Thursday, April 16, 2015


There are really no words for the beauty of Positano on the Amalfi Coast, so instead, I'll overload you with some photos and tell you about our experience...



We left Rome and took the train south to Salerno, a two hour ride, and from there we rented a car to drive to the Amalfi Coast.  It wasn't a far drive, only about 40kms, but driving in Italy is definitely an experience! 

For one, the rules aren't really followed, and as Marco described it, 'People drive as if they are walking'.  And while it is pretty chaotic, and a little nerve-wracking (as experienced many times in the back of taxis), the drivers don't seem frazzled, everyone is aware of what others are doing and it almost feels choreographed, how everyone moves together.

That said, driving ourselves was a little different of course, but it wasn't much city driving and it was the best way to get to the Amalfi Coast and also see some beautiful views along the way.

Now, I will say that driving along the coast, after passing through Sorrento and heading into Postiano, the hairpin turns are tight and the guardrails are small!  I shared this short video of our drive from when we left, and frankly I was a little on edge!

The photo above and below were taken as we drove along the coast--simply stunning (and a long way down).

However, once we arrived, the views were simply breathtaking...

While we stayed at hotels for our first nights in Florence and Rome, we stayed at this AirBnB for our two nights in Positano.  It was a really cute spot that was located high in the cliffs, but one that had a most beautiful view.

Once settled, we wandered up the street to a local restaurant which was so convenient because it was just steps away and we were pretty tired by the mid-afternoon.

I can't remember when this place was called, which I feel kind of bad about--I have been consciously taking photos of the menus to ensure I don't forget all the great spots we discovered along our trip.  That aside, they were so friendly and welcoming when we walked in and when they took us over to our table, we had this unreal view...

Seriously, right!?  Wow.  Stunning.

I had the manicotti to start and Marco grabbed an spicy penne.

...which we ended up swapping half-way through the meal to share a taste of each!

The view tho.

We split a bottle of white--we normally go for reds, and red was definitely the theme of the trip but a crisp white for lunchtime was refreshing and a nice change.

Then onto lunch: I ordered a margarita pizza, being such a pizza connoisseur (ha!), I couldn't resist trying this out.  Marco had a massive sausage, which oddly didn't come with any sides.

After lunch, we went back to the apartment for a quick cat-nap.  Once rested, we decided to descend the 1000+ steps down to the small town and beach of Positano...

The decent down is definitely not for the faint of heart--actually, more like the climb back up, which is 1.22kms straight up.  However, if you're not up for a sweaty climb, you can always take a taxi.  We moaned and groaned the entire way up, but afterwards even Marco exclaimed, 'I feel so accomplished!'  I think we were just paying for all the wine, pizza and pasta we'd been indulging in!



  1. Beautiful photos! The food & the views look equally as amazing :)
    I was in Italy last summer and though we didn't make it to this area, the coastline was by far one of the best parts of the trip!

  2. @Malou: Thanks so much! Where did you stay in Italy? I agree, the coastline is other worldly!


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