Thursday, June 24, 2010

Point Redemption

F21 jacket (last seen here), H&M Dress (last seen here),  Skyluxe wedges,
Joe Fresh necklace, Swatch watch (I won this!), Aldo ring & unknown bangles

So while doing some grocceries the other day, I of course had to peruse through the clothing department.  Yes ladies, in Canada, we have a groccery store with clothes.  The line is called Joe Fresh and it's super cute.  They carry a variety of items at great price points, including business casual, athletica, swimware, shoes, undergarmets, accessories and more.  I saw this necklace over a month ago and fell in love... but I resisted.  I didn't need it per-say, as as you know, I'm trying to save for the wedding (August).  Imagine my surprise when I saw it for 50% off!  It was a no brainer.  On top of that, I've been accumulating points (through my groccery shopping) and have been waiting to redeem them - perfect opportunity!  So, I didn't fork over any cash, just used my points and left very happy (and guilt-free!).


* I finally gave in and got a FORMSPRING account. 
Click the link to ask me anything.


  1. Love the black and gold!

  2. Awesome outfit!!
    I adore your simple black dress.
    You look so gorgeous<3


  3. LOVE the watch! How lucky of you to win it!! Jealous!

  4. Awesome!! That is so cool that you get points and can use them like that ! :D :D

  5. what an adorable animal print jacket!

    xo Lynzy

  6. ok, if I could wolf whistle I totally would! You look HOT in that dress! (I also love that you gave a shout out to Joe... we all know that I love it!) xx

  7. Black and gold go so well together.

  8. Don't you love grocery store pojnts?? We don't have a clothing section, but I get anywhere from 10-20 cents off every gallon of gas.. wooo.. yours is better=) I simply adoreeeee that jacket hun. You look so sophisticated:)

  9. That dress and jewelery are so perfect for work; I love them!

  10. Just discovered your blog! Great find~sure wish we could get a fashion fix at our boring ol'gorcery stores:) We have to settle for Chips Ahoy...thanks for the comments;)

  11. I love your leopard coat! It's wonderful with the black and gold.
    And that necklace is gorgeous, I love how it lays.

    Chic on the Cheap

  12. First off, I didn't notice that you were in Canada! I dig it. Secondly, that is so funny they have clothes in the grocery store, I have never heard of that. Lastly, amazing finds! I love the necklace. You look super cute as always.

  13. BBFF you look great! Um...clothes in the grocery store would be a seriously health hazard for ME!! LOL I am doing everything i can to avoid shopping right now!

    Thanks for the heads up on that link the other was a mistake but I corrected it :)

  14. I think I would be more intersted to go grocery shopping if we had clothing in ours!! xoxo

  15. someone looks unbelievable in that black dress.
    WOWWOWOWOWO! <3333


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