Last Friday my girl friends and I took the day off work (rendering us with an extra long weekend) and my bff hosted us at her place with her amazing pool.  The weather was perfect (about 35 degrees C) and we spent the day lounging and swimming, gossiping and enjoying each others' company.

We decided to make it a potluck brunch to ensure we were fed, hydrated and happy.  I brought that breakfast pizza I'm getting so good at making (and used tomato sauce on it this time; it's good!) and there was a ton of fruit, salads, dips and more.  ...And of course several cold-cooler-spritzer-liquid beverage varieties.  

I would love to share some photos with you:

Fun story: one of the girls uploaded the first photo of all of us to Facebook and we ended up getting a radio shout-out on the air!  They even named us all, wishing us a great day.  Cute!

My girl friend and I like to get together for attempted bi-weekly meals.  We live close to each other so it's great for impromptu dinners or a planned one like last night.

We decided to have fajitas and split up the ingredients to pre-shop.  I was in charge of some toppings (I made guacamole for the first time and it turned out amazing!) and the drinks.  We sat on the patio, drank, ate and talked.  She read my tarot cards and I made some distressed denim shorts for her out of her old jeans.  Then we decided to take her adorable pup for a walk and ended up getting into some crazy shee-nans at the park (check out that video below).  Aren't summer evenings the best?

Happy weekend!

Pre-show outfit: Sirens top, Stitches skirt & Spring gladiator sandals.
On Saturday night I had a little modelling gig.  Now first let me start by saying I'm not a model (obviously) but the opportunity came up so I said, 'Why not'.

A friend of a friend is in the early stages of opening up a styling business.  With the help of a local boutique, a photographer and a shoe company, she was looking to put on a small fashion show; sort of a Fashion's Night Out, sort of thing.  She recruited five girls to model (one being from an agency) and we each had six looks.  We had a fitting a few days prior to the show for the boutique and her to select our looks.

The day off, we arrived around dinner time, rehearsed, had our hair done and sat around for a while (I got a few pages in on my new book).  We helped set up the food and before we knew it, it was time to walk.  

There were about 25-30 people in the small boutique.  With each outfit we wore, the boutique's employees hand selected the accessories to match our outfit before we went out.  Sometimes we carried a bag, sometimes we didn't.   The best part was afterwards seeing the women who had watched the show, purchasing the exact look we had modeled (fun!).

While I didn't capture every look I wore from the show (it was a mad dash changing in between looks and getting back out to strut our stuff), I did manage to capture a few snippets from the evening that I'd love to share with you. 

Gosh lipstick (bright pink).

This was my finale outfit's necklace.  Worth a whopping $389!

Models helping set up for the show.

Custom cupcakes.

One of my outfits (this photo is from the fitting.  I wore the grey strappy shoes for the show).

We were asked to bring our own shoes in case the contract with Aldo fell through, 
which it did.  These were mine (among a few that are missing).
The hair chair.

Models waiting to walk.

Clothing at the store where the show was held.

Models off duty (haha).

My wardrobe.

The jewelery side of the store (all hand-made).

My first and final outfits.

Have you ever met someone you felt you knew for a long, long time, but really only knew them online?  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to hang out with another blogger?  Have you ever Skyped, emailed and bonded simply through today's technology yet never physically been in the presence of someone you consider your 'friend'?

Jamie from Glam Latte and I 'met' over two years ago after discovering each others blogs.  We became Internet friends fast and  blog comments turned to emails and emails turned to Skyping and last week that turned into meeting in person.  She tells the story so much better than I, but I have to say it was so great finally meeting my BBFF (best blogger friend for-evah; yes, we are that cheesy and we love it).  It was a fluke and the stars aligned or something, but it happened.  We had lunch, chatted for hours, and got one picture (ha!).

Have you ever met a blog friend?

My good work friend having a baby.   Her friend threw her a baby shower.  She invited me.  I went.  So did many other women.  She's having a girl.  We played games.  We ate a lot of (yummy) food.  She opened many gifts.  And we all celebrated.  Congrats Lala!

the mom-to-be & me

* PS - What I wore
extra large coffee (mandatory)  |  cruisin'

Took a lil' road trip with Christine and it was great to get away for the day.  We did some minor shopping but mainly drove, talked, and sang our hearts out (she brought two iPods loaded with amazing music).  Aren't days with girlfriends such fun?

 Purchases: F21 belt, H&M skirt & top

Purchases:  Charlotte Russe earrings, F21 necklace, ring & bangles

A couple weekends ago my girl friend took me out to Mangia for an awesome birthday dinner.  I'd never heard of the place before, let alone been there, and it was a fabulous experience.  It wasn't too busy for a Saturday night, but the service, food and decor were awesome.  The place is decorated with deep red walls, a dark wood bar area, chic cream chairs and a couple buttery leather booths in cream.  The food is Italian and the atmosphere is chic, modern and casual fine dining.  We had one of the best seats in the house, right beside the window and had such a great evening.  Thanks CB.

On the weekend, my good friend took me out for brunch for my birthday.  We went to our favourite spot and had an amazing meal (and conversation, of course).  She also gifted me with the most fabulous gift (but you'll have to wait and see. Hint). and then we partook in some retail therapy afterward.  A truly fantastic birthday celebration.  Thanks SS.

{ deux castors }

I'm a few days late, but over the holidays, my BFF had a birthday and we celebrated in style.  She invited a slew of people out to dinner at a chic new-ish restaurant in town and we dined on tuna carpaccio, assorted olives, the best meatballs in town (stuffed with ricotta) and an amazing mousse-pudding like dessert that came in a jar topped with shaved almonds.  I think everyone had a great time, the food and company were certainly delicious and it was of course nice to celebrate such a special evening with such a special friend.  Happy (belated) birthday, Beavs.

 Old Navy oxford (last seen here), Do & Be studded dress (worn as a skirt), 
unknown tights, Aldo booties (last seen on my birthday) & Forever 21 cuff

{ with my chinese-gift-exchange score: two bottles of my fave champagne }

Every year at Christmas time, my high-school friends and I (aka THE 5) get together at my place for potluck dinner and a chinese gift exchange.  We all live in various places and have busy lives and the only time we connect with all five of us is at Christmas.  We try to get together twice a year, but Christmas is always a certainty.

This year it almost didn't pan out as one friend was only in town for a few days, and we all know how busy it can be during the holidays.  However, another friend suggested we do a potluck brunch instead and it worked out so well.  We had baked french toast, veggie quiche, bacon, a fruit platter, fresh juice and coffee.  It was delicious and after we stuffed ourselves with a late brunch, we did our chinese gift exchange ($20 limit) which was equally as fun.  Afterwards we discussed who we have and haven't seen recently from High School, what's coming up in the future, etc.  It's so cool to stay in touch with friends I've had for over a decade (wow, that makes me feel a lil' old) and reminisce about the old memories and create new ones.

{ THE 5 - Christmas 2010 }

See Christmas 2009 & 2008

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