I grew up in a fairly Type A environment.  My mom, being someone who was super organized, tidy and on top of everything, instilled some pretty awesome skills in me.  That said, I feel the switch over to the Type B side was made somewhere around my teenage years.  Somehow my room went from meticulously neat with knick-knacks adorning every surface, to a huge mess with knick-knacks exploding from every surface and piles of clothing covering every square inch of the floor.

Although my mom never liked it...

I'm not one to typically feel affected by the winter months, although I'm not a fan of cold weather (and we've been having -30C for three months straight, almost), I do my best to make due, knowing Spring will eventually come. 
That said, this year I've noticed...

What would it be?

It has taken be some time to develop my style but I think I have almost down, so it would have to be...
If there is one thing I am not, it's organized.  I try to keep it together, but it's definitely something I work at on the daily. 
That said, although I'm not one to actively plan things in advance, over the past few years I've noticed ...

I have always loved Valentine's Day--whether in a relationship or not, it's a day to spread the love to those you love.  Of course having a sweetheart makes it sweeter, but I never pass up the chance to spread a little happiness to those I love--in the form of chocolates, albeit.

When I was younger, while other kids were getting new clothes or toys for V-Day, my Mom would always gift us with a special care package of our favourite chocolates and candies (and one time this peace necklace from Ardene that I was coveting so badly).  

Now that I'm older, and in a relationship, I love celebrating the day but my favourite gift to receive is...
After reading The Five Love Languages a couple years ago, it was clear my love language was touch.  I also grew up in a very huggy family and am accustom to greeting friends and family with a big, tight hug when I see them and when we part. 
However, over the past few months I've started to notice...

I have had this conversation with many girlfriends, and while some swear by it, others won't even consider trying it.

A few years ago I...
I love hearing what other women do for their beauty regime and I especially love beauty hacks.  I have picked up a few of my own over the years but my biggest beauty secret is...

I grew up in a fairly open family where I wasn't worried someone would come barging in if I didn't lock the bathroom door and also felt it wasn't a huge deal to not latch the door completely.  Everyone respected each other's privacy and bodily functions were definitely never something to be ashamed of.

That said, in the past, after getting comfortable with a boyfriend, peeing with the door open wasn't a huge deal, however with Marco...

I have been on my fair share of first dates, but have never experienced any real crazy behaviour.  A friend once told me about a first date she went on and the guy literally reached across the table to grab her chest, she thought he was joking... he wasn't.  

When it comes to first dates, you're most likely on your best behaviour and almost putting up a front, but what is an absolutely faux-pas on a first date?

For me, aside from groping, discussing religion is too heavy for the first date, among pulling out your phone and introducing them to your friends and/or family.  Also, if a guy burps or lets one rip, it's unlikely I'd want to see him again!

What is your first date faux-pas?  Sound off in the comments below.

It's not (Let's Chat) Wednesday but this is something that's been on my mind for a while and wanted to get your guys input / thoughts on.

Making new friends is not easy, as we get older, it's harder to meet and connect with someone to truly call them a friend.  Most people's circles are established, but, I am definitely a believer in never having too many friends.  That said, people can be flaky and after watching this short, funny video on how cell phones have made people flakier, I started to wonder: can you ever rely on anyone?

Now, I know there are people in your life (and mine) that can be relied on, but when making new friends, how many chances do you give them before writing them off?  My biggest complaint is when you make plans with a new friend and they cancel...  and cancel again.  How many chances do you give someone to become a friend?

As far as current friends, I think it's fair to be a bit more flexible, if you can; things come up, plans can change and if you really know someone, they likely aren't doing it on purpose to because they don't care.

I think two chances is fair game when it comes to a new friend.  If we make plans twice, and both times you cancel on me, I'm not going out of my way to set aside time when there is plenty I could be doing with my time instead.  Your thoughts?  How many times do you give someone a second chance?

(Photo from this outfit post).

I have a few friends, in their thirties, who have done it and everyone says the same thing, 'It makes you look.... refreshed'.

I have enjoyed seeing their results--which have been really nice yet subtle, to be honest--and curiously picking their brains about the procedure, cost and of course, how badly does it hurt?!  

While I'm not sure for myself, I am definitely not ruling it out a few years down the road.  At the same time, the thought is scary because it's your face.  I want to age gracefully, through preventative measures (SPF every day, staying out the sun, being physical active & getting plenty of sleep... that last one doesn't really apply to me) but let's be honest, it's happening whether we like it or not.

I'd love to hear your thoughts, if you've tried it before or even if you are totally against it and your reasons.  Sound off in the comments below!

An update after the jump...

Maybe you are currently dating someone younger, or maybe you have in the past?

I wanted to bring back the Let's Chat (Wednesdays) because it's interactive and I love hearing what you have to say on various topics.

For myself, although there is a small age gap between Marco and myself, he is older and there is something sexy and attractive about that.  Despite being a team, I love looking up to him, in a sense, for the wisdom he has gained in the few years longer he's been around (sounds kind of silly, but at the same time endearing). 

Your turn: would you date someone younger?  If you have, do you prefer it or feel neutral on the subject altogether?

I have a confession:  I have been feeling mighty discouraged lately while shopping.  I'm hoping a few of you are with me on this one, hence why I'm sharing.

While I love the crop top trend, it is simply not for me.  My mid section is not something I'm going to be baring, although I wish I could.  Additionally, the trends for this Spring are very body-concious, with lots of skin showing.  Crop tops, maxis with cut-outs and oblique-baring muscle tees.  It's frustrating when you want to be on trend and participate in the trends and your body doesn't quite match up.  However, I'm a firm believer in dressing to flatter your body type and these aren't my most flattering items.

The crop top I'm wearing above is something I really do love, and paired with a high-waist skirt, you're still getting the full effect of the trend.  That said, the skirt is body-concious so definitely not the most comfortable (ie. suck it in!).

Are there any trends you're wishing would work on you but just don't?  Sound off in the comments below, I'd love to hear!

I'll admit I sometimes have a hard time being social.  I love being at home and often have to be forced to get out and be social.  

Once I'm there, I usually have a great time, but beforehand, my introverted side can get the best of me.  I will often have minor feelings of anxiousness for some strange reason despite most people thinking I'm a social butterfly.

What about you, is it hard for your to get out of the house and socialize?  Or is that how you recharge your batteries?  I'd love to hear, sound off in the comments.

(Photo from a party last summer with a new friend).
I started writing this a couple months ago, but hadn't posted it.... until now:

I've been thinking quite a bit lately about how sad I am going to be when Sarah, my best friend, leaves work for her maternity leave.  As we work together, on days when she's not in the office, I'm quickly reminded of how much brighter she makes my days.

That said, it has led me to think about what qualities I truly value in her, as my best friend.  To keep this short and sweet, I've narrowed it down to my top three qualities I look for in a best friend:

1.  Connection  | Without this, there is no effortless friendship.  We hit the same wave length and are very similar, despite some of our differences.  There is a friendship chemistry at play that is never forced nor created, it's just there.

2.  Support  |  We touched on this in our BFF tag video a few months ago.  I know when the world is against me, and I have no where to turn, my best friend will lift me up and support me.  Even if the idea to her is crazy, in the moment she will not lecture nor disagree with me for she knows I need to spit it out and get it off my chest.  I need to share it and feel validated, and she always does that.

3.  Genuine laughter  |  Sarah is, without a doubt, the funniest gal I know--perfect timing for jokes?  Check.  Hilarious recounts of stories (even if embellished a little)?  She's your girl.  Cracking up a room full of people or just one lone person?  That's her!  She brings real, full bellied laughs to my life everytime we're together.  I've tried to pick up some tips from her, in observation, but the truth is, she can bring a smile to my face and laughter to my life like no other, and that is something you just can't force.

What are the top 3 things you look for in a best friend?

It's a new year and with that come along a surplus of people creating resolutions; attainable or not, it happens.  I'm a big believe in attainable, smaller, resolutions--something you won't give up on five days in.  

For me, it helps to be precise in my resolution, versus something too vague or abstract.  For example, instead of saying I want to be organized this year, I would make a plan to be more organized like, I will only let clothes sit on the floor of my bedroom for maximum three days before cleaning it up, and I will open my mail immediately and action it instead of letting it sit on my kitchen counter.

I shared my resolutions with you so Let's Chat today about yours.

1.  Did you make any resolutions?
2. What are they?
3.  How will you attain it?

The holiday season is upon us and I asked you all on Facebook if you had any topics to suggest for the next LCW (Let's Chat Wednesday--thanks Kate) and someone suggested holidays traditions and re-gifting.  So without further adieu…

I think I might have re-gifted something once or twice, but I don't tend to make it a habit.  Additionally, if I'm going to re-gift something, I'm going to add another item to beef up my gift, so to speak.

One thing I love re-gifting for though is a hostess gift.  If someone gave you something like a spa kit, a bottle of wine, or something for the home that isn't necessarily your taste, I would see nothing wrong with passing that brand new item onto someone who will truly love it.  Additionally, a hostess gift is not a gift you had to give, but a nice gesture.

Thoughts on re-gifting?  Would you?

This used to be a really difficult thing for me.  To swallow my pride and apologize.


No thanks.

You be the bigger person.

Or, it's not my fault.

However, with some time and a lot of practice, it's become a bit easier.  There are definitely times when I don't want to apologize,  but ultimately, I try to approach situations being gentle and not getting my back up.  I always tell myself to put my pride on the side and make the situation better.  An apology goes a long way, and as the age old saying goes, 'Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy?'

I thought I would bring back the Let's Chat again, it's been a while and it was always enjoyable reading your responses!

I think my earliest memory is meeting my new sister in the hospital when she was born.  I remember wearing a blue and white mini-checkered pattern dress and being totally enamoured with her tiny feet.  Apparently I held her and didn't want to give her back.

Thinking back on this feels so special; my first memory is of my sister, what a sweet one.  And now that she is a mother herself--as of just over a week ago--it's almost surreal seeing how small we once were in these photos.

What is your earliest memory?

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