing this post when I realize my tail bone is quite tender (yes, tender).  How did that happen?  And really, how does one get a 'tender' tailbone when you don't know how it happened.  Surely the only time your tailbone hurts is when you know you've done something to it.  Thanks body, also known as Secret Agent Body.

So I'm one of those people that always has to have music playing.  It's one of the first things I do when I get home from work; put some music on.  Whether it's a tv music channel, streaming it online or (last resort) pumping it from my iPhone.  My preference is always hip-hop, dance and ambient.  The latter is always my favourite dining music.  Music is a must when dining.  And when throwing parties.  And when cooking.  And, well, always.  Agree?  Agent tailbone does.

Why didn't I pull the trigger on these while they still had my size?  Why, self, why!?  ...I guess I could still get them in orange...

 Just some recent iPhone snaps:

1.  The top I said I'd make as an April resolution.
2.  Mom's Birthday brunch (I rocked that quiche thanks to Ka).
3.  DIY'd pasta/coffee jars I made for my sister as a Christmas gift using chalkboard paint.
4.  Mojitos.  'Nuff said.

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