I came across Fashion Is Poison's blog today and am completely tearing up over her post about her late puppy, Daryl

What an amazing, sad story, but the pictures are just beautiful.  See for yourself.
While perusing Diamonds and Tulle, I came across The Little Things We Do's Q&A for today! Fun! Let's fill it out ... and don't forget to link back!

1. If I could medal in an olympic event it would be snowboarding because I do it, but to be that good would be fantastic.

2. If I was stranded on a deserted island I'd take my fiancée, food, toothbrush (& paste!), and music.

3. Spiders are my most irrational fear.

4. I'd rather sleep in and go shopping everyday, than get up early and go to work everyday.

5. I am hungry as soon as I wake up. (same!)

6. I should really be workinggg.

7. One of my favourite things in all the world is dessert!

The Nautical theme seems to pop up every Spring in the stores (and in the previous fall on runways) prompting a slew of women, for the first time in a long time, to crave stripes (and US combo colours, and cute sailor-printed items, etc.). I am one of those women. I love the freshness of crisp white pants with a navy thin-knit or pairing a great pair of red wedges with a navy blue dress.

If it hasn't become evident yet, I'm officially putting it out there: I have a small shoe obsession.  I was playing around with my photo editing program and thought this turned out kind of neat.  This is a shot of a portion of my shoe closet - the wedges.
My fiancée & me are celebrating our Valentines' Day a couple days late(r) because we had to work on the actual day.  Love is in the air <3

How did you celebrate?
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