Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Older Woman

 Dynamite blazer (last seen here) & dress, Guess slingbacks (last seen here), Suzy belt, necklace & ring

My grandparents invited me to a special soiree a couple weekends ago.  I took advantage and dressed up in a new dress and heels.  Funny story: a middle aged woman comes up to me in the washroom and compliments me, she then tells me that when I walked past her table earlier, her sixteen-year-old son's jaw dropped, which was followed by his 18 year old girlfriend smacking his arm.  Nice to know I'm attractive to a teenager and I'm not 'old' (because I totally thought being a decade older than him would be, you know, 'old').  I had a good laugh and proceeded to receive a few evil eyes from said girlfriend.  Isn't love grand?

My mom & I were taking a shot and my Grammy jumped in at the last second (so cute)


  1. I love that dress and the belt looks fab with it!

  2. Haha too cute! Love that you're his older woman crush! And hilarious that the girlfriend was giving you stinkeye all night!

  3. you're too gorgeous.,
    what an adorable family.<3

  4. Hahahaha! You still got it! LOL Heck yeah! If you got it flaunt it! ;) Love this dress!

  5. of course he looked! You are hawt! I love the outfit!

  6. Pretty dress! Love the picture of you, your mom, and grandmother all together. You all look very much alike!

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  8. I am absolutely loving your blog......following!!


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