Outfit deets:
* Premise blazer which you've seen in the fitting room when I purchased it
* Zara top which you've seen with white pants.
* Zara pants (new!).
* Accessories: Foster Grant sunnies, Suzy Shier necklace, Swarovski bangle & gifted chain bracelet.

I walked out of the store without these floral trousers from Zara and turned around and went back in to purchase them.  Clearly something changed on the walk out.  Although I'm mainly loving neutrals lately, when I do add colour I tend to like to add it on the bottom (shoes fall into this category for sure).  I could also see myself pairing this with a pink-red top or white top with nude heels.

Photos by Serena Rivard.

Outfit deets:
* Urban Planet overalls (new!).
* H&M dress (worn as a shirt) which you've seen, as a dress, when I went to Tremblant last winter.
* Iro Saika heels (new!).

I love the overall trend but as similar to maxi dresses, have had the hardest time finding ones that fit my 5'11 frame.  The bib is never long enough and the fit is always off.  I came close to purchasing a pair in Vegas but wanted a darker wash.  I'm glad I held out as I found these ones last weekend and was shocked when not only did they fit, but I had to size down (they are made big).

I was kind of torn as to whether it was in the cards for me to pull off this trend after shrinking my shorts overalls in the dryer (I actually haven't tried them on since doing this because I'm pretty sure I'm going to be super bummed they don't fit anymore). I also tried on an acid wash but wanted something a bit more chic (if calling overalls chic is your sort of thing; it certainly is mine).  These ones have some distressing on the legs and a slightly wider opening at the bottom--versus being a full on skinny.

Lastly, let's talk about the shoes you guys.  Yes!  I bit the bullet and bought the long-covetted Iro Saika shoes.  I'll share more in a post dedicated strictly to them because while they aren't everyone's cup of tea, they are mine and I'm stoked (like, walk around the house in them stoked).

Photos by Serena Rivard.

Friday was great, I went for a pedicure, did some shopping after work and then met up with Marco at the gym.

Afterwards we...

More photos after the jump...
Outfit deets: Urban Planet sweater & Chiqle denim.

What are you up to this weekend?

I am going to spend some time cleaning out my closet as I have a consignment appointment later in the weekend and a garbage bag already full.  I'd love to indulge in some wine and carry on watching season 2 of Orange is the New Black (are you guys watching? I'm on episode three).  And on Sunday, we are celebrating Fathers' Day with a BBQ at my parent's place.

Have a great weekend & happy Friday the 13th!

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