Saturday, April 30, 2011

What to Wear: Date Night

Date Night - Dress up

Date Night - Dress Down



  1. Saw a similar wedge at Aldo the look.

  2. Doing my catching up:

    1) I could never tell that you edited your photos before. Props to you for not making yourself look ridiculous a la some bloggers. I am much too lazy to do anything other than crop my pictures, and even that gets pushed to the wayside sometimes. lol

    2) I loved your hair video. I kept wanting to reply to the computer screen. . . good thing I didn't cuz that would be weird.

    3) I am in desperate need of a new jacket. I love the one you have picked out here, but I can't afford that one. If you come across any more affordable options do let me know.

    4) I am glad that you are back on the blogging train.

    Have a great weekend!


  3. That jacket is amazing, and the Dress Down set is prettty much my uniform lately. So easy, but still cute and a good wedge adds some "pow" to any easy outfit. Great picks!



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