Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Switch

Cavalini jacket, Steve Madden top (last seen here), Forever 21 pants, Club Monaco scarf, Joe Fresh flats, Liliana wedges (last seen here), Gucci sunnies, Mexican, A.Co Designs & F21 bangles & BCBG bracelet

Oh hello completely unedited photos.  I don't normally do too much to my photos, a little shading here, some cropping there, but not this time.  The main computer has been infested with viruses for months and I have been forced to blog from my laptop since last summer (pain in the butt).  However, the software to edit my photos was on the big computer (and still working) so for every post I'd be editing photos on that computer, transferring the images to a USB stick and plugging into my laptop to actually blog (just writing about it is tiring let alone...).  However, the big computer is now fixed and I can blog from it again (woohoo, mouse power) but the software I used to edit my photos is gone (gone, gone)... hence the unedited photos (did you even notice?  I didn't think so).

The switch:  heels to flats in 5 seconds flat(get it? Flat? Ha? Ha...)



  1. Sounds like my former blogging life. I have a prob with blogger right now and I just try to deal and get it published without crying. Cute shoe switch!

  2. Zip-up skinny jeans are my faves.
    Anndd I love your shoes.
    And your jacket.
    The end.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  3. Nah, you can't even tell. I never even bother editing mine! Once in a blue moon I might try to get creative but most of the time I am too busy for that. Besides the point is the fab outfit you are wearing anyway!


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