Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Private Property

  Gap denim jacket (thrifted) (similar here), Lily Pulizter top (last seen here), H&M skirt (last seen here),
Dynamite belt, wedding shoes*, Kathy van Zealand bag & uknown bangles

On my way home, I was looking for somewhere different to take some photos and decided the entry way to a golf course would be great.  Wrong.  Since it was 'prime time', most staff were leaving (either that, or there were a lot of golfers in today's dreary-rain) and people would literally come to an almost-complete-stop and stare at me.  Awkward much?  I even had three people stop to see what I was doing and two to tell me it was private property - okay thennn.  So I took my camera and bolted.  I won't be going back there again.

On a side-note, I bought this jacket last week from the thrift store in my quest for a DIY.  Once I got the jacket home and washed it, I realized I loved it too much to 'trash' it with my planned DIY.  So, I've decided I will use a different jacket from my closet.  So stay tuned.

 * these are my | future | wedding shoes! 
I know, I know, but they need to be broken in, sadly. 
Thankfully I'm breaking them in too because they are killing my feet

{ there is a hook & eye for this top, as you can see, but I prefer it left open }


  1. Great outfit! Love the wedding shoes!

  2. I don't know why but I've never thought of breaking in wedding shoes!! I've always had the idea that they should be first worn on the wedding day, but you are totally right, breaking them in is a much better idea!

    They are gorge by the way!

  3. great belt! i love your future wedding shoes too.

    Enter to win sunglasses, ELF products and Forever 21 jewelry on my blog giveaway!

  4. Love the outfit! That belt is so cute.

  5. HA! too funny, I am always taking pictures in the most ridiculous places and getting STARED at. OH well, guess they arent bloggers! :)

    xo Lynzy

  6. hahaha, don't you hate it when you think you've found a great semi-private place to take photos, only to find it's not at all?! that happened to me recently with a government building, figured everyone would be long gone by 5:30pm - wrongggg. cute wedding shoes!!

  7. I just love your bag, so cute.

  8. BBFF! I love everything about this outfit! The skirt, jacket, bag and those bangles!! Best of all...the wedding shoes!! Are those the CL's you have been searching for??

  9. Great idea to break in the shoes. They look amazing and very versatile. Also, great bag and belt.

  10. Love the wedding shoes! Oh private golf people are sooo snooty! Who cares if it's private are they blind!! Hello hot girl in view. :) xoxo

  11. How funny about people telling you it was private property! Your wedding shoes are fabulous, I hope you can break them in and get them more comfortable before the big day.


  12. That sucks about the awkwardness! The photos turned out great though! I love the outfit, especially the shoes! So perfect for the big day!

  13. Cute shoes! I need to get a pair of nude colored heels. Like now!

  14. Golfers can be such bitches, eh? You think people these days would catch on to the whole "just taking a photo of myself" thing but noooooo.

  15. hahah so awkward at the golf club :( that's funny though. Great outfit, I think the bag is the best standout piece with the rest of your post. and yay wedding shoes!

  16. THOSE SHOES! <3
    you look perfect, as usual.
    i love all of your professional classy looks.<3


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