Today I'm finally sharing my shoulder workout.  Several of you have asked to see what I do when I workout, which is super flattering so thank you!  I'm no pro but have been lifting heavy weights for about a year and a half.  Prior to that, I was all about classes and cardio but for the first time in my life, lifting weights has shown me that you can change your body through exercise.  It's amazing to see little muscle slowly starting to pop (under a little layer of dessert, albeit!) after all the hard work.

I'm no expert, but with the help of my boyfriend, a few friends and various fitness apps and YouTube videos, I've learned quite a bit.  I also wanted to show you how you can do this workout without a gym membership but with some simple free weights you could purchase for your home.  

Finally, I aim to do five different exercises, for the specified body part, and I aim for three sets of each with 10 reps.  Remember, form is most important so if you're losing form, your weight is too heavy.  It's better to have great form with a slightly lower weight to build your muscles and avoid injury--as time goes on, you will be able to lift heavier.
Full workout after the jump...
Outfit deets: Marshalls dess, BCBG pumps & vintage clutch

Friday night was Marco's Christmas party and I had fully intended to wear this dress which I purchased two years ago after that photoshoot and still had the tags on, but when I shimmied into Marco's closet to show him I was ready, he wasn't feeling it.  The above dress was my back-up and I kind of wanted to wear it so I quickly changed and we both agreed it was the better choice and off we went

More photos after the jump...
Last night, Marco and I hosted the second annual Secret Santa friends party at our place with a group of 15.  What a hoot!  Everyone brought a dish for the potluck and let me just say, some of our friends have a passion for cooking (we even call one friend the Cullionaire, he's that good).  From gourmet deviled eggs, to spicy shrimp, fancy cheese plates to take-out egg rolls from the best Chinese spot in town, and more--the food table was bumpin'.
We drew names over a month ago and set a $30-no-gag-gift limit.  I think everyone was pretty happy with their gifts from cool printed screen tees (like mine below!), amazing hot sauces, a board game, fancy liquor, a customized blanket, jewelry and more.  We chatted, drank and ate our way into the night while Christmas music streamed from the speakers.  A real festive and fun night leading up to the holidays.

This year I have decided to partake in Vlogmas or Vlogcember which is essentially vlogging everyday until Christmas.  I tried last year but gave up after a couple days because it is a bit of a commitment filming your day and editing it altogether at night.  However, it's been a fun process so far and I love watching others so here we are.  Additionally I can imagine it will be nice to look back watch in a year or two from now, just as it is re-reading older blog posts.

I have been consistent with my uploads and you can see all the videos here under my 'Vlogmas' playlist.  If you'd like to check out my other fashion, hair, make-up and lifestyle videos you can do so on my YouTube channel (I'm acoest1984).

Thanks for watching! xo

Outfit deets:  Dynamite scarf (new!), TNA 'Aspen' parka (old), Urban Planet leggings, Rampage boots, Aldo bag & headband, Michael Kors sunnies & hand-made mitts (by my Grammy)

On Friday morning, after a party for Marco's birthday with our friends, we headed to Toronto for a long (birthday) weekend.  After a short flight we arrived and decided to walk the 3.5kms to our hotel.

I snapped this pic of the CN Tower in the distance on our way to our hotel while crossing a bridge.

 Click for more photos...
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