Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sweet Strawberry Shortcake

{ fresh whipped cream }

For the evening of Fathers' Day, we headed over to my future in-laws place for a BBQ.  Everytime we go there, it's a huge feast, and as I've mentioned before, my fiancé's mother is a super chef.  She made fantastic burgers from scratch, along with three salads (mixed greens, potato and pasta).  However, my favourite part of the meal was obviously dessert.  She had picked strawberries that very morning and baked some tea biscuits.  When the time came, she whipped up some fresh whipped cream and we all indulged.  And when I say indulged, I mean really indulged because I couldn't get enough and had two. Ha.

Costa Blanca top/dress, Seduction tube top, Jacob Connexion skirt,
American Eagle sash, vintage necklace, Bay bracelet,
fiancé's watch (last seen here) & Tiffany bracelet


  1. Oh yum! You look great :)

  2. YummY! I love strawberry shortcakes! You're outfit looks cute! Love the top!

  3. That strawberry shortcake looks too good to be true!

  4. WOW, can I have that for breakfast?

    xo Lynzy


  5. never seen it made this way, but then again, this might be the "normal" way to do it and I've been messing it up all these years. Ha. Looks amazingly delish!

  6. Mmmm... that looks absolutely delicious! I love that coral/orange colour on you, so bright and summery!

  7. you master chef, this looks freekin DELICIOUS.
    as do you, in that adorable outfit.

  8. Mmm this looks so yummy.

  9. things i thought after reading your blog:

    what the heck is that baby carriage watermelon? its insane, but amazing!

    um i need to go eat/make strawberry shortcake. seriously im hungry now.

    you are pretty and apparently talented at sewing. which i am jealous of lol

    :) love your blog

  10. Adorable!!! AND scrumptious! Love the recipe bloggin! xx


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