Outfit deets:
* Cantas tee (local boutique) that I've had for a few years
* F21 skirt that I also have in blue/black
* Sbicca wedges that I picked up in Florida last month
* Bijoux Terner necklace, F21 bangle & (faux) Rolex

So I picked up a Groupon for a Barre Method class pass and went for the first time on Monday night.  I am still sore.  Soo sore. 

I consider myself to be in pretty good shape; I try to get to the gym several times a week, I run frequently and can run a mile or more without stopping, I always take the stairs, I will park far away to get in more steps and sometimes go for power walks on my lunch hour.  I'm by no means the fittest, leanest girl, but I do like to try and be healthy.  I figured the Barre class would be tough, but was looking forward to it. Let me just start by saying, this class is no walk in the park.  

Using your own body resistance, small hand weights, a ballet bar, a resistance band and a small ball is all you need for this kick-ass, one hour class.  It's a combination of small, controlled movements that don't ever seem to end.  When you're tired and ready to give up, the instructor pushes you to keep going for quite a bit longer and there are often no rest periods in between movements.  It's killer, but such a good work out.  By the end of it, I was sweating buckets (highly attractive) and my legs were shaking so bad (anyone familiar with the knee-cap shakes?) I thought they were going to give out on me.  

My ribs feel bruised.  I can barely walk down the stairs.  I'm hurting, but it's a good hurt!!  I highly encourage anyone to give one of these classes a try if you like to push yourself and try something new.  The class targets your core, thighs and butt, and hell-o, who doesn't want to target those areas?

This is a (spray) tan tat.  The most permanent thing to a tattoo that I likely will ever have.  Tattoos kind of scare me, for me.  I enjoy them on others but would you believe I actually have nightmares about getting a tattoo and being so remorseful I turn to hysterics?  Weird.

Trying out Five Guys for the first time & la-huvvving it.  |  Friday night dinner out with beer.

Apartment city view.

Friday night's dinner:  1/2 Fish 'n Chips, 1/2 Burger

New trainers (from Marshalls).  I have been in dyer need of new running shoes for the gym, but have been putting it off (see: would rather spend money on heels).  I found these on the weekend, last pair, my size, and the perfect fit (plus they are neon, and I'm kind of loving that right now).  So I bit the bullet and forked out the cash.

New (reversible) dress from Marshalls.

I discovered these crackers in Florida: Wheat Thins, Sundried Tomato & Basil and am obsessed.  We don't have these in Canada and I brought back a huge box from Walmart... and they are almost all gone.  Wahhhhh.  |  French onion soup

Bought some new shorts for working out from Walmart ($6!) and took them out for a run.  Then I made nutella-crepe-roll-ups.  Wah wah.

Friday's casual ensemble: jeans, hot pink & espadrilles.

Before & After

As my grandparents prepare to sell their home, they are slowing cleaning it out.  They have us family over frequently to go through things and pick out items we might like to have.  There have been several trips over there and several scores made, thanks to their generosity. 

On my most recent visit, as I was looking around the basement, I saw this very old, powder blue book case that was housing stacks upon stacks of paper.  I stood there staring at it, envisioning what it could be, but wondering if I would actually take the time to DIY it or if it would just be another, 'I'm going to do this-project' that gets put in storage (or a box!).  I ultimately decided it would be a great storage solution for my small apartment and that I would make something of it.

I asked my Poppa if I could take it home and he looked a little stunned.  Pointing to the bookcase he said, 'This thing?  You want this?' and I smiled and nodded.  Turns out, my great-grandfather built it decades ago and it was handed down; making this piece even more covetable, family history.  He emptied all the papers from it shelves, dusted it off and I managed to pack it into the trunk of my car.  I got to work almost immediately sanding it down and painting black (a can of paint I already had) and after a couple coats and some touch-ups, she was ready for decorating!  

I have to say I'm pretty pleased, the overall project took about three hours and the end result is so worth it.  When I showed my grandparents the pictures you see here, they couldn't believe it and seemed quite pleased with my project; I certainly am.

 Outfit deets:
* Calvin Klein dress (from Ross) that was a birthday gift from my parents (that I picked out).  First time wearing this!
* Dynamite faux leather, perforated blazer (a Christmas gift from my parents).  Seen with a ruffled top and navy.
* Payless heels (new!).  Love these and saw my mom rocking them and had to get a pair for myself (that's a first!).  They have a snake-skin print to them and a lower heel, which is nice for those days where you want a heel but don't want 4+ inches.  These are also super comfortable and when I went shopping with my girlfriend to get them, she picked up a pair for herself!
* Accessories: H&M necklace, Pandora bracelet, Suzy rings & Jacob bangle

Monday is here already!  My weekend went by fairly slow, and I did quite a bit so I can't complain too much.  That and with the weather getting warmer, it's getting lighter earlier in the mornings and the sun is staying out past 7pm making getting up for work on Monday not so bad (I'm grateful to have a job also, as there have been many lay offs recently and it's just awful).

Friday night I went for a massage after work at a new spot and it was amazing.  The girl really knew her stuff and gave my muscles a good work out.  Afterwards it was home to get ready and out to dinner.  Saturday ended up being a totally impromptu shopping day with one of my besties and I finally got to check out the new Marshalls that just opened up here; and you guys, I picked up some killer finds (video coming) that I'm extra excited about.  That evening was a birthday celebration for my grandpa (85!) and I hung out with some girlfriends afterwards.  Sunday ended up being totally lazy (well, I did go for a 'quick' 2km run, which is pretty impressive since I never workout on the weekend) and while I felt a little unproductive and bored at times, meh, sometimes you need that on the weekend.

A look back at a few of my favourite outfits from this time last year...

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