Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Weekend Come

Blogging with a treat
 3 Fighter Jets

Modified 'Warrior Bowl' with quinoa

This week and weekend has flown by.  I killed it at the gym four days in a row now (yes, there is a first time for everything), the weather has finally started to be nice (go sunshine, go heat), and the weekend turned out great (a little girls dinner, a couple movies, and great food and company).  On top of that, I celebrated a good friend's birthday with lunch out, had my first Frappuccino of the season and 'met' with my BBFF (best blogger friend forever, oh yeah, we're those kind of friends) on Skype for the first time ever (and she's awesome).  How was your week?

Here are some fun links from around the web:

* Natalie featured me and my How-To-Tie-A-Scarf tutorial (fun!).

* I had a few gift cards and I used them to purchase one of these designer handbags.
(can you guess which one? + I'm doing a little squeal on the inside)

* Are Chinese mothers superior?  Either way, I still love the article.

* My latest read (so me, ugh).

* Did you watch the Oprah finale?  She had some incredibly inspiring quotes.

* I need these flats (but not at that price).



  1. Sounds like a pretty fun and productive weekend - congrats on the feature!

    Chic on the Cheap

  2. Love the weekend snaps - that avocado looks YUMMY. Excited to see which of those purses you ended up getting... even better when it's a steal :)

    xo, alison*elle

  3. Awwe, BBFF you're pretty awesome too! It sounds like you had a busy week/weekend of you time, which is definitely a good thing! I am trying to do the same right now and focus on ME! (I'll let you know how that goes! LOL)

  4. Doesn't the weekend always fly!!
    I watched the Oprah finale, and I agree she had really great advices. xo

  5. ahh i need to start using the BBFF acronym! love it!

  6. How did you like the book?? I found it very enlightening...


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