Thursday, March 8, 2012

Reading Material Suggestions?

 Dynamite blazer, H&M dress (worn as a top & last seen here), Stitches skirt, unknown tights, Aldo booties (last seen here), Suzy necklace, Pandora, Dynamite & F21 bracelets

First off, thank you all so much for the amazing comments, yet again, on yesterday's post.  You all brought a big smile to my face; your compassion and empathy, your kindness and sweet words all mean so much.  Thank you.

So in other news, I am so excited: I just booked my flight to Florida!  Ya!  I wasn't planning on going down this year (financially it just wasn't feasible) but things have changed and I am going!  Yipee!  I'm so excited to spend a week and a day on the beach, wearing sandals, eating at my favourite US restaurant (Chili's) and spending some QT with my parents (they go every year and rent the same condo).

I packed a couple weeks ago and sent a suitcase down with my parents (they drive) so I wouldn't have to (a) lug a big suitcase through the airports (simply a carry-on now), and (b) have to pay additional fees to check my baggage.  Not having to think about packing in itself is a stress reliever (more on what I packed later). 

However, the one thing I am 'stressed' (if you can even call it that) about is reading material.  I love to read (especially on the beach) and am currently reading a book, but not obsessed with it (obsessed in the I-will-finish-this-in-a-few-days obsessed).  I'm looking to you dear readers for some good book recommendations.  Are you reading anything right now that I simply must check out?

I wanted to share this photo to give you guys a sneak peak into my new apartment (finding space for my shoes is a work in progress!), plus I kinda liked the photo.

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  1. I live in FL and am a librarian, so I can totally recommend some great beach reads. Before I do, I want to suggest that you go to Ross atleast once while you are here. I am a HUGE fan of their store and find the best things there. I love them so much I invested in their stock (which has gone way up!). I remember loving seeing what you picked up from Ross last year on your vacation.

    Ok here are some great books I've recently read:
    "A Dog's Purpose"
    "Hunger Games" (movie comes out on Friday, there are 3 in the series)
    "Something Borrowed" and "Something Blue"
    "Bossypants" (if you are a Tina Fey fan)
    "Same Kind of Different As Me"
    "Glass Castle"
    "The Help"
    "Shatter Me"
    "Redeeming Love"
    anything by Philippa Gregory, Elin Hilderbrand, Jennifer Weiner or Alexandra Ripley

    Let me know what you decide on! Have fun, it's been great weather down here lately!

  2. *correction* The Hunger Games movie comes out 3/23, not this Friday. I can tell you more about any of those books or suggest others based on what you like reading (do I sound like a librarian yet?!). Have a great day!

  3. This is a well needed trip, so happy you were able to go afterall... As far as reading material goes, I'm so backed up so all I've had time to read is magazines!

  4. The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini
    Baby Proof, by Emily Geffin
    Room, by Emma Donoghue
    Life of Pi, by Yann Martel

    Heads' up - The Kite Runner and Room are beautifully written and fantastic, but somewhat depressing and sad.

  5. Dang girl - that is one small closet! What are you going to do?

    Hunger Games

  6. The hunger games trilogy all the way! Easy reads! The dragon tattoo trilogy if you havent read that yet too.
    Plus The lost symbol the Dan Brown book, I think it's my fav of his, better than the Da Vinci code!
    Have fun!
    Daisy Dayz

  7. I live in Toronto and booked my flight to Florida end of April. So excited!!

    Hunger Games! After hearing so many people go on about the series I decided to pick up it up. Amazing. You definitely should check it out.

  8. I am currently reading The Maze Runner and I'm just loving it! There are three books in the series and while I have not read the Hunger Games, I hear that if you like one trilogy you will like the other.

  9. so fun! and i can't believe your parents drive all the way from canada to florida! go them! that will be a nice reprieve and I bet you need those walks on the beach this year, love it!

    love your outfit here.

    books i liked on my vacations the last couple years are: "Room" by Emma Donaghue, "The Help" and "Time Traveler's Wife" (<that's a fun read)

  10. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed.

    Definitely a life changing Journey, one of flaws and strengths of us as human beings....

    Writing is excellent and immersing.

    Hope you pick it up...

    Double K

  11. My favorite therapeutic beach read is The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway. I love it, and it always brings me peace.

    The other great book I'm reading is The Everygirl's Guide to Life by Maria Menuonos.


  12. The Hunger Games series is addicting! I read all 3 books in a matter of days.

    The Help was good too, IMO.

  13. The Help, Don't Breath a Word, I've got your number are the last ones I've read and I love them all

  14. You can never go wrong with Jackie Collins!!

  15. If only we were closer, we could be roommates and get some rockin pad and have a massive shoe room. Sadly I live in a hobbit hole. blah.

    Anyway, I also recommend the Hunger Games (totally a tween novel set, but they are great) as well as all of the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich. Or anything by Harlon Cobin.

    When I travel I download all of the $0.99 books on amazon and some are actually pretty good. Usually cheesy historical romance. I'm just that cool.

    Have a fantastic time!


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