"If you get kicked in the rear, 
it's because you're out at front."
       - Joel Osteen

While leaving the gym a couple weeks ago, a trainer had set up a table by the front doors and was handing out dixie cups filled with a green 'energy' smoothie she made.  I, of course, grabbed one because (a) I just finished a workout and was famished, and (b) I'm always up for trying something new.  

Turns out although it looked nasty, it tasted delicious.  

She had kindly printed out the recipe and had a stack of 'em for people to take home (with, of course, her personal training coordinates).  A few days later I made my own but it didn't turn out green like hers, and I had to improvise a bit because who really keeps almond milk and two kinds of yoghurt in their fridge at the same time?  Not this girl.

Healthy Smoothie:
* Frozen banana
* 1 Cup of Milk
* 1/2 Cup of Yoghurt
* 1 Cup of Frozen Berries (I used strawberries)
* Handful of Spinach*




* I know what you're thinking, 'Spinach?! In a smoothie? Really Amanda? Yuck!' 
but seriously, you don't even taste it. And it's good for you. So do it.  Do it good.
 Joe Fresh top & skirt, Aldo wedges (last seen here), unknown tights, Club Monaco belt, 
Ardene necklace & Costa Blanca bangles

These photos were taken at 5:10pm.  Welcome to November.  It gets dark so early now, it's almost depressing.  The only thing that is saving me is the still-visible grass.  If you could advise the weather man to prepare the snow for Christmas Eve, that'd be great.  Just great.

When I put on this skirt with the chocolate brown fishnets, it just felt too scandalous for work.  The skirt is somewhat on the short side for me but I didn't want to give up the look of texture on my legs.  In a quick decision (as I was running late) I decided to try layering my tights and it worked.  Chocolate brown opaque tights underneath the chocolate brown fishnets I had initially chosen. 
 Smart Set trench coat (thrifted) & Stitches fur stole

The other (weekend) morning, in a semi-rush to get out the door, but a desire to not spend money on breakfast, I whipped up these breakfast sandwiches.  Easy, healthy, and cheap.  I used what was in the fridge, so feel free to improvise with what you've got.

* Bread for toasting
* 3 eggs
* Ham
* Spinach
* Red onion

Heat a bit of olive oil in a skillet.  Saute your chopped onion.  Crack your eggs and poke the yokes.  Add ham and spinach and let the bottom of your egg mixture cook. 

When the top is fairly firm (not very runny), split your egg mixture into two or four (depending how good your flipping skills are) and flip.  

Toast your bread.

Remove egg mixture (fully cooked now) from skillet, place on toast, add ketchup/mayo/whatever-your-lil'-heart-desires, and top with other piece of toast.

(Wrap in tin-foil if it's to-go &) enjoy.

Garage denim jacket, Joe Fresh sweater, Brody Myles top, H&M pants, Aldo boots (last seen here), 
Club Monaco scarf, H&M bangle & Bay ring

I rushed to take these photos.  Can you tell by the stunned look on my face?  Ha.  I was on my way to zumba, it was starting to rain, it was the end of the day, I was rushing, and the lighting was way off.  I ended up with these two work-able photos, not my favourites... but I did like this outfit (and my MTL girlfriend asked me to share with her how I would style my new red pants).

Thursday, Thursday, the day before the wonderful Friday.  Tonight I'm going to dinner with my grandparents and mom and then we are going to a musical (live play).  I'm not really a huge theatre go-er, but it was sweet of them to invite me and I get to spend some time with some of my favourite people, so, I'm in.

In other news, I bought three new rolling racks from Canadian Tire (50% off till today!).  I already purchased two from Home Outfitters which collapsed under the weight of my clothes (grrrr) so I returned those.  These ones are more 'heavy duty' so hopefully they will work.  If not, I will be lugging them back to the store... kind of how I was seen lugging them around the store.  This girl, of course, did not take a cart and was trying to carry three massive (and heavy, might I add) boxes of rolling racks. 

In a mini skirt no less.

Fortunately, a nice man in his fifties offered to help me carry them to the cash.  And he had a limp.  Like WTF, I should be helping him.  How nice is that?  He said it was his good deed for the day and to 'pass it on'.

I will pass it on.

Have you done a good deed lately?
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