After a year of being told and untold many times that I would be moving offices, it finally happened, and I got a window.  Woohoo!  The view isn't spectacular (a roof and connecting building), but in the winter, the snow squals in this little alcove are awesome and it's a window, hell-o.  I'll take a window over no window any day and this is a refreshing change since I've been located in the basement* for over a year now.

* It's not really the basement of the building, more like ground level or a walk-out basement, if you will (aka you know the bugs you might come across in your basement?  Well, you might have come across them in my office.  Ack!).  There were windows, just none near my office so natural light is a refreshing change.
 H&M purchases: dress, zipper snood, skinny pants, top, dress, bubble skirt, cropped skinny pants, dress

 F21: skirt, skirt, dress, skirt

H&M: silver & gold necklaces

Jacob moto-jacket 
This wasn't a purchase yet given to me from my girl friend that I stayed with as she didn't want it anymore.  
What a score, 'eh!?

Related Posts:
 Ashley B jacket (last seen here), Old Navy tank, Jacob skirt, Aldo booties, 
Joe Fresh necklace, H&M bangle, Bay ring  & Gucci shades

The weekend is here!  After a long week at the office, which included moving offices, I'm completely exhausted and in need of a good sleep in.  Can't wait to do so tomorrow morning and enjoy the fall weather coming our way this weekend.  What do you have planned?

I'm not really a baby person.  Does that sound bad?  It's true. I'm not one to ooh and ahh over a baby, coo at them or really take any interest in them.  It always felt awkward, and weird, like I just didn't get it.  I sometimes felt weird being a girl who wasn't into babies.  I've never been one to yearn for a child or wish away my freedom (aka baby-free life) too soon for a baby, and while I would like that someday, not just yet, please. 

However, that is slowly changing.  Instead of feeling 'meh' about babies, I'm starting to really like babies.  I even request to hold them when they are around and I like to make those silly noises and talk in that elevated voice.  I'm even quite comfortable holding a baby, whereas before it was total awkwardness.  And while I'm no where near to being close to wanting my own, I'm kind of digging babies lately.  How do you feel holding a baby?

* That cutie that I'm holding above is the reason I attended a baby shower back in the spring.  Isn't she adorable!?

Costa Blanca blazer, Old Navy tank, Boom Boom pants (last seen here), 
Gap wedges, Suzy belt worn as a necklace & F21 bangle

I've noticed a shift.  A change of sorts.  When I started blogging, I was all consumed with other fashion/person-style bloggers, couldn't get enough, fashion, fashion, fashion.  Well, apparently I'm growing diverse in my ripe ol' age of 27 as I'm beginning to see a shift.  I'm now more interested in content, not just fashion.  I want to read what you have to say, even better if it's the nitty gritty of random weekends, how cooking something ended up a disaster (or an amazing dinner party), or simply how the previous evening went down.  Sure, pictures to accompany these words are great, but I find myself coming back for more and more... words.

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