Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Sweet, sweet readers:

Thank you so much for your comments on my 'Under Construction' post.  I've never received so many (amazing) annonymous comments and you have truly made my day.  Do you know how nice it is to come on my blog and read that you care?  That you are worried?  That you miss me?  Wow.  I'm blown away and so grateful.  Thanks for your compassionate and sweet words, thanks for leaving a comment, and most of all, thanks for reading and making my day.


1 comment

  1. First time commenter, been reading for a while. Your blog is one of the very few sites I check daily and like many of the others, I was getting a bit nervous. Ok, a LOT nervous. I LOOOVE your taste in shoes (as well as everything else) and sorely missed the near daily posts!

    You're an incredible person and anyone who knows you in real life is incredibly blessed. Whatever trials life may be pitching at you, from what you've showcased on here, you'll be able to rise above and beyond and emerge better, and with even more shoes!

    Thanks for interacting with us and responding to questions on formspring. It made MY day weeks ago to see one of my questions answered :D

    Crossing my fingers hoping that an upcoming giveaway will be a pair of shoes from your closet!


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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