Dynamite blazer (last seen here), Mexx top (last seen here), Bongo pants (last seen here), 
Guess shoes (last seen here), Suzy belt, Aldo necklace, H&M bangle & Mexican bracelet

What's a post without words?  Um.  A wordless post?  You guys, it's so late, I'm so tired and I just need to go to sleep.  You don't mind if I skip the words this time and leave you with just some pictures instead?

PS - It's OPI 'Flashbulb Fuchsia'
J. Crew blazer (last seen here), H&M tank, Joe Fresh top turned skirt (DIY), Ardene tights, 
Bamboo boots, Urban Original belt, Aldo necklace, Bay bangle & Mexcian bangle

Lovely readers, I did it again: I cut a shirt into a skirt.  I had this Joe Fresh 3/4 sleeve scoop neck top sitting in my closet for a year or two.  I really liked it, I did, it just didn't like me.  So, during my closet clean out (a couple weekends ago) I was debating what to do with it.  I mean, I wasn't ready to part ways with it, not by any means, but at the same time, it was getting worn.  It needed a reinvention.  So, with my trusty scissors, I cut a straight line from under the armpit and made it into a skirt.  Oh, and I'm loooving this skirt.  Loving!  Others were loving it too.  The skirt was getting tons of love.  I feel like before I give away any more clothes I must ensure they cannot be cut into skirts, because if they can, well look out.  I mean, looks like I'll be adding a few more skirts to my wardrobe for free.  And on that note, I have a tutorial/DIY coming on this so you too can make your very own skirt from a shirt - so check back this weekend for that.

So I'm wearing this jacket for probably the fourth or fifth time.  It's J.Crew, I picked it up at the thrift score, I mean store, and paid like, peanuts (which technically translates to $7).  It was a little big so I put it in the dryer, that helped a bit, not enough, but I just belt it and that makes up for it.  Anyways.  While working away, I don't know what prompted me to look at my armpit, but I did and what did I find?!  A large hole.  A hole in my sweet J.Crew blazer.  I felt embarrassed.  How many times had I worn this jacket and not realized?!  Had anyone seen?!  No wonder it was at the thrift store!  This must be fixed, I thought to myself, or I'll have to spend the remainder of the day keeping my arms down (not an easy feat for someone as enthusiastic as me).  I swiftly check the other armpit and sure enough it had a hole too - the exact same size!  So I took the jacket off, pulled out my box of safety pins and totally safety-pinned those suckers shut.  Now if I would just figure out how to thread my new sewing machine I could fix it in a less ghetto way.

* Reminder:  today is the last day to enter my give-away

* Today is the second-last day to vote for me to win the shoe contest on FB.  
Vote here.  (Check out my shoe room).
 Dynamite blazer (last seen here), Smart Set top, H&M tank, Joe Fresh skirt, Aldo heels (last seen here), Suzy belt, Swatch watch, Michael Kors bracelet, Elizabeth Emily necklace & gifted BCBG beaded bracelet

While cleaning out my closet on the weekend, I came across this skirt, or should I say tank... yes ladies, that's right, tank top.  It was a long, stretch cotton tank that I purchased over a year ago and never wore.  I loved it, it just didn't love me.  It was semi-baggy, but in the wrong places, frankly, just unflattering.  I was about to chuck it when I decided to be experimental.  I chopped off the top part of the tank by cutting a line straight across the shirt, directly under the arm pits.  Voila!  Instant skirt!  It's actually pretty awesome and I rocked it immediately.

Secondly, do I look tanned?  That could be because when I took these photos I had just come from getting a spray tan.  So in reality, I shouldn't really look tanned because it takes 6-8 hours for the tan to show up... but I got a (spray) tan a few days earlier, so, I already had colour.  I was also wearing my (signature) beige (large) fishnets too but those are no good to put back on after getting a spray tan... unless you want diamond markings all over your legs in 6-8 hours.

Lastly, see the dust on my shoes?  No?  Well you will when you see the last picture.  That's from work.  The carpets, I swear, do they vacume those things?!  Whenever I wear any leather or shiny shoes they get covered in dust.  Not a huge deal... except for when you forget to wipe them off and go to take pictures for your blog and they look all dusty... right...

 Dynamite blazer (last seen here), American Apparel dress (last seen here), Urban Behaviour top, unknown tights, 
Aldo pumps (last seen here), Suzy necklace, Le Chateau bangle & Hot Diamonds ring

Do you ever buy something and over time not really love it because it's so basic or simple or just plain boring?  But over time, you come to realize you actually wear it a lot and are so thankful you made the purchase?  Case in point: these shoes.  I purchased them over two years ago, they are so simple, so plain, so... boring... I mean, compared to other shoes I have, and yet, they get a ton of play, especially lately.  Sometimes those types of purchases are the best and outlast trendy-loves in a closet.



How do I get my hair like this?  Find out.
 Dynamite blazer (last seen here), C'est Moi top, Seduction leggings, Bronx boots, 
vintage clutch (thrifted) & necklace, Le Chateau bangle & Hot Diamonds ring

Last night I went out to dinner with one of my bridesmaids (LM) -can I still call her a bridesmaid even though the wedding has already taken place?- and we ate here.  It was delicious and I'm telling you the sushi is to die for (so fresh).  It was fantastic catching up, talking about the wedding, her birthday and trip to NYC.  We were total campers and had a fabulous time.

I bought these boots last year and although the red are no longer available, you can get them in black here.

* photo cred LM

F21 jacket (last seen here), Seduction lace top, Garage tank, Dynamite blazer (last seen here),
Joe Fresh skirt, Promise heels, Foster Grant sunnies, Suzy necklace & belt

I debated for a couple months on these heels before pulling the trigger.  However, I was planning my wedding, and the finances had to be controlled (especially towards shoe purchases!).  After the wedding though, I couldn't take it any longer, especially when they gave me the opportunity to take 25% off - don't mind if I do!  Total bonus, they are quite comfortable and easy to walk in (yessssss).

Dynamite blazer (last seen here), Mexx dress (last seen here), Old Navy sandals (last seen here),
Le Chateau pashmina (last seen here), Foster Grant sunnies, A.Co Designs necklace & Aldo bangle

I'm relishing the fact that I can still go bare-legged and am not looking forward to tights.  The winter is so long here and as much as I love tights, having to wear them for six months a year is long, and can be tiresome.  Being bare-legged is so nice, easy, refreshing and free.  I'm giving it till October before I even look at my tights, then, I will bite the bullet and silently agree that winter is almost here and sucumb to the cold.

H&M tank dress, Garage jersey mini, Dynamite blazer, Ardène tights,
Suzy necklace & ring, Costa Blanca clutch, Delicious peep-toe booties

The other night we went out for dinner with our friends.  It's so nice that the weather is becoming more and more mild and dressing opportunities are more plentiful.  I wore a light wool jacket (seen here) and a pashmina (of course), and it was enough.  Do you live in a four season climate?  Are you excited for summer?

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