My answer is simple: no.

I have a good job, a great job even, that affords me a pretty nice life style.  I'm not rolling in money but I can buy things, go out and well, enjoy life.  I am so grateful for my job and that I am able to do these things, and worked very hard to get to where I am.

Disclaimer aside, it's not my passion. 

I'm not living what I love. 

I dream of a day where I'm living what I love, doing something in fashion, or social media, blogging, styling or helping people get dressed.  These are things I'm passionate about.  These are things that get me excited.

These are not things that would currently pay the bills.

I struggle with the idea of ever leaving the job I'm in.  It's a job many people would want, kill for even, and like I said, it affords me a lifestyle I like.  Leaving it would be so scary, and if I didn't make as much money, would I be as happy or comfortable?  I don't even feel that comfortable, so I can't imagine making less.  On the other hand, if you're doing what you are really passtionate about, wouldn't that be enough?

Sound off:  are you living what you love?

Outfit deets:
* Forever 21 jacket (which is more of a burgundy colour than the reddish tone it's showing up in these photos) that I picked up the day before my trip to Dominican and it's finally warm enough to wear it now.
* American Eagle sweater cardigan which you've seen with white skinnies (kind of love this post) & a black/white combo outfit.
* Joe Fresh chiffon top which you've seen with different denim last summer.
* Foxy jeans (see when I purchased them years back) that you've seen with a cognac leather jacket and with my fave snood.  These are cool jeans because they are super long and slightly boot cut at the bottom so they always cover half my foot.
* Aldo wedges.
* Accessories:  Ardène clutch, Gucci sunglasses, H&M bar necklace, The Bay turquoise necklace, F21 horn necklace & various bangles/bracelets.

Happy Tuesday!

Last night I spent hours upon hours re-filming my next Place d'Orleans vlog.  I set aside the entire day Sunday to prep, film and edit and used all my hours only to start editing the footage--which took over an hour to import--and realize the lighting was terrible and I was out of focus the entire time.  Ugh.  So frustrating when you think you're being productive for, oh, seven hours or so, and you're not. 


I rushed home yesterday after work to re-film while there was still some daylight left, spent hours working into the night editing and sent it off this morning.  I'm really pleased with how it turned out, and even though I had to re-film, the final results were worth it because I was really unhappy with my first cut.  I'll share the video here (as always), once it goes live.

Here's a funny/awkward story: while taking these pictures--alone--this young guy and his girlfriend pulled up, rolled down the window and asked if I was okay.  I told them I was fine, and they proceeded to stay parked exactly where they were about four parking spots away from me and watch me.  I'm serious.  They didn't leave, so finally after a good 10 minutes, I hoped in my car and drove away.  Gawd!  Can't a girl take a freakin' photo (or 20) of herself without being creeped on?

So after my big, long post about going Gluten-free, I had this.  The bf really wanted this for dinner, and sometimes we need to compromise (haha); at the same time, I felt pretty crappy after the fact despite it being delicious.

Saturday trip to Ogdensburg, NY to pick up my new summer tires for my car.

Kiki getting her new wheels.

Once we got back into town, we went for a late breakfast on a patio.  Welcome back, Summer!

Saturday afternoon I went shopping but not before giving my girl a bath.  Couldn't resist snapping this shot.

Saw these heels at Aldo and posted them on FB.  I think I need these in my life very, very soon (the black).

Saturday night we grabbed some take-out and sat by the canal to eat.  So peaceful, warm and we saw some ducks too (& fed them!).

On Sunday morning I got an early start to my day as I knew it'd be a long one...

...I filmed all day long and into the evening only to discover (after hours of filming an over an hour of importing the footage) that my lighting was terrible and my focus was off the entire time.  Argh!  Have to re-film tonight; what a frustrating day.

A mid-editing afternoon snack.

Doesn't dinner always taste better when someone else makes it?

Happy Monday!

Expressions necklace, $30

I'm so excited about my new necklace that I picked up this weekend at The Bay.  While I will be showcasing this in my upcoming vlog, I wanted to share it here anyways because it's just so freakin' awesome.  I'm loving big, chunky, shorter necklaces right now and have been on the hunt for them.  When I saw this, despite the slightly steep price tag, I had to have it. 

Unfortunately it's not on The Bay's website right now, but you can find all the Expression jewelery HERE.

Weekend recap coming up this afternoon!

When Def Shop contacted me about doing some shopping with them, it only took a few minutes of browsing their site before saying yes (yes, yes, yes!).  Their style and asthetic totally fit mine and I love the variety of brands they carry.

Not only do they offer many familiar & stylish brands for girls and guys (Maison Scotch, Supra, Killah, Lacoste, Miss Sixty, Wesc, Jack Jones, etc.), the site is easily navigateable and well laid out.

Of my favourites, they carry Vero Moda, a brand I'm already familiar with and love, hence why I jumped at the chance to get my hands on these very tops I'm rockin'.  I almost went with these pink Supra hi-tops (remember when I was covetting them?) but ultimately decided I'd get more use out of the tops--that said, I am still covetting the shoes, ha!

Here are a few favourites I'd love to get next:
* A bright pink trench coat for Spring.
* Dark distressed denim, perfect for date night.
* I like this Pharrell hoodie --even if it's for the boys.
* An amazing (faux) leather jacket (I wish I saw this one before, I so would have picked it!).

For the boys:
* A twisted hoodie for movie nights or casual drinks.
* The perfect belt.
* These hi-tops are so cool, imagine undone with some jeans tucked loosly into 'em.
* A cute old-school pull-over jacket that's been modernized.

* This post is sponsored by DefShop.  I was given the opportunity to shop with them but all items were chosen by me.  As always, thanks for reading & for supporting my sponsors!

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