Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Healthier Tuna Melts

While driving home from the gym the other night I knew I'd be eating solo and wanted something quick, healthy and to be able to use ingredients I already had (I really didn't want to stop at the grocery store!).  I decided on the tried and true tuna melts I often make in this situation.  When I got home, I realized there was no mayo but remembered a friend had advised me years ago that you could substitute humus wherever you used mayo (a trick her doctor taught her).  I actually had humus and gave it a shot and it was actually really good.  From now on, this is how I will make my tuna melts.  Now, to keep humus on hand will be the tricky part...

What you'll need:
- 1 can of tuna (preferably in water, much healthier)
- 1 or 2 stalks of celery (or something crunchy - I like the crunch)
- block cheese (I used what I had on hand, cheddar)
- a spoonful of humus
- some sort of bread
- an oven, pre-heated to 400 degrees F

Chop celery, cheese and mix in a medium bowl with the canned tuna

 Add a spoonful of humus (I just winged this, you might need a bit more/less)

Spoon tuna mixture onto your bread (I love using a bun but was trying to be healthy 
so I used 12-grain bread), on a baking sheet & pop in the oven for 20 minutes 
or until cheese is melted and the tops look slightly browned



  1. Mmmm this looks delicious!I'm sooo going to try this one tomorrow after gym!
    Thanks for the idea!

  2. as the new year begins, i'll be trying out this recipe for sure. thanks!
    ps--i have a giveaway i think you'd like.


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