Monday, December 20, 2010


Urban Behaviour sweater, H&M tank, Stitches skirt, Sirens leggings, 
AMI boots (last seen here), A.Co Designs necklace & Suzy ring
While visiting my BFF in Toronto I was telling her about my newest colour combo obsession, navy and black.  She said that she was always told, as a kid, that if you wore the two together, you'd look like a bruise.  I never heard that before, although I did hear other 'fashion rules' (ex. blue and green should never be seen...., etc.).  And then she put on a green top with a navy blazer (and looked awesome).

So this sweater is just like this one, but navy, which I cut in half to make into a cardigan.  I was so impressed with myself (wow, I used scissors) and excited to wear this one.  I mean, I know it wasn't hard to do, but I took a sweater I hadn't worn in a couple years, and I've been wearing it quite a bit now - how's that for shopping your closet!?

So lastly, how was everyone's weekend?  I know I didn't post, I was pretty sick all weekend long, just feeling crappy and laying low (which you might think would inspire a post, but I was just trying to stay away from the computer for once... which isn't easy since I'm obsessed!).  I did, however, get a bunch of cleaning done around the house and a ton of laundry - it's like I have all the 'good' and 'favourite' items ready again! Yipee!  I need to pick my Christmas outfit this week.  I stay at my parent's house on Christmas eve so I have to plan and pack something for that day.  The last two years it was a dress of some sort, with leggings... this year?  I don't know, I can't predict the future, but I could see it involving leggings. 



  1. The sweater turned out great! I like navy and black together. Theres too many rules about what you "can" and "cant" wear together, makes life more complicated!

  2. Love how this turned out! I'm wearing stripes and a cardi in my post tomorrow!

  3. Love how this turned out! I'm wearing stripes and a cardi in my post tomorrow!

  4. Love your revamp of your jumper and also very relieved that your title is about colours - I thought you might have fallen over again. Phew.

  5. hahaha, you most certainly do not look like a bruise my dear! ;)

    Glad you are feeling better after the weekend! hehe. I definitely need to decide on a xmas outfit too since I have my xmas, my bf's xmas and then a wedding within 3 days! ah! foresight is a must!


  6. haha, I'd never heard of that saying either! I always mix blue with black ;)

  7. Great idea! It came out really good too! If I attempted it would probably have been a mess! LOL I'm still trying to figure out my Christmas wardrobe. I have Christmas eve and Christmas day...decisions, decisions!

  8. ohhh pretty boots! love the entire outfit :)

  9. I always swore by those lame "fashion rules" and then I started blogging, and realized how great it looks to BREAK them. You look really cute!

  10. i love that you recycled your sweater! i thought about doing that, i always end up chickening out.


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