Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Throw Your Diamonds in the Sky

A.Co Designs top, H&M denim, Aldo shoes (last seen here),
Swatch watch (last seen here), Bay ring & necklace & thrifted clutch

I wore this out to dinner for my Aunt's birthday on Saturday night.  Almost immediately after capturing these shots, my necklace broke.  Not impressed.  I'm hoping I can fix it with some super glue but I guess we'll see.  The kicker though, is that it's one of my more expensive (costume) jewellery pieces.  I certainly scored it at a deeply discounted price, but initially, it was pricey!  It always amazes me when my more costly items break and the cheapie stuff outlasts it.  Something is wrong with that picture.

Lastly, this top is another one of my creations, made without a pattern and I have to say, it's probably my most favourite article of clothing I've ever made (not that there are tons, but a few which you can see here, here, here, here, here & here).  I've worn it twice within two weeks (which is kind of a record for me - I really try to spread things out), like this, and once to the office tucked into a pencil skirt.  The cut is perfect for me (boatneck, cap-sleeve, long in the body, slightly a-line & low back), in my opinion, and it's comfortable.  When I saw the fabric, I had to have it.  I initially planned to make more of a tank style, but then grew ambitious and this end result was more than I hoped for.



  1. love how you've accessorized here! you look beautiful!

  2. I'm so jealous of your mad sewing skills! That top is perfect on you and it looks great with the white skinnies!

  3. Perfect summer outfit. Light colors, great bag...LOVE the shirt!! (add to my Christmas list ;)
    And your hair looks great!! :)

  4. I love that top! I am wearing white pants a lot this summer. These pictures are interesting and brilliant. Great job!

    xo Marcie

  5. I have missed SO many of your posts and they are SO FUN!!! I love all your outfits.:) You are going to make such a beautiful bride.

  6. The clothes you make keep getting better and better! This is probably my favorite too! It's the perfect shape and color. And congrats on being featured in Fabsugar!!! You look amazing, as usual. :)


  7. Gorgeous!! I lovee white pants! I really need to try some of these out! xo

  8. LOVE IT! Shame the necklace broke, I hope you can fix it! :D

  9. Great outfit - the top is amazing!

  10. That top is lovely. I can't believe you made it. Way to go.

  11. oooh, so lovely! conglatulations

    xoxo, Cassie :)

  12. You did an amazing job on the top, the fabric is gorgeous!

    Chic on the Cheap

  13. I'm sorry your necklace broke, it's so pretty. I'm a sucker for your shoe shots!

  14. Loooove the shirt, great fabric!! Nice work. You should definetly do a tutorial...or get it on Etsy. :) Bummer on the necklace, hope you can fix it.

  15. Great outfit, and I totally love the shirt!


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