Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Under Construction

Seduction sweater, Dynamite skirt (last seen here), Aldo wedges (last seen here),
Dynamite belt, Joe Fresh necklace, Ardene & F21 bangles

Okay, it's been two weeks since I blogged (unless you count the Covet post I threw up last night).  You're probably wondering where I've been (or maybe you could care less - ha)?  Well, I've been going through some life changes and I'm not quite ready to talk about it yet, but I'm around and alive.  I'm under construction, so to speak. I miss you all terribly and haven't had a stable access to Internet for a while, which definitely affects my blogging.  However, that has changed and I'm getting back into the swing of things.  I have some exciting news coming up and a give-away too!  Stay tuned my lovely readers, I haven't forgotten you, so don't leave me now.

Go girl.

Go boy.



  1. I've been wondering where you've been :) Glad you're posting and I hope everything is ok.

  2. I've been wondering too! Hope you're okay :)

  3. hope everything is ok. happy that you are back to blogging.

  4. I’ve been reading your blog almost daily for a while now, and I don’t think I’ve ever commented on one of your posts before, but after reading this I wanted to tell you how much I love your blog and miss your posts. It’s pretty apparent that you’re a genuinely awesome person and I’m truly sorry if you’re going through some difficult times. It seems like you have a great support system of friends & family, and I hope they’re there for you right now! Best of luck with everything :)

  5. Hope you are okay!!! Lots of love for one of my favorite bloggers.

  6. Your readers do miss you! Hope everything is okay...happy you are back.

  7. Are u getting a divorce?

  8. Hey Girl!! Happy to hear/read from you again. As with the others, I hope all is well. I also hope you are getting better weather up there than we have here in SWO. . . it is crummy.

    Internet hugs!


  9. I have been missing your guts! So happy you are back.



  10. I have MISSED you! Just saw this post and your others! I always love your outfits and what you have to say!!

    Hope all is well!! XOXO

  11. hey lady! glad you're still around. hope all's well. xx

  12. Hope you're hanging in there--glad to see you're back up and posting.



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