Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Best Pizza in Italy at Dar Poeta

On our way to Rome, from Florence, we sat across from a guy on the train who had been staying in Rome.  Of course I asked him if he had any recommendations for food and he did: Dar Poeta.

He raved that it was possibly the best pizza in Italy, and since we'd already tried Gusta's, it was only natural to compare the best to the best...


We dropped our bags and headed out into the cold, rainy afternoon in search of said pizza.

When we arrived, there was a 20 minute wait, but we had just walked 3kms and a 20 minute wait, in the cold rain, wasn't going to stop us from trying this deliciousness.

Once inside, you're crammed into a tiny space with tons of other diners.  The place itself isn't glamourous, somewhat of a hole-in-the-wall, down a somewhat hidden alley way, but was packed and well worth the wait and cramped-ness.

The pizza menu is extensive and I knew exactly what I wanted when I saw the Bufala Pizza; copious amounts of Buffalo mozzarella?  Yes please!

Marco ordered a marharita and added spicy salami and basil and was completely impressed with his pizza too.  We dug in and mmm'ed and ahhh'ed through the entire meal.  We both agreed that while we loved Gusta's (and did end up going back when we returned to Florence at the end of our trip), Dar Poeta was officially our favourite pizza of Italy.

We loved this spot so much that one night, after we slept through our 9pm dinner reservations elsewhere, we called a cab at 11pm to take us back here to get a late night dinner.  They close at midnight and we got a table straight away, despite it still being busy at such a late hour.  

Also!  If you're in the mood for dessert, get the Nutella calzone--the perfect way to end your saucy meal!

Vicolo del bologna 4500153 RomeItaly
12:00pm - 12:00am
No reservations


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